This is the last chapter.. and a twist in events. I might take a break from this pairing, might not. Might go to another pairing like... EriSol or GamTav hm.. idk, but I would have JohnKat as a side pairing. JohnKat is though going to have more stories. Have about two stories I might publish at the same time of JohnKat or one at a time. This might seemed rushed at parts, sorry if it does. Tried to get this up for an update.

Anyways see the end of the chapter for notes. It is rather important.


Chapter 5-Beginning of an End

Karkat tossed in the bed, the constant thumping wouldn't stop.

Couldn't someone get one fucking hour more of sleep? Is that so fucking hard? Karkat groaned and buried his face into one of the many pillows.

Knock Knock.



"Damnit KK wake the fuck up!"


"KK thiith iith urgent no tiime for… the fuck?"

Luckily Karkat and John both were only half naked. Still, Karkat's territorial instincts kicked in and reached for a lamp.


Sollux closed the door in time to hear the lamp shatter into pieces. He couldn't help but grin, Feferi was right about those two. Eridan owed him since he lost the bet. Sollux quickly absconded to avoid a rage filled tantrum.

After getting dressed, Karkat and John proceeded to meet the others in the living area. Karkat was greeted with chatter and a smug look on Sollux's face.

That fucking irritated him.

"Tho, you guyth have fun?"

Another flying object successfully dodged.


"Glub! Watch where you're throwing things, you could krill someone!" Feferi dusted off her dress, being she ducked into the floor just in time. Karkat mumbled an apology before taking an empty seat near her.

"Anywayth before II wath almotht culled agaiin… We are iin deep thhiit."

"You fucking just figured that out? A-MAZ-FUCK-ING GOOD FOR YOU CAPTOR. You do want one of those human snacks for your outstanding intelligence there?"

"I think you mean cookie. My dad used to make those…" John sighed as he leaned against Karkat's chair. Feeling guilty, Karkat lowered his gaze to the floor. That was a sore subject.

Feferi spoke up breaking the awkward silence.

"So what are we going to do? I sea no problem in the first plan Sollux has come up with, but… As much as I hate to admit it, Eridan might be right."

Sollux scowled.

Karkat and John both looked at him for an explanation.

"Look... I have come up wiith a plan that would diithtract Jack enough so we could kiill hiim once and for good. But.. iit callth for thacriifiice… Three of uth wiill have to take hiim head on, while the retht take hiim from behind while he iith diithtracted ."

John looked paler than normal; the color drained from his face as he listened.

Karkat gripped the seat, claws ripping the fabric to the metal frame.

"Is there no other plan? As you can fucking see, we already lost half our race!" Karkat looked around at the remaining trolls. Gamzee, Vriska, Kanaya, Sollux, Terezi, Feferi, Eridan and himself along with John. John didn't really count because he was turned into one, by his carelessness of course.

"It's the only option we got right now. Or we can surrender but that isn't mother fucking cool bro." Gamzee's gaze seemed cold.

The gaze suddenly softened, to Karkat's relief.

"Gamzee iith riight. Iif we go down, we go down ath heroth."

Karkat spent most of the afternoon huddled into a ball in his corner. He watched as John laughed with his friends, and being nudged by Dave; Rose constantly nagging him on proper behavior, while Jade laughing behind her book.

He couldn't help but wonder if any of them knew what was going to happen. If any of them would meet in the next life, and what that next life would be like.

Karkat flinched slightly as a hand landed on his shoulder.


"Yo bro.. I know we have are differences but-"

"The fuck do you want? Can't you see I have better things to do then listen to your shit?"

Dave titled his shades down in question.

"Oh really? Sitting in a corner and acting like a crybaby is doing something? Damn I didn't know that pathetic shit was legit. Man, you got to teach me that some time."

Karkat hated his sarcastic attitude, but it was durable.

"Anyways, I came over here because you're my best bro's… Matesprit I guess is what you call them. You made him happy. And I appreciate that-don't fucking repeat what I said to anyone- but… your kind of cool in your own freakish twisted way."

