Hey Jealousy - A Fairy Tail Fanfic
Lucy, Levy and Juvia are tired of waiting for their boys to confess. Erza comes up with a daring plan – make the boys jealous! But will the girls get more than they bargained for? NaLu, GaLe and Gruvia, with hints of Lyvia.
All characters are the property of Hiro Mashima.
He that is not jealous is not in love. ~St. Augustine
Chapter 1 – A Cunning Plan
"Strawberry cheesecake anyone?" Lucy Heartfilia asked in a sing-song voice, as her little celestial spirit Plue wobbled into the center of her living room with a tray of the tasty treats on his head. Her pajama-clad guests, who were sitting in a circle on the floor, broke into a chorus of oohs and aahs at the entrance of the sinful desserts. "It's so much fun to play hostess!" thought Lucy, mentally giving herself a high-five at how well her sleepover was going so far.
"As long as the guys don't show up everything should go just perfectly!" she thought to herself, although she couldn't help but steal glances at her window just in case.
It had been a dream of Lucy's to host a party ever since she had moved in to her modest home. Some of her fondest memories growing up had been of her mother holding grand gatherings at the Heartfilia estate, before her father had gotten wrapped up in his work. While she had been too young to attend the festivities herself, she would often sneak out of her room in her little nightgown to peek from the stairway and watch the finely dressed people laugh and dance to the beautiful music. But always, Lucy watched her parents, whom she thought were the happiest, best-looking people in the room.
"Thank you, Lucy, I quite enjoy strawberry desserts," said Erza Scarlet, as she took a slice from the tipsy tray.
"Oh, Plue! Let me help you with that!," exclaimed Mirajane Strauss, getting up from her seat on Lucy's living room floor to help the tiny white spirit with his heavy load.
Lucy ran over to catch the tray that threatened to topple from Plue's head. "No, Mira! You are my guest tonight and mama always told me that a hostess never lets her guests lift a finger!"
"Puu-puun!" Plue wagged a finger at Mirajane, a little miffed that his butler duties were not being taken seriously.
"Okay, okay," giggled Mirajane, taking a plate to soothe Plue's feelings. "I have to say it IS nice to be waited on for a change!"
Levy McGarden held her dessert plate in both hands and raised it to her nose to take in its scrumptious scent. "You've really outdone yourself this time Lu-chan, this smells so yummy!"
"Juvia has never been invited to a sleepover before," said Juvia Lockser, shyly taking a dessert. "But Juvia wonders why Natsu and Gray-sama aren't here too?" She stole a quick glance around the apartment, disappointed at the latter young man's absence. Part of the reason she had accepted the invitation to the sleepover was in hopes of seeing her crush at Lucy's place.
"Because this is a girls-only party!" exclaimed Lucy, pointing her finger in the air. "Our guild is filled with guys always fighting, swearing, and destroying everything in sight! And I can't even escape it here in my own home, with Natsu and Gray always barging into my place uninvited! I needed a break!"
Plue wobbled into Levy's lap for a cuddle, which the solid script mage was happy to give. "So how did you manage to get the guys to stay away?"
"Well, Gray wasn't too hard, I just told him it was a girls party and he accepted that right away," said Lucy, chuckling to herself. The flustered look on Gray Fullbuster's face as he said he had "stuff to do that night anyway" had been priceless. "But Natsu was a different story," she sighed.
"I'll bet," said Mirajane, winking at Erza.
"Yes, Natsu is quite fond of our Lucy," agreed Erza amid a mouthful of cheesecake.
Lucy blushed. "That pig-headed guy!" she stammered. "He just couldn't get it into his head why he couldn't be invited too even though I said it was a GIRLS party! It wasn't until I told him we'd be doing each other's hair and makeup and talking about boys that he finally agreed to stay away!"
The image of a dark, brooding Iron Dragon Slayer by the name of Gajeel Redfox popped into Levy's head. "Are we going to talk about boys?" she asked.
"Yes we are," grinned Lucy devilishly, rubbing her hands together. "That was a main reason I asked you girls here tonight!"
