I could hear him coming up the walk, both with my ears and my other hearing. Although really from that I was just hearing one big blank hole. I knew this day would come some day. And when one moved in across the cemetery from me, I knew the days of isolation were quickly coming to an end. But that didn't stop me from hiding in my hidey-hole, hoping with all I had that they would just go away.

There was a knock on the door and Gran went to open it up. It would have been useless for us to pretend to not be here, whoever it was would be able to read our thoughts...well not mine, but they would see my blank spot just as easily as I could see theirs. Gran answered the door with all the grace and hospitality of a well bred southern woman. I really did like her. I had been so proud when my kin had married her, and she had been a wonderful companion ever since. She was so accepting of me, I didn't even have to use my influence to calm her down when we had sat her down to explain the situation. I had even offered to turn her when I found out it was something that we could do. But she was a good Christian woman and was looking forward to meeting Jesus someday. I would miss her when she was gone.

The voice at the door was oddly familiar, like an echo from my past. I heard him say, "hello ma'am, I am new to the neighborhood, I wasn't informed there was another vampire living so close I was hoping to make their acquaintance."

Gran answered with what I knew she would say, "My stars you are a vampire? I am sorry I don't know what you are talking about, but you are the first vampire I have ever met. This is so exciting, tell me did you live through 'the war of Northern Aggression?'"

I had carefully used my influence to make sure none of my relatives could tell anyone about me even if they wanted to. I could feel Gran's brain go fuzzy and I knew he was using his own influence on her.

"Where is the other vampire? Why have they not checked in? Why are you helping them?"

Gran answered in a slightly dreamy sounding voice. "There is no other vampire here. I don't know what you are talking about."

"I see you are already glamoured. You must invite me in."

"Please come in."

Ok I guess it's time to make an appearance. At least I know my influence will hold up if questioned by another vampire. I always kind of wondered about that.

When I made my way up to the top floor I stopped short when I saw the vampire in question. It was William Compton, my neighbor from when I was human. If he was a vampire too...

"Mr. William are you my maker?" I couldn't help but blurt out.

I was face to face with one pissed off looking vampire. It took everything in my not to cower away. Somehow I knew that to show another vampire fear was not a good plan so I gathered up my resolve and made my face look impassive.

"Am I your maker? what kind of question is that? why..." The line of questions stopped as he got a good look at me. "Miss Susanna is that you?"


"I am confused, why haven't you checked in? And what is this about your maker?"

"Well I didn't know you were a vampire, so how was I supposed to know to check in. I thought you died like daddy in the war. And I don't know who my maker is. I just woke up like this about 5 years after you and daddy died. I was reading about vampires and they said every vampire had a maker that had turned them, but I guess mine didn't want me or something because I have never met them." That kind of hurt. I mean I know I am not the most interesting person, but they never even gave me a chance to be a good child, they just left me to figure everything out.

"So you have never met your maker? No offense but how did you survive?" a genuine look of awe on his face.

"It was hard at first. But I got the hang of it. Now it's better because of the bottled blood." It wasn't a topic I liked talking about, remembering the first days (or more like nights) of my vampire life was always tough.

His face still showed a lot of shock. I know it was unusual but I could hardly be the only vampire whose maker had abandoned them.

"So...Why are you living off the grid? When I talked to the Sheriff he didn't know anyone else would be living out here."

I laughed at the idea of a vampire telling the local Sheriff that he was going to live in his town. That must have been an interesting conversation.

"No the Sheriff doesn't know I am here. I am hardly likely to get in trouble for drunk and disorderly conduct, so I am pretty sure he doesn't need to know about me."

Bud Dearborn was a friend of Gran's and he came over sometimes. I always went to my hidey-hole, but I could hear his thoughts and let's just say he is not the sharpest tool in the shed.

The look of shock was back on William's face. I really wish that he would stop looking like that it was making me slightly uncomfortable.

