Angels and Fairies Don't Mix Well

Me: I do not own anything except for my OCs.

Kate: more of date day with Kellyn

Kellyn: *blushes* can we stop calling it a date?

Keith: even if we do, it's still a date

Me: when Karrie and Keith go to Pueltown festival in "The Thing With Hajimes" is evidence of that, especially looking from my perspective, the readers' perspectives, and Rhythmi's perspective

Keith: hate being a third wheel and creepy

Karrie: hehehe, you were call creepy

Keith: why are you so amused by that?

Ashleigh: she's a bit high off of chocolate right now

Karrie: no, I'm not *face covered with chocolate*

Kellyn: T.T who gave you chocolate?

Karrie: I helped eat all of Garnet's baked goods :D

Ashleigh: she ate almost everything that had chocolate in it =.=

Summer: lol XD

Keith: O.O I want food now

Sarah: *brings in a cake* leftovers!

Hannah: *walks in with a giant cookie* so glad we have Garnet and Sarah to make us food. Surprisingly, Moon can bake too

Nick: *follows with an ice cream sundae* but everything she makes has some sort of berry in it, it's weird, but oddly tasty

Keith: I love you guys!

Sarah: O.o *lets cake down* do I want to know?

Me: no need

Ben: time to start the show! I call dips on a piece with flowers and berries!

Chapter 21

Keith sighed as followed Kate and Kellyn a few feet back through the forest. Sometimes he hated his job. In his defense, he had to go through the forest anyways to be closer to Karrie. When Kate and Kellyn stopped to look at the view by the cliff, Keith decided to keep going. There was no need for him to be constantly watching the two. Keith got lunch at little café while Kate made Kellyn take her to an actual restaurant.

They headed to the ice skating rink in the afternoon. Keith sighed as Kate held onto Kellyn's hand.

"What's wrong?" Kate asked.

"I hate how I'm being a third wheel on your date with Sparkles," Keith replied and Kellyn blushed.

"I doubt anything would be much different without you," Kate commented. "Kellyn's an idiot when it comes to love."

"Am not," Kellyn protested. Keith then spotted Ashleigh and Karrie eating ice cream nearby.

"Karrie!" Keith exclaimed before running over.

"Huh?" Karrie asked as she blinked and looked around. Keith sat next to her with his legs on the opposite side of the bench than hers was. Keith licked Karrie's chocolate ice cream.

"Yummy," Keith commented and Karrie turned bright red. She put her hand on his face as he tried to eat more of her ice cream before trying to push him away.

"My ice cream!" Karrie protested as she accidentally bumped into Ashleigh.

"Eh?" Ashleigh commented as her ice cream slipped out her hands. She quickly tried to catch it so it wouldn't touch the ground. She succeeded, but would have fallen on her face if she had not been caught by a pair of strong hands. Ashleigh blushed as she looked up at the owner of the hands. It was a sand covered Kaleb. "Thank you."

"No problem," Kaleb replied with a slight smile. "Be careful." Ashleigh stood upright on her own and turned to face Kaleb. She tripped over her own foot and sent her ice cream right on Kaleb's face.

"Uh oh," Summer commented as she came up from wherever Kaleb had come from. Ben and Nema were with her.

"I'm so sorry," Ashleigh exclaimed and Kaleb blinked before licking some of the ice cream off his face. He smiled and laughed a bit.

"It's alright," Kaleb replied and Ashleigh blushed. Kaleb took the ice cream cone from Ashleigh. "I'll get you a new one."

"You don't have to do that," Ashleigh said as she got napkins. "It's my fault, not yours." Ashleigh started to wipe Kaleb's face which caused the boy to blush. Keith took the opportunity to steal more bites of Karrie's ice cream. Karrie turned bright red.

"Get your own ice cream!" Karrie exclaimed before finishing her ice cream in one big bite.

"Indirect kiss," Keith commented with a smirk. Karrie turned completely red as she pushed him off the bench hard.

"Pervert," Karrie replied.

"Are you guys planning on going ice skating too?" Kate asked. Kellyn frowned as he was disappointed that he didn't get alone time with Kate, even though he was to clueless as to why he felt that way.

"We were actually going to eat," Summer replied, "and find Ashleigh."

"You two should get going before that line gets any longer," Ben said as he tried to shoo the brown haired couple away. Kellyn and Kate blushed as Ben and Nema pushed them to the line. Keith blinked as he stared at his friends upside down in one of the most uncomfortable positions ever. His head was upside down, his neck was bent slightly, his one leg was resting on a window sill that had a flower bed thing attached to it, and the other leg was sticking up in the air with his knee almost in his chest.