Karkat smirked.

"Oh the mighty Strider is bowing down to his leader?"

"Don't push it troll."

Karkat pushed Dave backwards, sending him on his ass.

"I didn't, but I sure pushed you wriggler."

Dave surprisingly smiled as he stood up. He replaced his hand back on Karkat's shoulder, nodding in approvement before walking back to his friends.

~Approximately 2 hours before Jack arrives~

The sky lit up with another explosion, this one was closer than the last.

Karkat's hand slid from the cold window pane.

"He's gotten another planet…"

John looked up from his deck; John carelessly tossed a broken weapon across the room before joining his matesprit. Karkat looked tired; he had gotten less sleep than he normally did. John didn't like it one bit, he wished he could take all this pressure of leadership away.

"Don't worry, we will win this thing... and collect our prize and bring everyone back to life… So... even if I die... or even you… or our friends, we will get them back! No one is alone here."

John locked his arms around the other, the frame a bit shaky. John looked up to candy red tears streaked across Karkat's face.

"Karkat... I-"

The ground suddenly rumbled, Karkat quickly grabbed John and hid under a desk.

"Stay put."

Summoning his sickles he glanced back at John, before running out the room.

The asteroid was hit with some weird force. Half of the building was exposed, the upper half completely cut clean. Dave was on the ground inspecting the remains. Terezi was sniffing, her facial expression unreadable.

"This is a sword's job… Not just any sword either." Dave turned to face his friends.

"What or who could have done this?" Kanaya readied her chainsaw for attack.

Dave shrugged, but he knew the answer. He had been in close contact with Jack before; he had gotten a close up on that sword. He was thankful his bro had taught him the difference between each sword before he passed- or brutally murdered. Dave's fist clenched and unclenched before he looked over everyone.

"We got less time now. He's close, no sugar coating anything."

Everyone's attention was turned, when Karkat came running out.


"No one mother fucking flipped their shit brother. Someone has attacked us." Gamzee tossed one of his weapons in the air, catching it.

"Mother fucking Jack."

"My my, what an outstanding group. It didn't take you that long to process that information did it?"

Everyone turned their gaze towards a dog like creature with wings, and a deadly looking sword.

That's all that Karkat remembered before being knocked out.

His nightmares were one thing, but waking up to blood everywhere was another.

Karkat's head hurt, along with his shoulder. Something was weighing him down; pushing it off he regretted even waking up to acknowledge what lay before him.

Bullshit and murder.

Karkat had to cover his mouth with his hands, to encourage stomaching the scenery.

His friend was on top of him; to make it worse it was the corpse of Gamzee.

"Gamzee… Oh Gog no…" Karkat tried to read a pulse, but it was no use. By the temperature of the frayed skin, it had been a good hour or so.

He was long gone.

Karkat looked around to find similar bodies scattered across the area. His stomach lurched as he took in each body; Feferi, Eridan, Terezi and... oh shit, was that… Sollux? Karkat ran over hoping at least one of them were alive; with barely a pulse, Sollux was still alive.


Sollux coughed before opening his eyes.

"Good morning to you too KK… Heheh…" He went into a small coughing fit before settling down. Mustard yellow blood dripped from the corner of his mouth. Damnit, Karkat didn't have much time, he knew he couldn't save his friend, but that little hope still lingered.

"Look Sollux, everything is going to be alright… we can get you fixed up... I uh.. I can find Kanaya by the looks of it she's still alive, she can help. Just don't talk okay-Fuck, stay awake!"

"Heheh… KK thatth not goiing to help. IIm already a goner." Karkat noticed the color in his eyes, they were fading.

"DON'T SAY THAT! Just hang in there okay? Just a bit longer."

"KK… II need you to do thomethiing for me.. II need you to fiind Dave and John. They have thomethiing that can reverthe thiith… Before AA.. diied again, thhe gave me thiith thoftware to reverthe the eventth. Thiith miight work, iit miight not even do thhiit."

