Kyle's heart sunked. He stared, he didn't know how to react, he should have been happy because Eric was an enemy, but he felt like he was in hell. He couldn't help but cry.
"How can I.. How can you.." He started to breath ratherly fast. " you can't die on me! How can I save you?!"
"I need a new heart" Eric said in hopelessness. "I know it would never happen, everyone loves life even those faggoty emo kids that hide behind the building. I know no body would help. So I accepted the fact and now it's 5 days.. I thought this would never happen, Kyle."
Eric and Kyle cried.
His mother opend the door. "Eric.. Well.. Someones on the phone for you."
Erics mother had bags under her eyes and a white pale face, probably suicide after Eric dies, Kyle never saw Erics mother said. She'd usually be happy and perky with her cheery voice, or in bed with some man.
Kyle swallowed his spit hard. He was nervous for some reason.
"hello? It's.. what? no.. okay.. bye.." Eric quickly said. His mother left the room slowly holding the phone regaining the conversation.
"Who was that?" Kyle asked. "It was my uncle, He thinks he can take his life for me." eric smiled lightley. "why aren't you cheering?" asked Kyle. "Well, He's not exactly.. healthy.. wrong blood type.. it wouldn't work. it's worth a try." Eric looked up. "I don't get it, Kyle.. why me? I'm over willing with stress.. and my mom.. have you seen her? It's all my fault."
"it's not your fault Eric. You can't decide for your heart.. It's not don't put this on yourself. I'll help you go through this. You will live." Kyle promised Eric that, he wasn't sure if he'd be able to keep it.