"What's with the sudden flirting anyways?" Summer asked as she looked at Keith. Keith blushed as he tried to get up.

"You owe me another cone of chocolate ice cream," Karrie said as she glared at Keith.

"Fine, but can you help me up first?" Keith replied and Karrie pulled him up.

"Anywhere you want to go?" Kaleb asked Ashleigh.

"Anywhere is fine if it's with you," Ashleigh replied with a smile which caused Kaleb to turn bright red. Summer grinned as Ben came back with Nema.

"Well, have fun you two," Summer said as she threw her arms around Nema's and Ben's necks. "We're going to eat at the all-you-can-eat buffet!"

"Wait, they have one of those in Pueltown?" Keith and Karrie asked.

"Yep!" Summer replied.

"Sweet!" The fire fairy and redheaded angel exclaimed. "Stop copying me! Stop being on the same wavelength as me! Seriously! I mean it!" Their friends started to laugh as they bickered back and forth. Summer, Ben, and Nema walked away to eat while Ashleigh finished cleaning Kaleb's face.

"Stop bickering like an old couple," Kaleb commented. Karrie and Keith blushed and turned their heads away from each other as they crossed their arms. "Are you two going to be alright if we leave you alone?"

"You two won't make a scene, destroy something, or set something on fire, will you?" Ashleigh asked.

"I'm not the one with fire powers," Keith replied.

"I'm not an obnoxious winged pervert," Karrie replied.

"Hey! Take that back!" Keith exclaimed.

"Stop being obnoxious and perverted, flame brain," Karrie replied.

"Why stop being something I'm not, fire bug?" Keith asked.

"I'm not a bug!" Karrie exclaimed.

"And my brain is not on fire!" Keith countered. Kaleb and Ashleigh sweat dropped as they watched Keith and Karrie start arguing again.

"You're both obnoxious," Kaleb commented.

"I swear you two do this in an attempt to deny any attraction or romance between you," Ashleigh commented as she put her hand on her cheek. She looked worried and Kaleb looked very annoyed.

"I, I, I actually don't have a comeback for that," Keith replied as he tried to think hard of a way to deny Ashleigh's comment.

"How am I obnoxious?" Karrie asked as she tried to ignore Ashleigh's comment.

"I really don't want to waste time to go through that," Kaleb replied as he stuck his hands in his pockets.

"Hey, hey, fire bug, do you like me?" Keith asked and Karrie glared at him. "Sorry, I know, you're not a bug."

"You're a friend now, not enemy, what do you think?" Karrie asked.

"That you at least like me as a friend," Keith replied.

"Ooh, someone give the man a prize," Kaleb commented sarcastically.

"Shut it, Sunshine," Keith replied and Kaleb turned red as Ashleigh giggled at the sound of Kaleb's nickname.

"Why don't we continue this on a nature walk?" Ashleigh asked as people started to crowd around and stare at Keith, Karrie, and Kaleb. "We're starting to attract a little too much attention."

"Fine, but Keith's getting me chocolate once we get back," Karrie replied as she stood up.

"You and your chocolate," Keith commented as he stood up. The four of them walked to Union Road.

~with Kellyn and Kate~

Kellyn and Kate finished putting on their ice skates before meeting each other's eyes. They blushed and made their way to the ice rink.

"So, have you been ice skating before?" Kate asked and Kellyn smiled.

"Not officially," Kellyn replied before performed an axel jump.

"Not officially my butt!" Kate exclaimed. "How did you do that?" Kellyn shrugged and Kate shook her head. "That was one of the most difficult jumps in single ice skating!"

"Guess it comes from being able to use water and ice," Kellyn replied. "Ice fairies are naturals and can do far better."

"You have your own competitions back home?" Kate asked as she skated next to him.

"Yeah, but the rules were a bit different and expectations were set much higher," Kellyn replied.

"How well does someone with an affinity with water do on ice?" Kate asked.

"It depends on the person," Kellyn replied. "Ashleigh is lucky if she can make it one foot out on the ice without falling."

"So that's why we told to keep Ashleigh off the ice," Kate commented. "Her ability to skate hasn't changed much since she was little." Kellyn nodded. "Do you want to try skating together, as partners?" Kellyn blushed but nodded. Kellyn took hold of Kate's hands and the two began to skate as one. Onlookers saw the two's performance as magical.

~with Summer~

"Best idea ever!" Ben exclaimed and Summer grinned.