Karkat kept calling himself a fucking moron, not only being knocked out long enough for his friends to be slaughtered, but leaving John in the most dangerous place possible.

His gaze shot down to Sollux as he coughed up mustard yellow.

"Thankth KK…Go get John human, he needth you more than anyone." Sollux closed his eyes, with that smirk he always played when he won, or just fucking happy. Either one, was heart breaking because that was his last smartass grin Karkat would see for a long time.

Karkat bit back his emotions as he gently laid Sollux down next to the rest. At least they weren't in any torment now that they were dead, that was one fucking thing Karkat could be happy about. But why the fuck would he be anyways? His life span has always been shit, and this time he thought it couldn't get any worse, oh who was he fucking fooling?

Karkat got up to his feet and ran to the building; not long he heard a scream, it was rather male, despite the highness it reached. His mind came to notice that voice belonged to John, as he quickly paced himself to the remains.


Karkat was just in time to witness another downfall of his comrades. Rose had been shot with her own powers, it being deflected back at her. The saddest part was, Kanaya stood in front of her. A dark laughter sounded off in the distance not so long after the soft thump of both bodies hit the ground.


The said boy look up, tears threating to spill.

"Karkat… I'm sorry I couldn't help them… I didn't know what to do, I-…" John hissed as his shoulder blade leaked blood. He figured that John must have tried to protect his friend, the wound seem to be from an energy force.

He must have been pushed back, and saved.

A low groan reached their ears, and they turned their attention towards the jade blooded troll.

"Kanaya? KANAYA!" Karkat raced to her; hugging his friend, careful not to disrupt her wound any further.

He noticed she shared the same injury as Rose, through her stomach, along with the ribbon Rose wore around her own. She must have given it to her some point for showing her affection before she sacrificed herself. Karkat's bloodpusher ached, she must have pitied her.

"Karkat it is nice to see you…. But I must tell you to leave me be... and leave….as you can tell, I will share the same fate as my darling Rose."

"Kanaya everything is going to be alright... okay?"

No answer.


Tears spilled over, mixing jade with candy red.

Kanaya was seemed to be a mother to Karkat, one that he never had since he came into the shit called a universe. She was the only one that didn't judge him by his blood color, and one that knew the color besides John.

In fact she praised him to embrace that he was different and didn't have to be in classes like the rest. He was to be proud he wasn't charted, and expected to act a certain way because of ranking. She always took up for him.

The fact that she was no longer with him, seem to push that embracement away, and those words meaning nothing without her support.

"Karkat… I'm sorry…."

Karkat laid his friend down, gazing into those closed eyes, and that smile gracing her lips. He also noted that one of her free hands held his shirt the entire time. He had to bite back more tears as he stood to get away from it all.

"Let's go… We still got spiderbitch to find and your fucking douche of a friend Strider. Those fuckasses at least are known to be still alive."

"Vriska you take the right and I take the front line!" Jade readied her gun and shot multi bullets towards Jack's moving form.

"Come on you looooooooser! Can't catch a simple troll? You're weaker than I thought!"

Jack used his wings to deflect the bullets, while he turned towards Vriska.

"Let's go Dave!" Dave appeared from a pile of rubble and tackled Jack to the ground, sword piercing his arm before being thrown into Jade.

"Shit. Sorry Jade… "

"It's okay D- LOOK OUT!"

Dave rolled to his side, grabbing Jade in the process.

A blue blur hit the ground before blue rain fell from the sky. It took the two to resister that rain wasn't blue before they ran to the crater in the ground.

"Holy shit…."


The said troll smirked sitting up rubbing her head with her remaining arm- remaining? Dave jumped back as the broken appendage landed in front of him. The look on his face would have been priceless if this wasn't so serious.

"Again really? That's the second time I lost that arm…" Vriska stood to get up, but lost her balance to so much blood loss. "Shit…"

Jade stayed be her side, and ordered Dave to help her find a hiding place, but the said boy already charged towards Jack again.

