Sorryy! Evil plot bunnies! I love Charmed but... Yeahhh... I didn't want to forget the idea haha...

Chapter 1- Mall

Demyx was dead tired. The Nocturne slumped into his bedroom he had decorated with glow in the dark fish sticker and painted blue. He tossed the jacket said and sat on the bed. He unlaced his boots and wiggled his slender toes. He took off the socks and stood up to take off his pants. Still in his undergarments he groaned feeling the soreness seep into his body yet again.

"Why does Xemmy hate me" he dry washed his face and walked to the attacked bathroom. He took off his undergarments and stepped into the claw tub. He turned the water on and relaxed as his muscles. he scrubbed his hair, letting it fall out of its mullet Mohawk and frame his face. He scrubbed his body and let out a sigh much higher pitched than normal. Demyx stretched and lay in the tub for a bit. He almost fell asleep before the water turned cold. He groaned and got up. He looked down and saw the bandages still on.

"Oh crap…. Good thing I have extra's" He said and stood in the mirror. Slowly the bandages came off and smiled.

"Good thing I'm only an A-cup" He massaged the breasts that had appeared on her chest. There was a knock on the door.

"It's me," Xigbar said and she sighed.

"Hang on," she put on a fluffy bathrobe and a pair of pants.

"Feel better Kid?"

"Yeah... I hate this..."

"I know but think what the bitch would do if you were a girl" They both shuddered at the though.

"Xiggy... I don't think it's gonna last"

"What we've fooled them for years!"

"But.. But... I just can't help but be worried! Espacially Zexion! Or Vexen! They're the smart ones!"

"What about Axel?"

"He's dumber than a sack of nails!" Demyx cried out and crossed her arms.

"Hey relax kid... Say, lets go to Twilight Town Mall tomorrow and you can be your normal girly self"

"Yes! Please! I'm tired of tying my chest... Xiggy when can I finally be a girl?" She whimpered and he smiled saddly.

"I'm sorry Kid... I really am" Demyx put her head on her knees.

"Get some sleep kid... I'll see if I can take you to a massage place... And I can bring your favorite dress" Her head perked up.

"The baby blue one?" She asked.

"With the leather sandals to boot"

"Thanks Xiggy Your the best" She smiled at him and he chuckled a bit.

"No problem kid. Now go to sleep tomorrow is a big day" she nodded and he left, giving the poor girl the privacy she deserved. The girl pulled on a night gown and tugged at the hem. Her sitar appeared and she started plinking away. A sad mournful song of lies and deception. She squeezed her eyes shut tight and a silver tear slid down her face. Her sunny happy mask broken and her nonexistant heart clenched tightly. HSe hated the lies. They where killing her painfully and slowly.

"Why so many lies?" She whispered and put her sitar in its stand. She turned off the light, crawled in bed and slowly was pulled to sleep.

Xigbar walked down the hall whistling a tune. Saix walked by and he stopped next to him.

"She is well?" He asked in a hushed mutter.

"She is. Taking her to town tomorrow.. Wanna come. Puppy?" Saix growled.

"You know damn well she is the only one who can call me that"

"Whatever. Coming or not?" Xigbar asked and Saix nodded. The two parted ways in agreement. Xigbar opened his door and locked it behing him. He strode up to his closet and stuffed a baby blue dress in a messenger bag and a pair of leather zip-up sandals. He thought a moment and stuffed a pouch full of munny. He put it on the floor by his door and flopped on his bed.


Demyx tied her chest and frowned a bit. She fixed the mohawk mullet and put on a baby blue shirt and faded blue skinny jeans. After digging in the closet she found his checkered vans and pulled them on. There was a knock and the door slid open.

"Hello Demyx" Saix said and Demyx smiled.

"Hiya Puppy! Are you coming with Xiggy and I to the mall?"

"Of course. The man is unfit to watch over you himself!"

"Awww did puppy just want to get more pocky?" Saix was silent.

"Awww! Its okay puppy! I wanted to get pocky too!" Demyx smiled and lead the blue haired man out of the room.

"Number Nine. Number Seven" Xemnas said as they walked by him.

"Good morning Suprerior" They said uniformly. He nodded, turned back to his papers and continued down the hallways to his study. Quickly they walked to the dining room where the rest of the organization was. Demyx grabbed a piece of toast and spread nutella on it. Saix shook his head and demyx ate slowly waiting for Xigbar.

"Oookay! Lets go!" Xigbar said threw demyx through a portal.

