Author's notes: SuzyQ, thanks for mentioning the Sams. It is confusing, I know. Had Max's clone never been mentioned by name, I would have made up a new name for her. The Dark Angel writers must have been lacking inspiration when they decided on her name. In this final chapter, Dr. Sam Carr doesn't appear at all. :) ;P Lexie! You're still with me on this? I'm so happy you've been enjoying it so far. There's a little more S/K in this but not enough to satisfy the huge S/K fan you are. Hopefully, sometime I'll get a chance to write more on them in another story. To all my silent readers, please enjoy.
Part 16: Before Dawn
Syl sat curled up on the sofa, a cup of fresh coffee in her hands. She tilted her head to one side and gave Zack a thoughtful look. "You know, if you grew your hair a little, stayed out of the sun for a month or two, you'd look exactly like him," she mused.
Krit threw her a cautionary glare and nudged her discreetly.
"What?" she asked in annoyance.
They both knew that their big brother had a thing for Max. It was obvious. Krit just knew when not to put his nose where it didn't belong. Obviously, his sweetheart wasn't so intuitive. And what was worse, she never picked up the subtle hints he tried to give. More to the point, the red flag warning.
Zack threw her a dirty look and left the room.
"Leave it alone, Syl," Krit hissed. "So what she looks like Max. It's none of our business."
Syl gave him a sweet smile. "I know, babe. I'm just giving him a shove along. Besides, she could do with a friend right now."
"If you want your nose bent out of shape, be my guest. Personally, I don't think either of them would appreciated your 'help'."
His admission earned him a glare and he jumped back. Krit sighed in relief when she didn't dump the contents of her mug into his lap. A momentarily lapse in judgement like that could cost him dearly. Usually, he didn't escape unscathed after making a smart remark. But sometimes it was worth the punishment just to prove he was the voice of reason.
Rolling her mug between her palms, Syl stared at dark murky liquid inside. The pair of old sweats she was wearing draped loosely over her toned legs. Putting the mug down, she pulled at the hem of her worn jumper. She loved how the sleeves had stretched past her fingertips. Her hair was still damp from showering, and it hung in soft glow of golden ringlets, shielding her face from view. She took a peek at Krit. For once he didn't catch her looking. He was preoccupied watching Alec try to wrap his arm by the window. The guy hadn't said more than two words since they got back to Logan's.
After clearing the broken glass, Logan and Max had disappeared. Probably to catching up on lost time apart. Although, Krit, always happy to put a damper on her horny-teenagers-theory, interjecting that they'd be talking, not bumping, in the bedroom.
"Away from prying eyes and nosy busybodies," he had said.
The look he'd given her hadn't impressed her one bit. He thought he was so smart. Always the goodie-goodie. Proper and reasonable. Blah blah, yeah yeah. She'd corrupt him yet.
Syl watched as Alec gave up on trying to tie off his sling and walk out to the balcony. Brave move, Syl smiled to herself. Then again, they were both from the same unit. Maybe they had history she didn't know about.
Outside, Sam leaned over the railing. She watched the street below. It was quiet. A few of the street lamps were in need of attention, flickering like annoy little fireflies. A homeless man pushed his cart down a dark alley and out of sight. Just past the building on the corner, a hoverdrone patrolled, it's flashing red and blue lights dancing off the glass. She instinctively moved away from the edge.
"Ouch." Turning abruptly, she found herself within an inch of 494's face. Looking down, she realized she'd bumped his arm. "Sorry," she mumbled.
"You could give me a hand with this," Alec said.
Sam shrugged and took the material from him. Moving his arm slightly, she pulled the material under his elbow and across his chest. Lifting the other corner over his arm, she tied the edges together behind his neck. "Got careless?"
"Encountered a hostile situation. Kind of lose your options when you've got a gun to your head," Alec advised her coolly. He knew what she was thinking. 494 - the reckless and unreliable. This time it wasn't his fault. Three to one. Two were transgenics just like him, he was out of the game from the word go.