"HEY ASSHOLE! DOWN HERE! I DIDN'T KNOW FLEA INFESTED MUTTS LIKE YOU COULD FLY!" Dave mockingly barked at Jack's form before being struck down, a clean cut across his stomach. It wasn't too deep, but it hurt enough for him not to walk for a good long time.

"DAVE!" Jade laid Vriska down before rushing to aid her friend.

"It's fine…It's just a fucking paper cut. The weak ass mutt can't aim worth shit." Jade smiled at Dave's cockiness, even though Dave was seriously injured, he would still keep his cool guy mode in action.

"Hey Harley, looks like we got a party going now. Egderp and VantASS are here."

Jade turned her head and smiled.

"JOHN! KARKAT! I'm glad to see you guys are alright, but... we kind of need help, Vriska is hurt and so is Dave!"

John was the first to rush to Vriska; she grinned up to him, patting him on the back reassuring she was alright.

"I'm sorry Vriska… I would have been here if I wasn't so lost back there."

She nodded and turned her head to the flying thing in the sky. "That thing took my arm!" A low growl slipped from her throat as she fluttered her wings and flew into the air.

"HEY! Have you heard of arm for an arm?" Jack turned around to see Vriska soaring towards him, his gaze then drifted from the spot she came from, the very spot where Karkat and John stood. Knowing her weakness, he aimed his sword towards John.

"Yes, arm for an arm…. And Life for a life." Energy began to build and Vriska stopped midway to glance back down. She bared her fangs before folding her wings, falling at top speed towards the ground. Karkat taking notice, jumped in front of John, but both he and his matesprit had been knocked away; Vriska took the blow.


The troll turned her head with a smile; her intersection had a hole in it. Blue blood splattered along her face, but still that smile over powered it. "Stupid loooooooow blood…He thought he could kill me from the start." She laughed before throwing herself into a coughing fit, falling face first into the ground.

John tried to run up to her, but Karkat held him back. It was too dangerous and she was already gone.


"John she's gone bro, besides this shit isn't over with." Dave hissed as his cut shot pain through his body. Jade ushered him to not use his voice, but he protested against it.

"Since I'm out for this round, you guys need to distract him and I can move from behind. It's risky, but I think I could slice him up."

Jade began to protest herself but Karkat put a hand in front of her.

"He's right… we need to get this shit over with."

Karkat then looked down at John as he stood up; he ordered John to stay with Dave and let him and Jade handle this. Of course, Karkat had to fight with him to make him stay, telling him sweet nothings to sooth him.

After Jade reloaded her weapon, he summoned his sickles once more and charged towards Jack. If he was going to go down, might as sure be worth it. He rather die than see John die.

Jack must have known their movements for he easily dodged them, and flew out of range. Karkat eagerly listened to any movements while Jade scanned the sky. Everything seemed quiet, Karkat didn't let his guard down, but Jade unfortunately did for a split second. She was knocked to the floor, weapon skidding across the ground.

"Jade!" Dave rose to stand, but fell to one knee as the pain shot though him once more.

"STAY THE FUCK DOWN WRIGGLER! YOU TOO FUCKASS!" Karkat growled as he leaped upon a pile of rubble and lunged himself at Jack. Jack was caught off guard, but quickly threw Karkat down. The air seemed to knock itself out of him when he made impact, but slowly he regained it all back.

During this time, Dave took the opportunity to be a hero. He scrambled to his feet, weapon in hand. He made sure John made it safely to Jade's side before charging himself, a sword fight ensuing.

"Jade? Jade are you okay…?" John's clawed finger gently raked over her skin.

Her pulse was fading.

He gently pulled her into her lap and played with her hair. He let tears fall; a splash on her face, her eyes slowly fluttered open.

She smiled; her own toothy smile reflected his.

"John you're so nice, even though it hard to see you through my tears... haha…" She shakily wiped a finger over her cheeks, managing to catch a few stray drops.