"What would you do without me?" Summer asked and Ben grinned.

"You two eat a lot," Nema commented before poking their bellies. "Where do you two put it all?" Ben and Summer laughed.

"It's a secret," Summer replied with a huge smile.

~with Keith and Kaleb~

"So what kind of views or beliefs do fairies have concerning romance?" Keith asked.

"Why are we talking about this?" Kaleb asked quietly to himself as ran his fingers through his bangs.

"Eh?" Karrie asked as she blushed.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Ashleigh asked.

"Like with true love or lifemates," Keith replied and Kaleb rolled his eyes.

"I guess we're similar to humans with our view of love," Ashleigh said. "Why?"

"No reason!" Keith replied and the two fairies stared at him with Kaleb suspiciously. "Okay, okay, I was wondering because angels have this idea of lifemates. The one person in the universe that is made for you, who is your other half."

"So angels do have traditions and views on love," Karrie commented and Ashleigh whacked her on the head.

"Be nice," Ashleigh replied. "I think the idea of lifemates is a very romantic notion."

"Okay, we'll humor you," Kaleb said. "How do you know if you found your lifemate?"

"If someone appears in your dreams and is there in a good way," Keith began, "then that's one way. Another, more effective, way is if both of your wings glow when they have contact with each other. There are of course the normal signs of attraction and love to go off of too. I've heard that if you sleep close enough to your lifemate, then you both can share dreams."

"So you could have a full conversation and everything in your head while sleeping if your close enough to your, err, lifemate?" Karrie asked and Keith nodded. "That's not the least bit weird. Who wants to share the same dream with a flame brain?"

"Hey, I didn't make up the rules!" Keith exclaimed.

"Karrie's just trying to hide any curiosity about it," Ashleigh replied as she waved her hand to calm Keith down.

"Am not!" Karrie exclaimed.

"Why would Keith be thinking so much about something like lifemates anyways?" Kaleb asked as he put his hands behind his head. Keith turned red as he glanced at Karrie before quickly turning away. "You think that SHE could be your lifemate?"

"Hey! I'm not sure yet," Keith exclaimed. "But it seems to be the case." Karrie blinked and tilted her head in confusion.

"You just don't want to admit it without a single doubt in your mind," Kaleb replied.

"That and no one quite remembers if there are any rules against fairies and angels being involved romantically," Ashleigh added.

"I'm not involved romantically!" Karrie exclaimed with a red face.

"Don't say it like it's a bad thing," Keith replied.

"So what happens after you find your lifemate?" Ashleigh asked.

"Court her, sing to her, get a musical response from her, sing a duet with her, get at least one person from your family and hers to recognize the fact that you're lifemates, and yeah the normal stuff that happens between people who date and love each other," Keith replied. "Sometimes there's a marriage ceremony depending on the girl's family's beliefs and preferences."

"That is so romantic!" Ashleigh exclaimed.

"Sounds like a lot of steps to go through," Karrie commented. "It also sounds a bit like doing a musical."

"I'm surprised that angels are the ones who put the most emphasis on the whole true love thing," Kaleb commented.

"It's about the only thing we get to do and put our whole heart into that is not an assignment, quest, or mission," Keith replied and Karrie laughed. "What?"

"I think it's funny how you and Ben are more like humans and fairies than you are angels with emotions and passions," Karrie commented. Keith blushed and Kaleb stared blankly at her. "It's impressive that you two have survived this long, I would have rebelled against authorities long ago if I was an angel."

"It helps when you're father is one of the most feared angels and is your mother's favorite," Keith replied. "This is actually Ben's first time being a guardian angel. He was on cleaning duty with me for the longest time."

"What about you?" Kaleb asked.

"I've been a guardian before, but I tend to be docked down for doing too many pranks and get stuck with cleaning." Keith replied with a smile.

"Flowers!" Ashleigh exclaimed as they passed by a beautiful patch of flowers. Ashleigh ran over to smell the flowers which distracted everyone from the topic at hand.

~with Kate and Kellyn~

"So where would like to go next?" Kellyn asked as he held on to Kate's hand. They walked out of the building together.

"How about we look around at the different shops?" Kate asked. "Christmas is coming up this month."

"As you wish," Kellyn replied and Kate turned red. They walked around and window shopped as snow lightly fell onto the ground. The two looked like a genuine couple and acted like it too.

~with Summer and Ben~

"Race you to the top with no wings," Summer exclaimed as she started to climb a giant tree in Altru Park.