Juvia jumped to her feet, her dessert plate landing on the floor as she waved her hands up and down. "Juvia will not stay at this party if anyone here plans on taking my Gray-sama!"
Peacemaker Mirajane placed a hand on Juvia's shoulder. "Relax, Juvia," she soothed. "No one here is interested in Gray!"
"Yeah, seriously, who would be interested in that pervert?" asked Natsu, as he shoved an entire piece of cheesecake in his mouth with his bare hands.
The girls shrieked at the pink-haired intruder who had somehow joined their little circle on the floor and was happily devouring the last of the desserts.
Juvia dove into her sleeping bag, horrified should Natsu see her in her nightie, while Levy barricaded herself behind a mound of pillows against his keen dragon vision. Erza, who had bathed with both Natsu and Gray in her younger years, merely shrugged at his presence. "Oh come now," she admonished her modest friends, "It's only Natsu."
"But Juvia does not wish for anyone but Gray-sama to see her undressed!" came Juvia's muffled voice from inside her sleeping bag.
"Me too!" agreed Levy from inside her pillow fort. "Well, I mean, not Gray of course! I mean, Gajeel! No, not Gajeel! I mean…YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!"
"Natsu Dragneel, what are you doing here?!" Lucy towered over the oblivious party crasher, too angry to realize that her stance allowed the light to shine straight through her sheer lavender nightgown, giving her unwelcome guest more than an eyeful of her lush curves. "I told you this was a GIRLS party!"
Natsu could only stare at her, wide-eyed and speechless until he was brought back to reality by the pillow that Lucy slammed into his face.
"Oh yeah, I forgot," said Natsu, looking sheepish. "It's just it was so lonely at my place. Happy went to visit Wendy and Charle, and I couldn't fall asleep. I don't know why but I can't get comfortable in my own bed. I always fall asleep faster in yours."
Lucy blushed to the roots of her hair while the other girls gave surprised looks to each other after hearing that interesting tidbit of information.
"Why can't I stay?" asked Natsu, unaware of the chaos his last statement made among the girls. "I didn't bring my sleeping bag but I can share the bed with you!"
Lucy smacked her forehead, wondering how she was going to explain her crush's sleeping habits to the girls later. "Because, Natsu, for the hundredth time, it's a GIRLS party!"
"But if I stay you'll have way more fun. How can it be fun if it's all girls?" Natsu scrunched his face. "Everyone knows girls are boring."
Juvia and Levy dove back into the safety of their sleeping bags and pillows as Erza's pink teddy bear pajamas whirled around her and transformed into a suit of armor. "Girls are boring? I'LL SHOW YOU BORING!"
Natsu was fast but Erza was faster. A clash of armor and a swift kick to the ass was all it took for Natsu to find himself lying face down on the ground outside of Lucy's apartment, tossed out the window like yesterday's trash by a highly insulted Erza.
The pink-haired fire mage rolled over, sat up and shook his head. "Geez, what did she do that for?"
"Gi-hi-hi-hi," laughed a gravelly voice behind Natsu in the darkness. "What's the matter flame-brain, a group of girls too much for ya?"
Natsu jumped to his feet, lighting his fists into flames that illuminated the black night surrounding him. The brightness of his fire combined with his sharp eyesight allowed him to easily find the source of the laugh. "Gajeel! Who you calling flame-brain?"
"You're the only flame-brain I see around here," said the iron Dragon Slayer, his metal-studded face grinning as he walked towards Natsu. The tall, wild-haired young man slammed a fist into his other hand. "You got a problem with that?"
"Yeah, I got a problem with that!" snarled Natsu, pushing his forehead into Gajeel's.
"Whatcha gonna do about it?" Gajeel taunted, pushing his forehead back into Natsu's.
"I'm gonna pound you into the ground, that's what I'm gonna do about it!"
"Oh yeah? BRING IT ON!"
Juvia ran to the window, eyes wildly scanning the scene in front of her. "Gray-sama are you out there too?"
