With encouragement from God Of Twilight, I have decided to put up my multi-chapter story of Izaya and Namie. I hope you like it and that it doesn't disappoint. It would be awful if you ended up not liking it after I put it up there for you. :) Also, for those still waiting for the next chapter of Trapped, don't worry I will post isn't a new chapter this week!

Enjoy the story and leave a review on your way out!

Disclaimer: I do not own Durarara!

Izaya hadn't been in the office for a whole week now, and Namie was getting irritated. No Izaya meant no updates on her brother's whereabouts and no paycheck. That did not sit well with Namie at all. Not only was he not answering her calls, but he was also ignoring her texts and emails as well.

Something just wasn't right.

Izaya always answered his cell phone with either a text or a call. He liked to be well informed at all times and his phone helped with that. It was unusual for Namie to not be able to get a hold of Izaya. He always answered when she called, if only to annoy her. He wouldn't just ignore her. He enjoyed taunting her way too much for that.

She hated to admit it but she was starting to worry, and that irritated her more than anything else.

Why did she care if he was okay or not? What did it matter to her if he hasn't been home in a while? Why should she worry for that insane, self-centered, delusional, twisted maniac that was her boss, anyway? She should only be concerned for the wellbeing of Seiji, so why was she standing here worrying about Izaya?

Namie didn't have an answer to any of those questions and it was driving her crazy.

Her thoughts continued in a similar fashion for a while until she heard a knock at the door.


She hadn't been expecting anyone. She had canceled all of Izaya's appointments for the week due to his untimely absence.

Well, nothing to do but open the door and see who it is. With any luck, her precious Seiji could be visiting her. Highly doubtful, but still a slight possibility.

When Namie opened the door, she was disappointed to find, not her brother, but some delivery guy holding a rather long package with a smile.

The man wore a stunned look, and had a slight blush on his face as he stared at her for a very long minute. He thought she was beautiful, and she was, of course, but she didn't appreciate the staring. It irritated her.

When the man finally managed to compose himself enough to speak he said, "Excuse me Miss, but are you perhaps, the secretary of Izaya Orihara?"

"Yes, I am. What do you want?" Namie replied with her usual bored expression, hiding her irritation quite well. She wanted to get this over with as soon as possible so she could begin to locate her much despised boss.

The man continued to stare at her for a while longer, seemingly trying to find something intelligent to say. Coming up with nothing, he decided to just do what he came here for.

"Um, uh... we got this package addressed to the secretary of Izaya Orihara. I need you to sign this form and take it."

A package? Who would be sending her a package? Not very many people knew she was living here. And those who did know certainly wouldn't have a need to send her anything.

"Does it say who it's from?" Namie questioned the young man as she flipped her dark brown hair absentmindedly.

The man looked the package over before replying, "No, there's no return address or a name on the box at all. It just has your address and 'to the secretary of Izaya Orihara' on it.

The man looked at her, only to look down again as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"All I know is that the box appeared at the post office earlier today with instructions to deliver it at 2:00 today," the man looked back up at Namie, who was scowling at him now, and continued, "They even paid extra to make sure you got it on time. Well, are you going to take the box or not?"

Namie gave the man a hard glare and he flinched away from her. She looked back at the box suspiciously and decided that she might as well take the stupid thing.

She took the box and form from the now terrified man and signed the form as she sighed loudly.

She handed the paper to the delivery guy and asked him one last question before shutting the door, "Do you at least know what is in this thing?" She indicated toward the box by lifting it.

The man outside her door gave her a sheepish smile before saying, "Afraid not, but whatever is in it is starting to leak so I would hurry and open it if I were you."

The man waved at Namie as he left and she watched him go until he turned around the corner. Finally she went back inside the empty apartment and put the object in her hands on top of the counter, slightly pacing in front of it.

'That took longer than I would've liked,' she thought, 'though I suppose that was partly my fault.' Namie looked back at the box and noticed something odd.

The box WAS leaking, just like the man had said.

The bottom of it was starting to crumple like paper would when in contact with a liquid. That made her even more curious about the contents of this peculiar package.

Namie walked back toward the counter and examined the item further. In doing so, she realized that the box was gaining a pinkish tint to it.

"Weird. What could be in this thing anyway?" Namie questioned as she opened the box.

What she saw chilled her down to the bone and caused her heart to stop completely.