"Jade, you're going to be alright! You just got a headache that's all… or something... I can fix you." Jade laughed, wincing. "I don't think a headache leaves you this drained…" John turned her over, to see blood on the back of his hands. She must have hit her head.

Jade hugged John to her, before closing her eyes.

"I'm sleepy…"

"Jade don't go to sleep….stay awake, stay awake!"

She snuggled into John's shirt, before her breathing became still. John gently let her go, her hair falling to cup her pale face.

"JOHN GET THE FUCK OUT!" Dave quickly dodged a flying wave of energy before picking up Jade and moving her aside. "Shit, this is getting out of hand."

"Dave I'm not leaving you alone here!"

"GET GOING DUMBASS! I can't believe I'm saying this, but KARKAT GET OFF YOUR ASS AND HELP GET JOHN OUT OF HERE! Rose said something about Sollux's machines… I don't know what, but hopefully you can reverse this shit and bring us to life again."

Karkat grabbed John's hand and looked at Dave.

"Dave… I don't think you can-"



Dave gave John a smile before a blackened sword pierced through his chest. Coughing, Dave was sent to one knee, barely able to force out the words from his throat.

"This is the end for me…- cough-… t-take care of him." Dave's smile was tainted with blood.

That smile was his last, as his strength gave out, sending him face first into a puddle of his own blood.

"DAVE!" John stood there as he watched his friend fall to join the rest. This couldn't be happening, this was some fucked up dream, and oh he wished it was so he could wake up in the arms of his matesprit.

No… this wasn't a dream, this was the fucked up reality.

"Dave….Jade…Vriska… everyone…." John looked up to the offending person. THING more like it.

"Give up."

John stood up, hammer gripped tightly in his hands.

"You… killed them… My friends… Haha… Nice trick..."

Jack looked up, amused.

"This isn't a trick boy. This is your end, and my beginning!" He drew his sword, aiming precisely towards his heart.

"JOHN!" Karkat ran in front of them both, sickles in hand.

"Fuck off you bastard…"

Jack laughed as he pointed behind him.

"I think I'm the least of your worries child."

Karkat turned around, black aura surrounding John. Karkat only could stand in horror as he watched John's grey blue skin turn grey black; His eyes the once baby blue turn fierce fiery white. That grin was what made Karkat scared the most.

The same grin in his nightmares.



"You…You wanted them dead too…"

Karkat began to back away.

This wasn't good. Karkat knew what he had to do, he hated ever minute of knowing it.

He had to kill John.

"John… No I didn't want them gone-they were my friends too! We are all a team here! Jegus, listen to me!"


If Karkat had time for his pride to be shattered it would have been scattered all over the floor, in un-repairable pieces.


Karkat's gaze shot straight at John, those fierce eyes turning a light blue before disappearing again. John was still in there, there was still hope. Holding one hand to his head, John used his free one to reach out towards Karkat.

"Kar…Kat it hurts…"

"John! Hold on… Fuck... we can fix this- somehow…hang in there!"

Laughter from behind caused Karkat to turn around in utter disgust.


Jack looked takened back, but soon the smug grin was back on his blackened face.

"Strong words, from a simple minded troll. Too bad your creative vocabulary won't help you out this time. Your bark unfortunately is bigger than your bite."

"You fucking-RAAAAH!" Jack's blade sliced through the top half of his torso, the impact enough was able to cause Karkat to fall down in sheer agony.

"Mutant blood? I am surprised you weren't killed from birth. My I must give you credit for struggling this long."

"You… ungrateful-"

"Ah I would love to talk some more, but I believe you have company waiting, it would be rude of me to intervene, mainly when you were in the middle of a nice conversation."

Karkat focused his attention back to John. Those eyes fixed on his wound, smile still intact, fangs and all.