"NO!" both boys growled.
"Hey!" yelled Lucy out of the window as the other girls surrounding her. "If you're gonna fight, do it somewhere else! It took me months to pay off the damages from the last time!"
"Hey bunny girl, mind your own-", Gajeel stopped dead in his tracks when he noticed Levy standing next to Lucy.
"Gajeel!" chirped the solid script mage, waving cheerily at the surly young man. "What are you doing here?"
The iron wizard's brain scrambled at the sight of the petite bluenette who seemed to have forgotten she was clad only in a yellow nightie as tiny as she was. At Erza's "ahem," Gajeel suddenly remembered himself and took a step back from Natsu. "Nothin'. Just passin' through," he said, turning around and walking away.
"Hey! Get back here! We're not done with our fight!" yelled Natsu.
"Oh yes you are," said Erza in a voice so sharp it could cut through her strongest armor. Natsu jumped. "Yes Erza!" he said, saluting her at the window.
"Oh and Levy," said Gajeel over his shoulder. "Next time you stay at someone's house let your idiot partners know where you're going. It's safer that way."
"What are you talking about?" squeaked Levy. But Gajeel kept walking.
"What a weirdo," said Natsu, scratching his head as he watched Gajeel's retreating figure. "Well I guess I'll go to
the guild. Girls' parties are way too rough for me. See ya tomorrow, Luce!" Flashing Lucy the wide grin that always managed to melt her heart no matter how reckless he had been, the cheery fire wizard sped off in the direction of Fairy Tail.
The girls turned back into Lucy's apartment, chatting about what had just happened.
"Boys," said Erza, shaking her head as she re-quipped back into her pajamas. "Always ready for a fight. Will they
never learn?"
"Uh, yeah, boys," giggled Mirajane, thinking that the scarlet-haired mage had been pretty eager for a fight herself.
Lucy flopped face down into her bed. "Maybe it's a Dragon Slayer thing," she sighed. "All Natsu ever wants to do is
"Gajeel too," said Levy, sinking into her sleeping bag. "The only time he ever gets out of his chair at the guild is to go on a quest or get in a fight. He never just sits and talks with me, er, anyone," she blushed.
Juvia looked down at her clasped hands. "Gray-sama is also not a talker. He is the strong and silent type!"
Erza settled back into her chair and picked up her half-eaten strawberry cheesecake. "Perhaps they do not say much, but they feel much. They are strong in their bodies as well as their love for you girls."
"WHAAAA?!" The three girls started.
Mirajane smiled as she stroked a dozing Plue on the head. "Oh come now, don't tell me you don't see it?"
"See what?" asked Levy, trying not to get her hopes up.
"Those guys are totally in love with you girls!" grinned the transformation mage.
Lucy rolled onto her side and placed her chin in her hand. "You think so? Sometimes I think Natsu cares for me more than just a friend, and sometimes I think all I am is nakama to him. One minute he's hugging me, the next he's making fun of me. He's so dense it's hard to tell!"
"But Lu-chan, of course Natsu loves you!" Levy sat up in excitement. "He's always at his best when you're around and misses you very much when you're gone! How many battles have you been in where he was able to win because he knew you were there?" The other girls nodded in agreement.
The fire left Levy's eyes just as quickly as it had come. "But in my case Gajeel doesn't need me at all. Sometimes I wonder if he'd even notice if I wasn't there," she drooped.
Juvia reached a hand out and placed it on Levy's arm. "Juvia has known Gaj a very long time. Juvia sees him watch your every move. His eyes say what his mouth cannot."
Levy's eyes widened in surprise. "Really?"
"For sure!" said Lucy, kneeling up on her bed. "I noticed that too! Not to mention how many times he's saved your butt in battle."
"Gaj also offered to be Levy's S-Class partner," Juvia pointed out. "He is not the type to go out of his way to help just anyone."
Levy blushed. "I suppose so."
"If Gray-sama were to notice Juvia like Gaj notices Levy, Juvia would be very happy!" sighed the water girl.
