AN: Warning! This chapter contains spoilers for the last night's episode "Dark Tower". If you wish to be spoiled, despite the shortness of the chapter go ahead and leave a review when you are done reading. :)
Both Merlin and Mordred suppressed the urge to roll their eyes along with a snort as Arthur yelled his manservant's name down the corridor that led to Gaius' chambers. Ever since Gwen left with the knights to pay respects on her father's grave, the young king was irritable and annoying.
Because the magic was still banned, the teacher and the student decided it would be best to have their lessons in Merlin's small room for the time being. Merlin was trying to teach Mordred the spell he used to save Arthur and others in the tomb of King Lothar. Even though the spell was rather simple to Merlin, he kept reminding himself that it is not the same for Mordred, despite his raw talent that was yet to take shape. But with Arthur continually pestering Merlin, their lessons were proving to be more challenging than they should be.
Doors slammed open with Arthur's timely yell, forcing Merlin to abandon his spot on the bed and come out of the room.
"Yes sire?" he asked as derogatively as possible, making Arthur glare at him.
"Where the hell have you been? I have a council session in an hour."
"Since when?" Merlin might still give the appearance of the clumsy, sometimes dim-witted servant but Arthur and others knew better for some time now.
"Since ten minutes ago."
"Can't you choose your own outfit for it?" Merlin asked annoyed.
"What do you think I pay you for?"
"To keep you from getting fat?"
"Alright…You know, I have to tell Gwen to take you instead of the knights next time she leaves the castle. You are unbelievably annoying when she is not around."
"I am not." Arthur stated indignantly.
"Yes, you are. How am I ever supposed to teach Mordred anything if you keep interrupting us?" Merlin scoffed a bit and Arthur finally looked up to see equally annoyed young knight leaned on the doorway of the small room.
"I apologize. Just get me the damn outfit and I will make sure you are not disturbed for the rest of the afternoon." Arthur at least tried to look sheepish and stormed out of the physician's chambers with Merlin right after him.
Although this shout was different from the one earlier in the afternoon, it still grated on Merlin's nerves and this time he did roll his eyes as he got up whilst muttering something under his breath.
"Honestly, how did you put up with this for nine years?" Mordred asked, getting up himself.
"That is a good question. I ask myself that every morning when I wake up."
The door slammed open again but this time it was Gaius who came in first with Arthur, Gwaine and Elyan following as several guards brought Leon and Percival on the stretchers.
"What happened?" Merlin asked worried as both he and Mordred hurried over.
"Nest of snakes."
"Where is Guinevere?" Arthur asked, cutting in.
"I told her to run." Elyan replied hesitantly and worried.
The young king looked at his manservant who was looking at the guards, indicating he wanted them out.
"You may go." Arthur dismissed the guards and waited for an explanation once the guards were gone.
"Look at the bite marks." Merlin pointed to Percival's arm.
"What the…?" Gwaine's eyes widened as he noted the wounds.
"This is no ordinary snake bite, sire. This has dark magic written in it. They should be dead." Gaius remarked.
"But they are not. Can you help them?" Arthur looked at his friend that looked downright disgusted at the sight of the wounds though he remarked that Mordred had the same look.
"I can but I need to examine the wounds first. If I use the wrong spell I might kill them." Merlin replied, disappearing shortly in his room before returning again.
Even though he shouldn't be, Arthur was still slightly jumpy every time Merlin's eyes would turn gold.
"How about this one?" Mordred pointed some text on the page in his spell book, not that Arthur knew what it was, considering it was written in language he did not know.
"I know that one already. It is fairly simple and powerful but I have no idea how it will react to the dark magic that is bound to the poison."
"You are supposed to be mighty Emrys. It should not pose much trouble for your power."
"I swear you and Arthur…" Merlin trailed off with shake of a head before leaning over Percival's arm, putting his hand right over the ugly looking hole.
"Ic pe purhæle pinu licsar."
Unlike most of the time, Merlin's eyes flashed deep molten gold for almost a minute and they could all see small vapour coming out of the swiftly sealing would.
"Impressive." Gwaine muttered respectfully.
"Thank you." Merlin said slightly out of breath.
"Merlin?" Gaius set his hand on his ward's shoulder, looking at him with concern.
"I can feel her. Almost as if she signed herself into the snakes." Merlin mumbled as he moved around to get to Leon's side.
"Who?" Arthur asked confused.
"Morgana." Mordred replied darkly instead of Merlin, drawing attention to himself. "It is rather obvious. The queen is missing and snakes were enchanted." The young knight shrugged.
"They will both recover fast now that I got rid off the poison." Merlin stated.
"We ride at dawn." Arthur stated firmly, turned on his heel and marched out.
The others exchanged series of looks before Merlin steadied himself on his feet and followed after his friend with intention of calming him down a bit. After all, he was not the only one who was worried about Gwen.
AN2: I must admit that Elyan's death was the last thing I expected when I watched 'The Dark Tower' yesterday. I am still unsure what to do next seeing as my story is not exactly following the canon. Anyway, I hope you liked first part of the Dark Tower in my version. Oh and don't chapters concerning Dark Tower are going to be very long because I will write reveals of Merlin's magic to Gwen and knights through flashbacks as they journey through the forest and Gwen will be thinking about it during her imprisonment in the tower. Had to add this part so you don't eat me alive in the reviews :) Fret not people, you are in for reading during next two weeks.