I had the major need to give my version of Destiel a kid for RPing purposes...so I wrote this and did. XD

Finding Cadence

Castiel and Dean drove through the little Colorado mountain town. They'd just found themselves a cabin up in the woods to set up as a safe house. Cas had finally gotten his way. They had a home now. A place just for them. Dean parked the car and looked over at Cas.

"All right. I caved and we got a house. Now what do you want to do?"

"I believe we should purchase furniture and stuff." Because Castiel was sure that was what you did when you had a home.

Dean sighed. "Fine. There's a little shop down the block."

Dean climbed out of the car and shoved his hands in his pockets, waiting for Cas to join him before heading down the street.

Castiel looked at Dean as they walked in step. "Thank you Dean. This means a lot more to me than you realize." He just wanted to be as close to human as possible and having a home made him feel more comfortable with that.

"No problem Cas." Dean still wasn't exactly okay with this, but he was tired of having Cas pestering him about it. Dean continued down the block towards the furniture store.

Castiel paused as they passed an alley. He heard something rustling in the alley. Dean didn't notice as Castiel turned down the alley, in search of the noise.

"So don't expect me to be good at this interior decorating crap-" Dean stopped mid-sentence realizing Cas wasn't next to him. He turned around and saw him turning down the alley. "Cas?"

Castiel didn't say anything. He walked over to the sound and saw a young girl, who couldn't be any older than 12 rummaging through the trash. She saw him and backed up against the wall, obviously not feeling reassured by the look of Castiel. Dean arrived at the alley and saw the look on the girl's face.

"I'm not going to hurt you." Castiel stated.

The girl seemed to gain some courage as she stood up a little taller. "Right. Because I'm gonna believe some creepy guy in a trenchcoat."

Dean chuckled as he neared the pair; mainly at the confused look Castiel was giving the girl.

"Are you lost? Cuz we can take you to the police station so they can get you back home." Dean said, trying to ease the situation.

The girl looked up at him. "I can't go to the police station. I ran away from the home and I'm never going back there again."

"The home?" Castiel asked. He got the run away thing but not her way of describing it.

"The orphanage idiot. Don't you know terms for things like that."

Dean chuckled. He liked this girl's sass. "Well what are you doing out here?"

"Trying to find some food. Being a runaway orphan makes that kinda difficult asshat."

"Now there's no need for the name calling." Dean said, even though he was fairly amused by it. "Why don't we buy you some lunch?"

She seemed to relax a bit more. "Promise not to kidnap and rape me?"

"Never crossed our minds." Dean held his hand out for her and started to walk down the street to the diner, with Cas following closely behind. A grin was spread across the angel's face. He had a plan and had a feeling Dean would agree with him on it.

Dean watched silently as the little girl pounded down her French fries, barely stopping to breath. She probably hadn't eaten in weeks.

"So now that we've gotten some food in your stomach, what's your name?"

"Tell you mine if you tell me yours." She didn't even look up from her plate.

Dean chuckled. The girl's sass was really starting to grow on him. "I'm Dean. This is Cas."

"I'm Cadence." She said through a mouth of food.

"So Cadence, where are you planning on going?" Dean asked, concerned about her runaway status.

Cadence shrugged. "Dunno. I was thinking about heading towards California. See the ocean."

"Dean. Can I talk to you?" Castiel got up, not even waiting to see if the hunter followed him.

"Be right back. If you want more, just order whatever." Dean said as Cadence nodded.

He walked over to join Cas. He stood there waiting for Cas to spit out what was on his mind.

"I think we should let her come live with us."

Dean sighed. He had a feeling this was coming. Cas got the house he wanted, now of course he was going to pester about the children. "Do you really think that's the best idea? Being with us isn't really the safest thing, Cas."

"It is better than her wandering around the continent by herself."

Dean ran a hand through his hair and looked back at Cadence. He knew Cas was right, but he also knew they would be exposing her to danger that she didn't even know existed. He looked back at Cas, who was pouting. He groaned.

"Only if she wants to. Believe me keeping someone in a place they don't want to be is difficult." Dean had learned that from his experiences of having to watch over Sam.

Castiel smiled. He knew he would get his way. He just assumed Dean would put up more of an argument. He turned and walked back over to sit next to Cadence.

Cadence looked up at him. "What's the smile for Cas?"

"Dean and I would like you to come stay with us."

"Only if you want to." Dean stressed as he sat across from them.

Cadence just looked between Dean and Cas. They seemed like they were being genuine to her. "Like forever?"

"Yes. Like forever." Castiel had a feeling she never knew what that felt like.

A smile spread across Cadence's face. "So I was right. You two are a couple."

Dean chuckled. "Yes. We're a couple. That doesn't bother you does it?"

Cadence shook her head. "Of course not. My best friend from the home was gay." She looked between them again. "Are you sure?"

"Yes. We are certain."

"All right then. But there's some things we gotta set straight…"

Cadence trailed off explaining things that had happened in her past. Dean and Cas sat there and listened. Dean looked over at Cas who was grinning like an idiot. He had no idea this would make his angel so happy. He grinned, thinking about the somewhat strange family that was starting to form. He had a feeling Cadence would fit right in with them.