I wrote this in middle school. It is currently undergoing very, very heavy reconstruction so that everyone is more in character and that I don't miss any other little facts from the series. Please, be cautious and forgiving in your reading of this. I promise the last chapter is somewhat decent in comparison.
Also, A Royal Ranger is currently sitting on my dresser and I glare at it every so often as I haven't forgiven John Flanagan for the happenings in chapter 1 quite yet. I understand that things change and are kind of the opposite of this story. Note the date it was first published. Note also that this is fanfiction.
Thank you to all those who for some reason followed this and for those just coming in, the new and improved version that actually has a plot with it will be up somewhere around June after school gets out, as there are some 17,000 words to rearrange and revise.
Thank you for even deigning to read this and might I suggest To Death and Glory by Merlyn Pyndragon for reading in this fandom? It is fantastic.
Au Revoir,