Stifling a smirk, Sam turned from him. As long as she'd known him, he'd always been one to make excuses for failure. A defence mechanism. She didn't think it was part of his genetics, more an acquired trait. Those long months in Psych-Ops must have driven him at least a little crazy. Not to mention the well documented Berrisford file. His obvious continual, non-compliance had to be painful.
This time he had nothing to worry about in that department. The fates were on their side. No punishment for failure to comply this time around. There wasn't anything Renfro could do to her that could cut deeper than what she was suffering now. It was as though despite escaping her tormentor's hell, the woman still found a way to make the last move. Sam closed her eyes in an effort to trap the tears that were threatening to spill over.
Alec didn't miss the slight tremor in his CO's body. Growing up, they'd made 453 their leader for a reason. She was collected, dominant and resilient in any situation. She took command and nobody questioned her. The woman standing before him was a far cry from the cold, soulless warrior their handlers had moulded her to be. There was a deeply pained expression on her face, and her shoulders trembled, betraying the effort she put into holding back her emotions.
Sam retreated to the corner of the balcony. Putting as much distance between them as possible. She longed for nothing more than to be alone right now. Why didn't he take the hint? He stood there silently. Waiting. For what? To see her crumble? Would he take satisfaction in seeing her that way? She'd never taken any pleasure in seeing his. She hadn't had perverse gratification in seeing any of her unit fail. It took all her mental discipline not the show empathy over a wounded comrade. Manticore had so many ways to remind them of their duty. Their one goal. She had almost lost count of how many times she woken up in the Infirmary, only to be marched back to the barracks moments later. All that had kept her sane was that someday she would be able to free Will, and that they'd leave Manticore behind them. Forever.
A hand touched her shoulder and she flinched under the contact. Turning her head, she was surprised to see that the hand belonged to Zack. Alec was gone.
"What do you want?" she whispered.
Zack looked away and shrugged. "Nothing, I guess."
Sam shook her head, trying to shake off the feelings he brought out. She felt uncertain around him. He evoked things she thought where best left buried deep. It would be crazy to let her guard down. Especially before him. She wondered if she should still consider him, her enemy.
"I'm sorry I played you. You wouldn't understand why I had to," Sam said, trying her best not to let the concerned blue eyes probe through the shield she was trying desperately to hold between them.
Leaning back against the rail, Zack regarded her silently for a moment. He could tell she was torn over something. She wouldn't meet his eyes for more than a second. He had to let her know that she could feel at ease with him. That he didn't hold her responsible for the past.
"Believe that if you like. I don't second guess or apologize for the decisions I make. I guess that's why they often call me the bad guy." Zack inclined his head to gesture toward Syl and Krit inside. "We broke out because I knew we wouldn't survive if we stayed. Max wouldn't. Her seizures were bad. And they'd already taken two of the others away because of them. I did what I had to."
Another tear slipped down her cheek. And despite a caution, warning her not to open up to him. Her heart told her she could trust him. Facing him, her eyes red and moist. She found that he was everything she needed right now. He might have been designed to be strong, but he had a superior inner strength too. He was always composed and rational. He put his responsibility before everything else. He was offering to listen. He was willing to help her. It was more than anyone had done for her in her whole life.
Her resistance fading, she told him about Will. "It was the same with Will. They took him away after he collapsed during a mission. His seizures sent him unconscious. Even though their initial prognosis was bad, I managed to convince the Director to let him live." A lump loaded in her throat as she recalled what the doctors had said about Will. 'Nothing better than a solid piece of muscle. Brain's probably scrambled better than my morning breakfast.' "All I wanted was to get him away from them. They treated him like some test freak. Sometimes I wonder if it was right of me to keep him alive."
"You're thinking you were being selfish." Zack said quietly. He said it, knowing he felt exactly the same way.