"No fair, you have more experience," Nema replied as she started to climb after Summer.

"No vine whipping or anything like that then," Ben replied as he pulled himself up with a branch. The trio got up half way before they had to stop for Nema.

"I so need to work on my arm strength," Nema commented.

"Haven't done something like this in forever," Ben commented.

"It's been a while since I've had someone to climb trees with me without cheating," Summer commented. "Ashleigh tends to have, um, technical difficulties."

"You two sure balance each other out though," Ben commented. "If you were paired up with Karrie, then I think all hell would have broken loose."

"True, haven't thought about that," Summer replied after laughing.

"Do you two balance out power wise too?" Nema asked and Summer thought about it for a while.

"Sort of," Summer replied. "It's more like she's there to put out any fires I might accidentally cause or heal me if I hurt myself. She's pretty good at helping people and pokemon learn new tricks. She also listens way better than Karrie does."

"Yeah, I don't doubt that," Nema commented. "Though I heard she had a bit of a temper back when she was little."

"When she gets really ticked off, she's capable of more destruction than Karrie." Summer said. "Remember the Kyogre and Groundon incident in Hoenn a while back?"

"Yeah, why?" Ben asked.

"It was all over the news," Nema replied.

"Well, we were fighting these guys who were part of Team Aqua and Team Magma, I think, and I sneezed which caused an earthquake," Summer said. "We were separated and Ashleigh was stuck with the bad guys and couple of arrogant bullies of trainers. Something happened and she just snapped. She flooded the area with more force than Kyogre 's floods had. It was really scary."

"So most of the damage was caused by the same fairy that holds Karrie back from fights?" Ben asked and Summer nodded. Ben whistled as he was impressed. "No wonder she can hold Karrie back so well."

~with Keith and Kaleb~

Ashleigh sneezed. Karrie laughed. Kaleb smiled. Keith grinned.

"How cute," a stranger commented. They all froze and turned around. The stranger was a young woman of average height. She had shoulder length purple hair and purple eyes. She was curvy and dressed in black stockings, black heeled boots, a gray pencil business skirt, a black parka coat, and a red scarf. She smiled and a shiver shot down Keith's spine. "I'm new to the area, maybe you four can help me." They all looked at each other and she laughed. "Oh my, was I interrupting something?"

"What do you need?" Kaleb asked and the woman smiled. Something about the woman's eyes seemed off and Kaleb fought to tear his eyes away from hers. "Who are you?"

"Oh dear me, where are my manners?" The woman asked as she smiled cruelly. "My name is Rose and I need information." She took one of her hands out of her pockets. It was covered by a black leather glove. "You won't mind if I refrain from having my skin touch yours, would you?" She shook Kaleb's hand. "You're a strong boy, aren't you?"

"What kind of information?" Ashleigh asked as she stood in between Rose and Kaleb. Rose laughed and smiled. She seemed to be very amused by Ashleigh's reaction.

"All kinds," Rose replied slyly. "Little fairy." All of their eyes widened. "Oh, did I strike the right cord?" Someone stabbed Ashleigh's arm with a needle and drew blood. "Now how much should I pry politely for information before resorting to different methods?" A shadowed figure tossed Rose a sample of Ashleigh's blood. "Don't worry, I don't plan on making any super powered beings with this. I just wanted to get my hands on fairy blood for a long while, personal reasons." She stuck the sample in her pocket. "Now the other fairy is another interest of mine." She smiled and Karrie shivered. Keith put his arm around her slowly to protect her, and not startle her. Ashleigh stood froze in shock and fear as Kaleb put his hands on her arms.

"Are you alright?" Kaleb asked quietly and Ashleigh slowly nodded.

"Ooh, how interesting," Rose commented. "Here I was thinking that this was going to be boring."

"You're sick," Kaleb replied and Rose frowned.

"I'm in perfect health," Rose said. She pulled out a syringe and went to stab Karrie with it. She smirked as Keith, without thinking, spread out his wings to surround and protect Karrie."Predictable, aren't we?" Keith's eyes widened as he felt something pierce his skin. Rose picked up one of his fallen feathers. "They look very similar to a swanna's feathers, don't they?" In the middle of the confusion, Karrie was pricked for blood. "Well, that's that, thanks for the help."

"What do you want with us?" Karrie asked.

"Nothing in particular," Rose replied as she walked away. She stopped and turned back to them. "Well, except for your association with the two experiments my family helped make possible."

"So you're one of those people," Ashleigh commented.

