hehe another update, sorry for the short chapter and another one is on it's way! keep reviewing and keep following and adding to your favourites! :)

disclaimer - i do not own pokemon

Chapter 10: It's a date?

Students at Oak Academy High were gossiping like crazy about the hot cheerleader captain, May. Serena and Amanda were spreading secrets, lies, all over the school.

"I wish Winter Break would hurry up." Muttered the brunette as everyone was sending her glares and disapproving looks.

The loner nerd was also getting unwanted attention. Brandon made it clear to the entire world that he befriended Gary Oak. He told everyone he was going after the geek, Leaf Green.

Students shot daggers at Leaf and she had never felt so terrified. They had looks of a murderer.

May took a seat in English class, only to feel extremely uncomfortable. This was the first time she felt like this at school. Fortunately, Drew walked in, taking a seat beside her.

"So, you're a pervert." He stated as a chuckle followed after.

The brunette was confused, "What are you even talking about?"

Drew couldn't he was the one to explain, "Rumors has it that you like to walk in mens' washrooms and see their, you know."

She blushed red like a juicy apple, "What?" she exclaimed, "No! I never did that… well maybe once… but that was because I didn't read the signs! And you know what happened once I went in? I screamed because I saw a man pissing and rushed out like lightening!"

The green haired teen cracked up laughing, and May desired to kick his ass out the window.

"It's not funny! I'm also NOT a pervert!" she declared out loud for the entire class to hear.

"Who would have thought our dear June has a perverted side?" teased Drew.

"Oh, who's June? I have no idea who you're talking about." She responded clueless.

Their teacher, Mr. Syddon entered the room and instructed the class to settle down.

As he was writing notes down, he kept hearing giggles and chuckles from two certain students.

He breathed out deeply, knowing who they were.

"Drew, May, shut up and stop flirting before I give you guys detention." He warned sternly.

Drew's still had his usual smug looking face on. May on the other hand positive they weren't flirting. Her thoughts wander to Drew, and she realized she wanted to know so much more about him.

Who was he actually? Where did he come from? What was his family like? Did he have siblings? What did his parents do? What was his story?

Leaf Green was sitting her desk, bored as ever. There was nothing to do since she was ahead of the class. She also didn't have any friends and she also missed Gary's annoying presence.

She sighed and took out her iPhone to listen to music to pass time. The songs, 'Demons' was on by Imagine Dragons, which instantly put her to sleep. It was such a soothing and relaxing song.

The lunch bell rang and Leaf still slept like a baby. May couldn't find Leaf or Gary anywhere. Drew and Ash had basketball practice.

She was walking aimlessly in the halls until a room caught her attention, the music room.

There was a tiny secret she was hiding ever since Amanda and Serena made fun of her. She was a pianist and a formidable one.

The brunette looked through the window and was surprised to see nobody was inside. May entered the room and it felt nostalgic.

Back in her freshman year, she remembered when she didn't have any cheerleading practice; she snuck out from her group of friends and played piano in this very room.

Why did May Maple stop going? It was simple, the band geeks took over and her empty room wasn't so empty.

The piano appeared gorgeous as always. It was off to the side of the room and the sun was shining directly at it.

The brunette took a seat and lifted the cover to reveal the white several keys.

She ran her tiny fingers across the piano. She took a deep breath and pressed a high note, then a low note. A smile escaped from her mouth.

She started playing the piano to one of the first song she ever learned. It was 'Numb' by Linkin Park. May's fingers seem to remember all the right places.

When she hit the chorus, she let her body sway to the music. She closed her eyes and she escaped her reality. She didn't even need to think about the chords, her mind felt tranquil.

And unconsciously, at the end of the song, May sang the last line ever so softly, "I'm tired of being of what you want me to be."

She slowly opened her eyes, and she wasn't expecting to see someone in front of her.

There were only two people in the math room; the sleeping brunette and a girl with short navy blue hair.

The bluenette gritted her teeth, there was no way this was happening, she thought, Gary can't be chasing a nobody like them!

She tapped Leaf awake, and she opened her eyes slowly. "Leaf Green." She heard someone called her from behind. She turned around to see a short navy haired girl with golden colored eyes.

"Hi?" Leaf replied, confused. She had no idea who she was, and how she knew her name.

"It doesn't matter who I am, but let me tell you this. Back off from Gary, he will never go after you." She stated with a murderous look.

"Let me get this straight, you want me to stay away from Gary?" Leaf asked, looking skeptical.

"Yeah, didn't you understand that? Jeez, I thought a nerd would be smarter then this." Responded the blunette.

Leaf was boiling in anger, thanks to this snobby, rude student. She couldn't believe what she was saying to her.

"First of all, you have no right to be telling me what I'm supposed to do. Second of all, there's no way I'm going to back off from Gary. Got that?" she firmly replied with a determined expression on her face as she left the room.

One advantage of being a loner, nobody ever tried to approach you. "Damn it Brandon. If you didn't lie to everyone about Gary chasing after me, this would have never happened." Muttered an upset Leaf.

Because just what everyone said, she had no chance of being in a relationship with Gary.

Auburn spikey hair and dark brown eyes, was the first thing May thought.

"I forgot you played the piano." Said Gary, "Brings back memories from when we were younger."

May let out a giggle, "I know, hey? I would be so obsessed with playing it. I'd even ditch you for it."

"Yeah, you sure did." He responded, "What made you stop anyways?"

"Two bitches!" exclaimed May, "But I still played secretly to myself."

"You always were the one that allowed people to walk over you." Added Gary.

"Oh shut up! I'm slowly growing a back bone!" replied May.

Gary chuckled, "I guess so. See ya, May. Tell your lover boy I say hey."

May's cheek turned to a pink rose, "Very funny, Oak!" she shouted as she watched him leave.

Lunch was ending in ten minutes and the basketball team was finishing strong.

Coach Addon was yelling them to push themselves even further and to work harder. He wasn't going to let them lose the next game.

Drew was dripping in sweat and panting hard, exactly like his other teammates.

The team had to do suicide lines and ten of them. (A/N: suicide lines are used in several of sports team. You start at the base line, run to the foul line then back to the base, then to the half court line, and then back to the base and so on. It keeps going until you reach to the end of the court and depending how many your coach wants you to do.)

Lunch ended and classes were starting. May wasn't paying attention to where she was walking, only to bump into Drew.

Her azure eyes scanned on Drew's sweaty face as he was trying to air himself out. He kept pulling his black t-shirt and gazed at May with his emerald-forest eyes.

"Wanna skip class, Maple?" he asked with a conceited smile on his face.

"Why not? Better then being at this hellhole." She replied, "Let's go."

She grabbed hold of his hands, leading the way.

"So, it's a date?" he mentioned as he watched her short hair sway.

"It's a date." She confirmed with a smile on her face.

So i'm going to end it here! how did you guys like it? ooh next chapter be ready for lots lots lots lots lots of contestshipping :3 and maybe a bit of pokeshipping? ;)