After Max offered her life for Logan's, he hadn't even thought twice. There was no way he was going to let her face Manticore alone. Not after he'd spent the last nineteen years protecting her. From the time she joined his unit at just two-years-of-age, he'd felt the strangest connection to little child with big brown eyes. Because of Lydecker, Zack learnt to hide his emotions for Max. They only grew stronger with time, and when he met her face-to-face for the first time since the escape those few short months ago, his feelings for her turned into something more. Desire. She'd grown into a beautiful woman. He had surrendered his freedom, without a second thought about the consequences. The others hadn't even registered in his consciousness until after it was already too late to go back.
Learning Max would never feel the same about him cut deep. She would never think on him as anything more than a brother. It wasn't because of Logan. Even though he did like to blame the guy for loving Max. Although, he knew that his dislike of the guy stemmed more from the fact that Max loved him back. Love was something that had taken him a long time to understand. And looking at Sam, he realized it was only going to get more complicated from here on out.
Sam was surprised by his remark, but realized that she shouldn't be. His history spoke volumes of how easily he read people. Which is why she was so surprised that he accepted her as Max back at Manticore. What intrigued her was he seemed to identify with how she was feeling. She was curious as to how he considered himself selfish. Sam considered Zack more selfless and honorable than she could ever be. Reading the faraway look in his eyes, she finally understood.
"You've made the first step," she said regarding him with the beginnings of a grin.
He narrowed his eyes, not liking the shift in attention. They weren't talking about him, and what was she implying? Did she know what he'd just been thinking?
"What about you?" Zack asked offhandedly.
Zack was making progress over his feelings for Max. Being in Logan's apartment, not getting childishly aggressive toward the guy. Not to mention he just confessed he was being selfish, thinking Max should belong to him. In his 'I'm-thinking-it-but-never-admitting-it' way of course. Sam sighed. The way she felt about Will, would never leave her. She had that childhood fantasy in the back of her mind so long, that she couldn't even remember exactly when it had started. Even the day she lost the Will she grew-up loving, her dream hadn't changed. His heart was still the same, and that's what she had fought to keep. She'd been fighting for it so long, she didn't know if she could let go. A cool breeze swept across the balcony and she shivered.
Zack slipped out of his jacket and placed it over her shoulders. She wasn't anymore vulnerable to the cold than he was but he felt the need to do something for her. It was a small gesture and one he hoped she would accept.
Sam tilted her head and regarded him with a slight smile. "Just so we get things straight, I'm not her."
Zack felt his cheeks flush a little, for the first time in memory. She wasn't a accusing him, just reminding him. He understood.
Giving her a thoughtful once over, he caught a glimmer of amusement to her eyes. "No, you're definitely not Max," he said with a grin.
Sam was more guarded than Max, and when she smiled, it was slightly suggestive. Max had never smiled at him like that. He wanted to remind her that he wasn't Will either, but with all she'd been through in the last few hours, he didn't think bringing Will into their banter was a smart idea. He had gotten her to smile. It wasn't really a full smile, but they could work on that. He knew the answer to his question now. He didn't want her as his enemy. He wanted her to look at him like she had when he held her for the first time. Only this time it wouldn't be an act. He could win her over. Time would tell.
A few hours later, even before dawn began to break on the horizon, Zack had everyone on the move.
Syl gave Max a fierce hug. "No way are you dropping out of touch this time, sis." She shot Zack a 'just-try-it' look, and smiled at her sister again. "We're not far. Anytime, anywhere, you know I'm just a call away."
"Thanks." Max gave her a warm smile before turning to her younger sibling. "Stay out of trouble, little brother." She resisted the urge to ruffle his already tousled hair. It seemed like her little brother was always ready for mischief. Even as a child he had always had a cheeky spark in his eyes.
"No problem, Maxie," Krit replied hugging her tight. After, he held her back slightly, and he gave her a serious look. "If Logan steps out of line, you know…"
Max elbowed him playfully and tossed a look at Logan over her shoulder. "Thanks, but I won't need any help there."
Logan groaned. They both knew that Max could kick his butt well into next week if she cared to. Thankfully, the only time he'd ticked her off, she'd limited herself to giving him a piece of her mind verbally. That had been enough to have him seeing the error of his ways.
Sam watched the exchange from a distance. 494 or Alec as the others called him, stood next to her, uncharacteristically silent. She was counting her blessings.