"Tsk tsk, that makes me sound very lowly and scum-like," Rose replied. "I'm far better than that. My family isn't too happy at what happened with the scientists trying to deny that we had a hand in it, that they were so careless, and whatnot, boring stuff. My father probably wants to use them like everyone else does, I want to figure out what the scientists did. Most of the research done was destroyed before the two survivors escaped, very annoying."

"So you're just going to follow your father, just like that?" Keith asked as he hid his wings.

"As long as I benefit and find interest in it, yes, to a point," Rose replied as she crossed her arms. "He wants to rule the world, I want to have whatever I want, it tends to work out good for me."

"What do you know about fairies?" Kaleb asked and Rose tried to look clueless.

"Huh? Fairies?" Rose asked before smiling. "Ah yes, quite a bit, I guess. I've been looking into everything I could ever since a fairy ended up in my families hands for experimentation. Of course they didn't realize it at first. She disappeared for a time after escaping and when I crossed paths with her later on, I found sworn family enemies and my first love."

"What's wrong with you?" Kaleb asked.

"You act as if experiments on humans and fairies is alright," Keith added.

"I was experimented on by my mother under the direction of my father when I was very young," Rose replied. "You noticed some of the effects of it before, when you forced yourself to not look me in the eye, which was very rude of you."

"Why did you come to us yourself?" Karrie asked and Rose smiled slightly.

"I was bored and I wanted no room for error," Rose replied. "Of course, my shadowed partner could have done everything without any of you knowing, but that would be no fun."

"Why come after us?" Ashleigh asked.

"After hearing your touching story, I've been expanding my research," Rose replied. "Your past has affected many people, making you important. You're also strong, much stronger than anything I've dug up about water and fire fairies. So I'm curious and your blood might provide answers your mind cannot."

"You heard our story?" Karrie asked and Rose took out a silver bracelet.

"Your blonde friend had one of these on her that day," Rose replied. "She had no clue the jewelry she purchased had been bugged."

"Why would you do that?" Keith asked.

"Why? For answers, of course, please do try to keep up," Rose replied. Keith gritted his teeth. "Now I'm afraid I must get going. I'm very busy. People to boss around, things to get done, so on." She put her hand on her hip. "Before I go, I would like you do me a favor: tell Hannah and Nick I said hi." The four glared at her. "Oh stop looking at me like I murdered someone, all I did was take samples. Right now you have nothing to worry about when it comes to me and the experiments, but I will be watching. There's no guarantee that my father won't attack, but when he does attack, don't underestimate him."

"Now you're warning us?" Kaleb asked. "Why should we listen to you?"

"Because you are interesting and I think it will be very entertaining to see how you play and react with what is to come," Rose replied. "I also have angel and fairy DNA in my possession, making me much more dangerous now."

"Give us one good reason why we shouldn't take you out now," Karrie said as she lit her fists on fire.

"Attack me and the human becomes the guinea pig for the new black serum," Rose replied. "Very unstable stuff that killed most of its test subjects. It was made in an attempt to replicate what happened with the other experiment, the one you're most familiar with. He might survive, seeing how his sister survived the other serum, but do we want to test that theory?" Karrie cooled off her fists as she put them down. "Thought so. Well, this is goodbye, for now. Please do take care, wouldn't want someone else try to ruin my fun." With that, Rose left.

"I hate her," Karrie said.

"I can't tell if she wants to help us or kill us," Ashleigh commented as she tilted her head in confusion.

"She really ticks me off," Kaleb commented as he crossed his arms. "She acts so high and mighty."

"I can't believe I let my guard down and let her take my DNA," Keith exclaimed.

"I think you trying to protect Karrie was admirable and adorable," Ashleigh replied. "Though it was strange how she seemed to have predicted that you would do that."

"The shadowed figure is concerning too, Ashleigh and Keith didn't even sense it coming," Karrie commented as she thought about what just happened. "Ugh! The whole conversation with her make my insides boil! It's like she's been in control of everything!"

"We learned a lot from her, but it bothers me that she could know more than we do," Ashleigh commented.

"You should have fried her on the spot," Kaleb said.

"And give her a chance to use you as a guinea pig for something that could kill you, no thanks," Karrie replied. "I'd rather not have to explain to Summer what happened to you. You're a pain in the butt, but a friend's a friend."

"I wonder if she has to do with that swanna we saw at the festival a while back," Ashleigh commented. "I doubt the shadowed figure would have let us lay a finger on her."

"We should talk to Hannah and Nick about this," Keith said.

