The Old Days

AN: I'm love to think about how life was back before the Amanto ruled the country. These are a bunch of one shots that depict lives of various Gintama cast. They have nothing to do with each other (episodic like Gintama show).

If anyone has any ideas or prompts, I'd like to hear them. Enjoy

"You're dead, Zura!"

"It's not Zura, it's Katsura! And you have no proof that- ow, leggo my hair, Takasugi!"

"If I think you did it, I know you did it! Now give it back!"

The two children were arguing- now fighting- outside the training grounds of the dojo, rolling and screaming around in the dirt. Katsura was at a considerable disadvantage, being the main victim of Takasugi's vicious attacks. The other students looked at the quarrel warily, and then left once they received Takasugi's demonic glare; it was bad to cross him when he was in that mood.

After what seemed like several eternities (for Zura especially), they were finally interrupted by Gintoki, who walked out onto the training grounds picking his nose with as much dignity a child could muster.

"What're you guys doing? I though Sensei said to watch the dojo while he's away?"

The two boys ignored the silver headed child, only continuing their battle as it grew more deadly with each passing second.

Gintoki's dead fish eyes' twitched. "I said, 'what are you guys doing'?"

"Zura, I swear if you don't give it back right now, I won't be able to explain to Sensei about the "little mess" that's going to forever stain the floor!"

Gintoki's teeth gritted together. "I said-!"

Zura cried, "I didn't take it! Really, now let me go-!"


The boys briefly paused in their scuffle, Takasugi's foot grinding into Katsura's poor face. Takasugi glared, "What do you want, Gintoki? I'm busy right now."

"I can see," Gintoki said conversationally, hands tucked into his hakama pockets. He walked over as though his friend was not on the floor, his pleas for help muffled by his attacker's foot. "What'd he take?"

"My notebook," Takasugi said through gritted teeth, turning his furious gaze onto Zura who flinched. "He took it, and he won't give it back."

Gintoki raised one eyebrow. "You mean Sensei's book? What do you want with that? I don't even remember what we learn in class."

Takasugi's harsh hold on Zura loosened momentarily before tightening twice as hard. "It's important," Takasugi snapped. "That's all. It's Sensei's. That's why I need it. So Zura," his tone dropping suddenly to drip with quiet venom, "Give it back. Now."

Katsura was too intimidated to even correct Takasugi about his name and only stuttered, "I didn't take it. I swear, Takasugi, I don't have it! I pay attention in class- I don't need it!"

Takasugi almost cursed and missed the drop of color in Gintoki's face, who had suddenly started looking around for casual exits to leave through. "Then if you didn't take it, who did?"

"I don't know! The last time I saw it, I saw Gintoki take the notebook! I thought you let him borrow it!"

Everything froze. The other students outside anxiously awaited Takasugi's reaction. Gintoki had frozen midstep, trying to back away. Takasugi robotically lifted his foot and released Zura, who scrambled up to meet Gintoki's eyes apologetically. Takasugi turned to Gintoki who smiled nervously.


Silence. Then, "Uh, you see, I fell asleep one time, so I missed these notes. I really needed them, and Zura's writing is plain chicken scratch- wait, Takasugi, please, I'll give it back! Ow! Calm down- ow! Zura, where the hell do you think you're going?!"


A few beatings later, Gintoki sat on the dojo steps supporting a wounded body and bristling spirit. "Dumb Takasugi," he muttered, flexing his fingers to make sure they still worked. "Just because he loves precious Sensei so much ..."

The darkening of the sunset was brough to Gintoki's attention, his silver hair red in the light. As the sun set, the rest of the land turned darker, the flowers sleeping, the waters still, and the sky yawning as the night approached. And with night, Gintoki knew, would be the arrival of their morning; the students' light.

"Shoyo Sensei's back!"

Gintoki leaped up from the steps, already forgetting the pain in his body and his irritation. As the other students gathered to greet their beloved, their treasured teacher, Gintoki could guess that Takasugi had been one of the first ones to welcome him back.

I think that Takasugi really did love Shoyo Sensei. When I think of his adult character, I feel so much hurt for him. But if I write about his child character before their Sensei was taken away from them, I want to make it happier. I don't know about others, but I think he deserves some happiness.