"Weird isn't it?" Alec folded his arms and waited for her reply.
She counted too soon. An in depth analysis of their companions was well on it's way. "How so?" she replied half-heartily.
"They're close and we're not," he commented, watching the group again. He wasn't sure he envied them. Relationships were a high-maintenance thing. But he wondered if he was missing out on something. Rachel Berrisford had given him a taste of what caring felt like. It came with a high price, but it hadn't been without a few pluses. Maybe without Manticore around, the stakes weren't so bad. It could be worth another shot.
Sam thought about what he said. You could argue that it was because they grew up outside Manticore, but then again they had been separated for most of that time. No. There really was something different about Unit X5/DL4.
Her hand instinctively went to her jacket pocket. She fingered the outline of the metal case under the denim material. Max had not only given her a change of clothes, but a disk from the Major. Max told her what was on it. Logan had hacked the code. It was the locations and status of all the X5s in her unit. Max suggested that it was best the Colonel not get the information.
Sam knew what Croan had been thinking in asking her to give the disc to Lydecker. He'd asked for the best man. Many in her unit weren't ready for change. And quite a few of them were deep undercover in hostile territory. Lydecker would know how to reach them and let them know that there and been a shift in command. It wouldn't jeopardize their safety and they'd know not to return to Manticore. She'd heard of Colonel Lydecker; he was professional and dedicated to his work. Max didn't like him because of her childhood, but Sam knew better. Lydecker was a man with a mission. He was a soldier, not a mad scientist or a man on a power trip. And he wasn't in league with The Committee or Manticore anymore than she was. If she could find him, she could use his help.
Alec turned to his former CO. She had a smile on her face, and a look as though she knew something he didn't. He was about to question her, when he was interrupted.
"Ready to go?" Zack asked, walking up to them.
Nodding, Sam took the helmet he offered. "Next time, I drive."
Zack gave her a grin and slipped on his helmet. Straddling his bike, he lifted his visor and surveyed her. She looked pretty fine in her black stretch pants and pink tee. The denim jacket had a cut that accented all her feminine curves. "We'll see," he said.
Edging the bike toward the group, Zack regarded Max. "I'll see you round, Maxie. You know what I think, so I don't have to say it do I?"
"I can't leave Seattle," she replied firmly. Even if Logan was willing to go, she didn't want to leave behind everything she'd found in Seattle. She had friends, she had a job - even if Normal was the biggest pain in the ass she'd ever had the displeasure of working for. She would never let them force her to run. Not unless they came breathing down her neck. Only then would she give it serious thought.
Zack noticed Max squeeze Logan's hand and he sighed inwardly. "Keep safe, okay. Both of you."
Logan nodded. "The guy's expecting you," he said as he handed Zack an envelope.
Zack knew it had money inside, and for the first time he didn't have the urge to reject the other man's help. He simply nodded and slipped it inside his jacket.
"Thanks for everything, Logan," Sam said gratefully. "And I'm sorry about before."
Logan shrugged it off. "Not the first time someone's tried. I didn't take it personally," he joked. He knew she was being sincere though, so he accepted her apology. "No hard feelings."
Revving the engine, Zack peeled away from the curb. Sam gave the group one last glance before leaning into Zack. Today would be the last time she'd hold Will. They were going to the mountains just near the border, and they'd scatter his ashes there. Will had always loved being outdoors. Leaving him there, Sam felt as though she could look at any peak and think of him. The Cascade Mountains had been Zack's suggestion.
Sam never imagined she would ever meet anyone from the rogue X5 unit, let alone X5-599. After seeing how close they were, she thought she would be regarded as the unwanted outsider. She couldn't have been more wrong about them. And being with Zack, she didn't feel so alone anymore. She smiled to herself. He didn't know it yet, but he might be gaining a companion he wasn't ready for. From the way he regarded his bike, Sam noted he wasn't the sharing type. The muscles bunching under her hands told her that there was hope for them yet. Smiling to herself, she held onto him a little tighter.