It seemed to go on forever. Karkat dodged as John swung his hammer wildly, spikes somehow appeared throughout their fighting. He found out he had to dodge the base of it more than the handle. Either way, a blow from that thing could easily knock him out, or kill him. The weapon was now a dark black; the rainbow colors faded to a pale grey, a skeleton decorated the front.

To him, with each passing moment, John's rage built up more along with the energy residing in the weapon. Each strike sent electric pulses through his body.

Karkat could only wonder what it would do if it directly hit him.


Another wild swing, knocks Karkat to his knees.

"Fuck... PLEASE, I don't want to hurt you. I know you're in there. Just fucking listen to me."


Karkat looked up, those eyes were still fierce. Cautiously he played along, hoping for an opening.

"John…Easy now."

Karkat had one sickle in his hand while the other lay on the floor. He braced himself as he grabbed for John's torso, pulling him in a hug.

"Shhh… It's okay." Karkat proceeded to do what he had done to Gamzee these many sweeps, he shoosh papped him. It seemed to work as John dropped his weapon.

"Karkat... I'm sorry.."

Karkat gave a shaky smile, oh how he wished he could believe those words. But those words held nothing but lies.

"You're not sorry…."

"No... I am... I'm sorry for doing this."

Karkat found his windpipe crushing slowly under John's grip. Claws scraped his flesh, his blood dripping down John's arm.

"IM SORRY KARKAT! But I must... KILL YOU!" Manic laughter rang throughout the sky. Karkat's vision started to get hazy, his grip on his weapon threatened to slip.

Slowly he raised the tip to John's stomach.

"No... I'm sorry….Goodbye…. Forever."

John's eyes widened as the sickle was forced inside him. John slowly looked up, eyes completely blue, dulling to a soft grey. His gaze then shot down to his stomach along with his hands, sky blue covered them. The dark energy slowly faded along with the tint of the darkened skin.

Karkat forced his eyes to shut, only to open them to John's voice.

"Thank you…"

It was choked, tortured. He made him sick.

"For what … Your dying f-fuck…look what you're doing to me." Karkat forced his composer to hold a bit longer; but was failing miserably.

"You saved me. I was a monster…I-…" John bent over to cough, more sky blue dripping from his mouth.

Karkat could only watch as John's legs gave out, sending him to press himself against Karkat. He noticed the body starting to get cold, and the heart rate slowing dangerously.

"John stay with me! DAMNIT STAY WITH ME!"

John smiled, slowly closing his eyes. His body started to go limp in his arms, breathing hitched slightly before evening out and stopping completely.

Karkat's eyes began to sting, streams of fresh tears flowing. He was gone…John was really gone, and no special elixir could bring him back this time.

He was gone.

"Isn't this touchy… Such a twist of events."

Karkat glared at Jack; he was perched on a pile of rubble.


That earned a sharp cut at his throat; Karkat didn't even realize Jack was that close to him.

Karkat felt blood trickle down.

"Be a good patron troll… Do my bidding, and I MIGHT spare your feeble form. Your words are enough to help me control the whole universe. You have the talent to able to woo others in FALSE hope, and bring them to their knees in utter defeat."

Karkat spat at him, blood soaking his lips in the process.

"I'll never bow down to the likes of you…" Slowly Karkat picked up John's weapon, throwing his sickles behind. "This is for John… for my comrades... for my FRIENDS, for MY MATESPRIT THAT YOU MURDERED IN COLD BLOOD YOU SACK OF SHIT!"

Jack swung his sword, only to be deflected in a different direction.


Karkat swung the hammer, forcing Jack to the remains of a wall.

"Heheh… Ha…HAHAHAHA!" Karkat growled and picked up his weapon.

Jack's sword slowly began aiming at his heart.

"I must admit… you are a brave one. But are you truly a murderer? Killing me?-really now what would that do?- it would only prove the theory right. You are a cold blooded killer. You already caused so many deaths…but...You can join me; I can ease your pain, and repair your dreams. You don't have to be this 'freak' they have labeled you. Are they really your friends?"

Karkat paused.

"Your right…."

