MirskianQueen: Since two heads are better than one in certain things, I've decided to coauthor this story with my beta... ForeverWildfire2.0
ForeverWildfire2.0: Which I'm having a lot of fun with as I love to offer ideas. All writers experience writers block. And we are no different. Wait... will this be on both our accounts?
MirskianQueen: I think having the story on both our accounts would be a good idea-
ForeverWildfire2.0: Lol, maybe we should get to the story... so without further adieu.


Anakin renounced the darkside after he killed the younglings, horrified by what he had done, Anakin returned to Palpatine's office to confront him only to discover to Palpatine had already escaped. Anakin turned himself in when Obi-wan and Yoda returned. For his crimes, Anakin was sentenced to death.
But after his execution Anakin is brought back by the Force... With no memory of his past.

Chapter 4

His wife... Anakin stared at Padme, his eyes wide with shock. She was his wife? Startled, he had leapt to his feet, but was now thinking that had been a bad idea considering he was suddenly feeling dizzy. He started swaying and Padme quickly (quick for a pregnant woman anyways) stood up and braced him against herself. "Ani? Are you alright?" He only nodded a little as she helped him sit down. After the dizziness left, he looked back at her in question.
"Then that means that they're my children?" Putting his head in his hands, he sighed frustrated. "Why can't I remember anything?" He looked up at her. "What's wrong with me?" Padme's eyes widened at him.
"There is nothing wrong with you Ani." Swallowing, she shook her head. "I don't know why you can't remember, but I promise, we'll figure it out." He gazed at her in consideration?
"Even though I can't remember, I know I can trust you. But for some reason, a part of me is afraid to do so..." Padme knelt in front of him and grabbed his hands gently.
"It's because you are afraid of being hurt again." Looking into his eyes, she reached up with one hand and held it to his cheek. "I never betrayed you, and I never will. But you were hurt by some people that you had thought you could trust. Maybe it was because of this betrayal that you lost your memory in the first place. I can't be sure as I wasn't allowed to be there..." Padme paused, unsure how much, or how little she should tell him. She smiled gently, "Everything will be alright." It had to be, although, from the disbelieving look on her husband's face, he didn't share her optimism.


"We must bring back Skywalker, he is a danger to everyone." Master Windu warned the other council members. Shaak Ti shook her head.
"The fact is that he doesn't remember. I agree that the fact that he can instinctively draw on the force is troubling... but because of his memory loss and what had happened here, I must agree with Obi-wan. Perhaps it would be safer for him and us if he were in a peaceful and quiet place." She argued with the others.
"Contained, Skywalker must be." Yoda said softly, "If find out about him, Palpatine does, harder to capture him it will be, unless here, he is."
"It is not the Jedi Way Master Yoda, surely you must see that? He has no memory of us or anything for that mat-" Allie was interrupted by Windu.
"That's just it..." He looked at the other Masters. "What if the Sith got a hold of Skywalker while he has no memory? It would be disastrous for us all."
"So to protect us, we should imprison a man who has no memory of any wrongdoing?" Plo Koon shook his head, "Perhaps if we want Skywalker safe and sound, not to mention away from any Sith, then we should give him limited freedom. If he is contained to a cell, it could make him succumb once again to the darkside." He offered.
"So what? We place our trust in someone who has already broken nearly every code we have? Someone who has been influenced by the darkside? Someone who has killed other Jedi as a Sith?"
"He also saved many Jedi, by calling off Palpatine's order." Kit Fisto shook his head, as he looked at Master Windu. "He renounced the dark side, and if Palpatine had not fled, he would have fought him too." Sighing, Master Windu shook his head.
"Skywalker still has to pay for his crimes-"
"He already did! What more can be done once you execute someone? Not to mention when they are brought back by the force itself. He must have been brought back for a reason, of which we have to trust in the force." Master Fisto argued.
"Perhaps what Skywalker is going through, is punishment enough." Luminara spoke for the first time, causing all heads to turn towards her. "He has no memory." She continued, "He cannot remember his own wife, or his best friend... And when his baby is born, he will find it difficult to feel anything for it, with no real memory that the child is his." Her comment brought the Masters to silence as they thought of what she had said, Luminara shook her head. "Let him stay with Senator Amidala, at least with her, he will have some peace."
"Bad it is, to allow young Skywalker such freedom. However, good it is, that he doesn't remember." Everyone turned to Yoda as he spoke. "Remember not, his mother's death. Began his descent, then it did. First use of the darkside, it was." Yoda looked at Luminara. "Perhaps a test, this is hmm? For Jedi, and Skywalker, perhaps? Have faith in the force, we must. For now, free, will Skywalker be. However, if falls to the dark side again, he does, contained he must be."