"Ah!" Xigbar followed and Saix shook his head and followed after them. Demyx Landed on the concrete and groaned.

"Walk much?" Xigbar said walking by him. He wore black jeans and a black shirt with a band logo on it.

"Ass! You threw me in!" Demyx said as Saix helped her up. Xigbar tossed the messanger bag at the fuming girl.

"Your dress in there. Hurry and get changed" He said and Demyx smiled giddily. She ran behind a dumpster and Saix and Xigbar stood watch. She stuffed her boy clothes into the bag and smiled.

"Dance water dance!" She said and made her hair wet. It fell from the mullet and she scrunched it a bit. She bounced out from behing the dumpster and linked arms with both men.

"Lets go! Pocky awaits!" She giggled and they walked to the mall. Xigbar went to a gun store and Saix and Demyx happily went to the bookstore that sold pocky. While looking at the flavors a familiar slate-haired boy walked in. Saix looked up and yanked Demyx behind a rack of books.

"Hey what-"

"Sh! Its Zexion" He hissed and Demyx paled.

"Think we can get out?"

"I'll distract him go find Xigbar!" he pushed the girl behind a counter and walked up to zexion. The Slate haired Shemer was looking at a copy of Twilight. Saix slapped his shoulder.

"TWILIGHT IS NOT LITURATURE!" Zexion looked greatly disturbed and Demyx ran out. She found Xigbar at a spa place three stores over.

"Perfect timing kid. Your appointment is in five minutes"


"Saix texted me... And you need to relax be girly for a bit" he lead her in.

"Hi! I'm Jean. Come with me and we'll take good care of you" A blonde woman in a white uniform said. Demyx followed her and Xigbar walked outside to throw off Zexion.

Saix bought pocky and Zexion glared at him.

"What the hell was that for?"

"What?" Saix asked.

"I was only looking at the cover you ass!" saix shrugged.

"Hey Saix. Oh Zexy hows it going?" Xigbar said and sat beside Zexion.

"Its Zexion"

"Yeah whatever. Wanna hang out?" Without waiting for an answer Xigbar yanked the boy from the bench and to some unknown adventure.


"Ah.. Oooh. right there" Demyx said as the massage therapist rubbed out the kinks in the girl's back.

"You're so tense!"

"I work a lot" she said and the lady popped her back.

"Well time for the mud bath and facial" She said and Demyx sat up. With a bounce in her step the woman helped her into the cosmetic mud and she put a mask and cucumbers on her face.

"Mmm this is nice" Demyx said and laid back. soothing music played ever so gently throught the room. It was a good two hours before she left the spa place. She felt renewed and had an extra bounce in her step. She walked to the benched where Saix was sitting and reading a copy of war and peace.


"Demyx you look better" He said marking his page and standing up.

"Yep! Lets go get a drink!" She giggled and they walked to Jamba juice.

"Pineapple banana mango smoothie please" Saix said as Demyx though.

"I'll have the tropical blend" She said smiling. The cashier winked at her and Saix growled. He trembled and quickly made the drinks. Looking pleased with himself Saix took the drinks and handed one to Demyx.

"Thank you" She said and smiled. They walked pass a dress shop and Demyx stared longingly into the windows. Saix noted and stopped.

"Let us go and see what they have"
"Really Puppy?" She asked happily.

"Come on Demyx" Quickly she was trying on a black cocktail dress and Saix was looking for more dresses suited to the young woman's tastes. Zexion walked in grinning evilly. He had ditched the crazy old man and was now looking for a way to waste time. He saw Saix handing dresses to someone.

"Who is he-" upon closer inspection he saw a girl in a black cocktail dress.

"Demyx?" He squinted and whispered. He hidbehind a suport beamas Saix walked out of the store and Demyx to the fitting room. A scheme was forming in the young man's head and he walked to the room Demyx had just disapeared into. She was taking off the dress and hanging it back up neatly. She saw the curtain open as she pulled on a mermaid dress.

"Saix? you found Xiggy already?" The girls said holding the chest up and reaching for the zipper.

"I knew it!" She turned and her eyes widened.


Teeeheee! This might be rated m for *ahem* certain purposes... Read and review.. Oh i has a funny story i saw this between two friends at gamestop.

(lets call this person Cally)

Cally: Pulls out cough drop wrapper*

(lets call this one Mie)

Mie: Is that a condom?

Cally:... *grin* It's Demyx time

Both:*die laughing*

So read and reviews cause they makes me happy :)