Lucy blinked. "What are you talking about? Gray keeps tabs on where Juvia is all the time too!"
It was Juvia's turn to blush. "Gray-sama is just being a gentleman. He watches over all his nakama, Juvia is no different."
"And how many times has Gray carried other girls on his back while running away from a dragon?" asked a grinning Levy.
"See?" said Mirajane. "You girls see the love the guys have for your friends. Why not for yourselves?"
"Argh! But Mira, it's so hard when the guys won't say anything to us!" complained Lucy, flopping back down into the safety of her comforter.
Levy crossed her arms and blew a stray hair away from her forehead. "Yeah, how are we supposed to know that they like us if they won't even talk to us!"
"Gray-sama is most frustrating," agreed Juvia, playing with the hem of her dark blue nightgown that matched her crush's moody eyes.
"I have thought it out and have come up with a cunning plan," said Erza, placing her empty plate of cheesecake on the table in front of her.
"Oh?" said the girls, looking at Erza hopefully.
"We just had proof of how Natsu and Gajeel are always ready for a fight. The competition between them is strong. I say we use that to our advantage," said Erza.
An evil grin spread across Mirajane's normally sweet features. "Of course, Erza! Why didn't I think of it before?"
"What are you cooking up, Erza?" asked Lucy, a little afraid of the smirks on Erza's and Mirajane's faces .
"We make them jealous!" said Erza, slamming her fist onto Lucy's table.
Lucy's stomach flip-flopped at the familiar sparkle in Erza's eyes that she knew meant nothing but trouble. "Eh, Erza,
I don't know about this," said the blonde. She looked over at Levy, who she could see was also imagining the destruction that would definitely result from two jealous Dragon Slayers. "Maybe we shouldn't force them," Levy agreed.
Juvia clutched her pillow protectively in front her. "Juvia also wonders if it is going a bit too far?"
Erza stood up and ran her fingers through her hair, looking at the strands. She closed her eyes, and placed her hand over her chest. Her friends' hearts went out to her when they saw one lone tear slowly running down Erza's face.
"As you know, I loved someone very much, but I lost him. Fate has made it so that we may never be together. Perhaps what I am suggesting is too strong, but I cannot stand by and see my friends suffer and run the risk of losing their loves as I have," she said. "If you do not want to do this, I understand. But think on my words as you make your decision."
Lucy, Levy, and Juvia gulped as they watched Mirajane stand up and put her arm around Erza's shoulders.
"I too once lost someone I loved very much," said Mirajane. "I have been lucky enough that my sister has come back to me, but living those years thinking she was gone nearly destroyed me. Erza is right. You have to grab love when you can. Whatever you decide, we are behind you one hundred percent!"
It was Lucy who first stood up and joined Erza and Mirajane, hugging them both.
"Count me in!" said the sunny blonde. "Natsu always fights for me! It's about time I fight for him too!"
"Me too!" jumped in Levy. "Gajeel always says I need to get stronger! What better way to show him my strength than to make him confess!"
"Juvia doesn't want to make Gray-sama jealous," said Juvia, standing up and joining the group. "But Juvia will help her friends!"
"Oh no you don't!" said Lucy. "We're like the three musketeers! All for one and one for all!"
"But Juvia doesn't have anyone to make Gray-sama jealous with!" exclaimed Juvia.
"Oh?" asked Mirajane. "What about Lyon?"
Juvia blushed at the thought of Lyon Bastia, Gray's fellow pupil, and sometimes rival, in ice-make magic. "Juvia loves Gray-sama too much to think of Lyon-sama!"
Lucy smiled, "Then why do you get so tongue-tied when Lyon is around?"
"And why do you blush when he talks to you?" asked Levy, joining in the fun.
"B-b-b-ecause, well," stammered Juvia.
"It's okay Juvia, my plan cannot fail! Now, girls, listen closely…," said Erza, and the girls leaned in to hear the details of her most cunning plan to date.
A/N - As we all know, Erza's plans don't always work out. How is this going to end?