I'm sorry for not updating quickly, I have been ill the past few weeks and my laptop has been in for repairs. This is Timella's side to the restoration and then I'm going to have to talk in Marty's point of view of all the events of BTTF 3 altered. I have missed you all and I hope you enjoy this chapter!
September 8, 1885, 7:48am
A girl sighed in a desert like environment with large timber buildings overshadowing the area. It was early morning. Buford Tannen had begun his zombie like marching towards the bar where Doc was about to swig down a potent drink and be rendered unconscious.
Blood dripped freely to the dirt as Melanie staggered towards the bar, not making one sound. The baggy ruby stained clothes glued themselves nonchalantly around the ectomorph's frame as she lithely moved towards her destination. Chagrin worked its nervous path across the face of a female adolescent as a sudden wave of realisation hit her like a steam engine. Her acquaintance was quickly sprinting towards the place where the past version was about to knock himself out. She didn't want to risk teleporting in this time closer to the bar and risking the futures of Tannen, Brown and Mcfly once again.
'Just… Better hope… I get there… In time, gotta get back in time.' The teen feebly thought.
Back at the bar, Doc was about to down the alcohol that would KO him. A masked figure appeared in the doorway – silhouetted by the sun, ready to storm in when he was hurled backwards by a lengthy, sturdy rope. At the other end of the loop, Timella was yanking the body towards her at breakneck speed – noticing Marty sail past her into the timber tavern huffing.
"Great Scott! Who are you?" Exclaimed the masked person.
"No one important. The person I have visited will remember me with their memories of the original twist of events taking place." Responded the young girl.
The two both flung their heads towards the bar, only to see a plank of an old man was unconscious on the timber floor. Timella grinned deliberately at Brown and slingshotted herself into the bar – such an odd sight seeing a bleeding female who didn't in the slightest look normal!
She had to be quick if she was to stave off the full transformation into the evil that was Mcfly's alter ego. The teen pulled out a syringe which contained a mixture of Valium and Morphine – hopefully Melanie would be able to lower Marty Mcfly's heart rate enough to keep him tranquil.
Before she was spotted by the other men of the nearly compromised timeline, she flung with all her strength the needle to pierce Marty's arm. Once the contents poured into Mcfly's veins, Timella hastily teleported out and away from the bar and in turn, the Doc that was there to remove the gun began to fade from existence.
"What did you do?" He asked as she reappeared behind the bar.
"Tranquilised him. The timeline should no longer be in danger of being altered now." Answered the continuously bleeding girl, "See you in the future, Doc."
Well, this might be a bit of fun, don't quite know how it will pan out because I also had to rethink and rework this chapter quite a lot in order for the events of Back to the Future III to slot back into place.
Reviews Responses Time!
HISHE Fan: More about her past may be part of an extra part in the series - thinking about it after I played TellTale Game's BTTF :D Such an awesome bromance and there are so many bits where I can re-introduce Timella. Thanks for the support!
Doc: Thanks for the continuous support Doc! More of her past may be coming up mind you :)
The Evil Al: Thanks sweetie, its great to have awesome support from everyone :') I wanna cry because nearly all of you followed me from my very first BTTF fanfic. For that I'm grateful.
Marty: Thanks! :O Glad it pleased you more, I'll keep writing!
Storm of the Dark Doctor: Don't worry - the Dark Marty Series may have one last surprise in store for all of the supporters.
Scarred Time Circuits: My apologies I was late back due to illness and a gash laptop. Glad it was a great b'day :) Awesome pressies! Yeah, I'm just full of surprises at the moment - there may even be an extra episode for the Dark Marty Series :) Keep watching :)
The Amazing Spider Pig: I'm updating now that I'm better and able to write more often :)
CarJackar: Well again I thank you for all your support I hope you carry on reading, even after my slow update xD
Psychotic Demon: Thanks again :) Her past is kinda depressing I suppose looking at it in another point of view :( But I guess that's all part of the mystery to this teen.
Smexy 10: I have updated even with my dreadful lateness :( Thanks for the kind comments yet again see ya soon.
bTtF fAn: Thanks I did, I got a body warmer almost exactly like the one Marty wore in the first BTTF. :D So happy that day! Anyway thanks for the support much like the others ^^
Creamsely: Sorry I'm late too Cream D: Thanks for the Christmas review that made me even happier! Oh my god that means a lot to me so thanks uber much :D Yeah 'Evans' is not a Russian Surname, but I didn't want to go to into depth - father is American mind you. Thank you again for the crit and support in this fic, I really appreciate it! :D
Well like I said, thanks to everyone who has supported this series over god knows how many weeks xD There might be one final surprise in the Dark Marty Series so stay tuned and loyal folks :D