Syl's truck started down the road in the opposite direction to which Zack had gone. Max watched till it disappeared around the corner. She looked over her shoulder to see if Alec was still standing behind them. He wasn't. She had to wonder what he'd do. Hard as it was for her to comprehend, but Manticore had been his home, and now it didn't exist.
As if reading her thoughts, Logan said, "I gave him the name of a woman in Chinatown looking for new delivery guy. Her uncle has a couple rooms up for rent. It's not much but it'll get him started."
She kissed him on the cheek and smiled. "Is there anyone you don't know?"
Logan angled his head thoughtfully, pondering for a moment. Then he shook his head, grinning down at her. "Ah, nope."
"Good," Max nudged him in the ribs. "I'll be needing a job too. Getting Normal to take me on again is just going to take too much groveling. And I'm in no mood for it."
"You could work for me," Logan suggested seriously.
Max raised an eyebrow and put her hands to her hips. "I suck at cleaning and I don't do laundry."
"Who said anything about cleaning?" Logan gave her a wicked smile and let his eyes travel down her gorgeous body.
Catching the wicked gleam in his eyes, Max frowned. "Just what did you have in mind?"
"I was thinking more along the lines of utilizing your expertise."
The way he said expertise sent a small shiver up her spine. There was a sexy undertone to his voice and it sent her heart hammering against her breastbone. Max felt her cheeks flush as she remembered how his lips felt against her skin, leaving a burning trail across her collarbone only a few short hours before. "Expertise?" she said, feeling a little breathless.
"As my very own cat burglar," Logan said pulling her close.
"Oh?" she said with a small pout. Tugging on the bottom of his sweater, she looked searchingly into his eyes. "Only that?"
Logan chuckled softly and kissed her. "Come on," he said taking her hand. "We finally get my place all to ourselves."
Seattle might not be the safest place for them, but Max couldn't think of any other place she'd rather be. She had spent months lying in her cell, wishing things had played out differently. Thinking about Logan, Zack and the others. Seeing Sam with Zack, was a little unnerving. It was like watching herself in a dream, in which she had completely lost her mind. But if Sam got her big brother to lighten up and live a little, she was all for them.
As for Lydecker. She was glad their reunion had been short. Not in a hundred millennia, would she be convinced that her former dictator ever had the best intentions, for herself or her siblings. Even if he had displayed signs of decency and a beating heart. It was odd watching him with Demeter. The way he'd treated her was just as he addressed them, yet she responded to it positively.
Max tossed her hair over her shoulder and drew Logan closer as he wrapped his arms around her waist. Mentally, she buried Manticore and all the thoughts that went along with it. The past was the road behind; her future was about to get busy in the hall if she didn't start moving. Leading Logan through the door of the penthouse, she stopped before the dining room window. Outside, the first rays of the new day flooded the apartment. Another dawn. This time around, she wasn't going to let anything delay something she should have said long ago.
"Logan," she started, turning in his arms. "Remember the day you mentioned Eric, and you said you weren't jealous?"
Logan nodded and Max continued. "I wanted you to be, because then things wouldn't have felt so one-sided." She shook her head, knowing she wasn't spelling it out clearly and determined to tell him exactly how she felt. "Back then it was just an attraction, but now. Well, what I want to say is that I fell in love with you."
Logan tilted her chin and planted a gentle kiss on her full lips. Meeting her eyes, hoping she could see his heart's desire mirrored there, he said, "You had me from the moment you crashed through my window. I couldn't get you off my mind. From then on, I had to know everything about you and it was never enough. You captivate me, Max. Your strength, your passion, the way your eyes can express so much and the fact you don't even know how beautiful you are. I love you, Max."
He took her hand and placed it over his heart. "So much it hurts."
Moisture sprung into her eyes as she felt the pounding beat of his heart beneath her palm. Smiling through her tears, Max reached up and pulled him down till his forehead touched hers. "I'll be your cat burglar if you promise not to make me cry ever again."
Capturing her mouth with his, Logan kissed her thoroughly before pulling back and smiling down at her. "I promise."