"If it has something to do with them, then most likely Rose is part of Black Royalty," Karrie replied. "Those two know the most about them, along with Sarah. They could help us out a lot with this."

"We might need to bring a lot of cookies and ice cream with us if we do go to them for help," Ashleigh commented.

"Why?" Kaleb asked.

"That's their favorite food," Ashleigh replied.

"But if there is a strong connection between them and Rose, we might not need to bribe them," Keith commented. "Unless my presence will out weigh that."

"Right, almost forgot about you being an angel," Ashleigh replied and Kaleb looked baffled.

"How did you almost forget?" Kaleb asked. "He just had his wings out a while ago." Ashleigh shrugged and Kaleb sighed.

"Keith will bear the food of peace then," Karrie said. "Time to go food shopping! Still want chocolate from that shop!"

"Aw come one! I was hoping you'd forget about that!" Keith exclaimed.

"I would never forget about chocolate and a promise you made," Karrie replied with a smile and Keith blushed. The four ran off to buy food in preparation of approaching Hannah, Nick, and Sarah for answers.

~end of chapter~

Hannah: *emitting scary angry aura* Rose

Nick: O.O you weren't even in there

Sarah: *hands Hannah a plate of cookies* happy thoughts

Keith: can I just say how much of pain Rose is?

Hannah: *glares at him while eating a cookie*

Keith: on second thought, I'll just refrain from saying that name while Hannah is present

Nick: that's probably for the best

Karrie: DX Keith tried to steal my ice cream!

Summer: XD Kaleb got ice cream in his face!

Ashleigh: *blushes* so sorry about that!

Kaleb: don't worry about it

Ben: I ate so well this chapter

Nema: I had a lot of fun this chapter

Kate: I got alone time with Kellyn!

Kellyn: *turns bright red* yeah...

Kate: and he's a really great skater

Kellyn: so are you

Rhythmi: you two are so cute

Isaac: anyone else notice how Ashleigh was mentioned at least once in conversations that Ashleigh wasn't even a part of?

Ponte: XD and most of the time it was how klutzy she is

Ashleigh: *turns bright red* hey! don't be mean!

Summer: she can't skate or climb trees with ease on her own, but she is freaking scary and powerful when she is really ticked off

Ashleigh: why am I a topic of discussion?

Nema: maybe you're an ice breaker sometimes?

Ashleigh: =(

Karrie: next chapter Keith is buying me chocolate!

Rhythmi: YES! =3

Keith: crap, now the blonde puffball of terror knows

Me: *locks door to keep Hannah and Rose separate* now that should be good for now

Kate: how did the chapter turn out more about Keith, Karrie, Ashleigh, and Kaleb than my day with Kellyn

Me: I was about as clueless as Kellyn as to what do with the date day thing that was kind of a date but sort of not a date...that and I needed to have Rose encounter some of you soon anyway. Interactions with her are kind of on the important side.

Hannah: why?

Me: well, Black Royalty was involved during internship day, Kate and Summer's experimentation, Hannah's past, and based on Hannah and Rose, definitely have a big hand in science research for experiments, more than others. Black Royalty also likes having most of the cards in their hands, if not all, so they wouldn't be happy if someone destroyed most of the research they had a hand in...Black Royalty is more sneaking, calculating, and whatnot.

Jewels: *walks in* and Nathan has been shown to have a connect to Moon, who is one of the fairies who was sucked up into the black hole

Kellyn: I thought we weren't supposed to know more than we did in character? Were their identities ever revealed beforehand in the story?

Me: his cousin is Rose and most people can stand him down in the OC room for very long. Nathan, Rose, Dustin, and I take turns babysitting him. I forget if I revealed their identities yet, if not, then they now know names of people in a scene chapters ago. Switching topics, Jewels, it's Nathan's turn to watch you.

Jewels: Nathan told me it was safer up here since Midnight tried to stab me.

Me: I really need to figure out how to take away her weapons from her so she can't use them outside of actual story play.

Jewels: she didn't appreciate my criticism on how she dressed and acts, neither did Trina, Ashley, Cassidy, and well, you get the point

Me: T.T I need to put you in your own room or something, your mouth gets you into too much trouble

Summer: you could always use duct tape

Me: that is a great idea!

Nick: tried it, doesn't help much for long

Karrie: well, while they figure that out, readers, what do you think of this chapter and story? Or us, the characters?

Keith: who are you talking to?

Karrie: the readers

Keith: ah, the people Ash gives my cyber cookies to

Me: those weren't yours! you just like to eat all of them without permission!

Karrie: well, please review!