Jack smirked.


Showing no mercy, Karkat shoved the blade into Jack's heart. Twisting the blade until the sickly sound of crushed bones and blood were the only sounds left coming from that bastard.

"I hope you rot…." Karkat gave one last glance, before the from beneath him gave away and collapsed to the ground.

Karkat threw the weapons on the ground, screaming loud as he could. He forgot about his wound, as his throat protested against it. The screaming had opened it further, blood now seeping, and staining his clothes.

Karkat fell to the ground beside John.

'So this is how it ends… I win… but I end up losing at the same time….' Karkat's thoughts started to get hazy along with his vision. Sleep seemed to be very inviting. Karkat felt his whole body turn numb, and cold. Breathing slowed as he shut his eyes, who knew death would feel so….inviting.


That voice… it sounded like John's... But no way, he was dead along with everyone else.

Karkat wake up!

That was John- wake up? He was asleep?

Karkat opened his eyes; bright sunlight caused him to look away before he adjusted.

This place... this place was beautiful. Lush fields surrounded by a forest, was spread far beyond where he was sitting. Karkat looked up to find John, perfectly healthy, and human.

"You're awake!" Karkat didn't have time to answer, for he was hugged rather tightly.

"John... need to breathe, remember? Let go."

John apologized and laughed nervously. Karkat noticed every single detail was back to normal, that made him smile.

"The fuck happened…." Karkat looked over himself as well, his throat was healed. The blood stains gone. The fuck really happened, was this a dream- was this a dream bubble?

"You won!"

Karkat looked lost.

"I won…? John I died, we all died."

John shook his head, smiling.

"Don't you remember? That cue ball dude… He gave you the reward!"

Cue ball…..wait Doc Scratch, that fucking moron?

Suddenly Karkat remembered what had happened before he completely blacked out and died.

"Congratulations, you have defeated Jack Noir."

Karkat looked up, blood covering half his body. He couldn't move, but he could still talk.

"Where is the fucking prize…"

Doc Scratch would have beamed down at him if he had a face. Karkat could feel it neither less.

"Your prize is the renewal of your fate. You may choose to have everything back to normal, but one planet must be destroyed. Your second option saves both your homes, but you will no longer know each other, one party will forget everything, while the other must suffer with the choice."

Karkat shook his head, as he forced the flash back away.

"John… did... What planet is this?"

John seemed to know, for he felt a pang of guilt.

"This is... Earth… I'm sorry Karkat…"

Karkat's expression went unreadable, then a smile slowly graced his features.

"It's fine…. That place held bad memories… and I'm not really judged by my blood color here… seeing you wrigglers share it."

John smiled back and helped Karkat stand.

"Let's go!"

"The fuck John, where to?"

John tightened his grip as they started to run towards a small house.

"To meet the others of course! Everyone is alive and eager to see us!"

Karkat let himself be tugged along, and ran with his matesprit; maybe this choice wasn't a bad one after all.

He had everything he ever wanted, and more.


Ugh this seemed a bit rushed... sorry if it is, tried to get this up before any more holidays came. Hm.. not sure about updating some stories for awhile.. But give me some ideas on other pairings you would like a story to be based on. After that one story, I can update more JohnKat.

*One story in mind is where John and Karkat switch bodies. I read this comic about how John and karkat had that encounter which gave me a little idea of kinda making my own little story based on that.. But Im not sure.

*The second:

Trolls were dangerous, John had been told this countless times. They are savage, ruthless beasts, and not to be trusted. John was surely convinced on how that was the cause of his grandparents and mother's death. John accidently stumbles upon one during one of his midnight runs; mistaking the troll to be a injured human, he takes him back to his house. Later he finds it is the exact opposite. Now John has to deal with his dad finding out, along with the safety of not only his self, but everyone he knows. Rated M: For language and sexual content. Some fluff and smut is expected. Minor character death.

Anyways, thanks for reading my stories! Please continue to R&R so I may continue and improve my stories.