"Miss Susanna, I can't hid the fact that you are living here from him." He state incredulously. Then softening his tone he continued. "It's his right as Sheriff to know the vampires that reside in his area. It's for your protection as much as anything else."

"Fine, but can you tell him, and tell him not to let the other people know I am here. I am not sure how people around here will react to know a vampire is been living amongst them." Lord knows why he wouldn't just let this drop.

"Well I hope you are wrong about that. I will do what you ask, but I am sure he will require you to go meet him. He really isn't that bad. He is a pretty good Sheriff all things considered."

"Well try and pass along my message anyways. If he needs me to come down I will. Or I could meet him at his house so that maybe I can get through this with only a few people knowing I am here."

"Ok. I guess I should go now if I want to make it to Shreveport and back before dawn."

"Bye Mr. William, it was nice to see you again. And I guess we'll be neighbors again, it seems strangely fitting after all of these years."

"Bye Miss Susanna, and I promise I will do my best for you."

It was about three in the morning and I was tending to the vegetables. When I became a vampire all those years ago my father was dead, my mother was unmarried, and my brother was just 7 years old. We were barely making it as it was, and that was with me working on the farm all day. I couldn't just leave them to fend for themselves, they would have been dead before the first winter was out.

With my increased strength and speed I was able to do all the work that it took me all day to do before in a matter of an hour or two. With my increased senses I was able to tell exactly when produce was ripe, when an animal was sick, if the hen house was getting attacked by a fox, etc. Therefore our farm flourished under my new condition. Throughout the years I have kept up the farm. Expanding by buying more land from the old Compton place. About 15 years ago with the new organic craze I started a organic label called 'Midnight farms' that has gotten a lot of attention from the surrounding area. There are a lot of fancy chefs in New Orleans that will only use our meat and produce in their kitchens.

I felt a void hovering above me, and looked skyward. For a split second I thought I might be seeing an angel, the I remembered that I read that some vampires could fly. He was the most beautiful creature that I had ever seen. Like better than movie star looks. It was shocking to say the least. He lowered himself down to my level and I could see the fire burning in his eyes.

"You sent me a messenger? Do you have a wish to meet your true death? Why haven't you checked in? Why aren't you even registered?"

So many questions, and I didn't understand any of them. Who was this? Why was he so mad at me?

"Who are you? Why are you so angry at me?"

"I am Eric Northman, the Sheriff of the area you have chosen to reside in WITHOUT CHECKING IN."

"Sheriff? But the Sheriff is Bud Dearborn, he is Gran's friend..."

"That is the human Sheriff...why aren't you registered?"

"Wait so you're like the vampire Sheriff, that makes more sense. I really didn't understand why Mr. William wanted me to go see Bud. I don't know what being 'registered' means. But is it something a maker would do? Because I don't have one of those, well not one that I know of anyways."

Now it was time for Eric to look shocked. What was with that. Maybe it was that unusual to be abandoned by your maker. I was starting to feel really sad. What was it about me that made my maker abandon me? Could they tell I was going to be a terrible vampire or something. I knew I would be pondering that later but now was not the time.

"Ok, no maker, not registered, completely off the grid. Tell me where have been living all these years. Bill tells me you are approximately as old as him."

"Well here of course, I had to help with the farm at first. My mom and brother would have died if I hadn't stayed. And then my kin could always use the help."

"No there is no way you could have stayed here the whole time and not been detected."

"I built a basement. I am careful. I used my influence to make sure my kin couldn't talk about me being a vampire. I am not an idiot, I was careful." I defended myself, why was all this so hard to fathom to these Vampires.

"But how did you feed with the local people not noticing people going missing?"

Now it was time for me to look shocked. Did he think I killed the townsfolk. Sure I had a sip from humans now and then, but I never killed. I used to largely subsist on animal blood, now I drink synthetic. Thank God for the Japanese is all I can say.

"That wasn't a problem." I said a little petulantly.

We had a silent stare off for about a minute while he absorbed everything I had told him, I could tell that his probably skeptical nature was trying to come up with ways to poke holes in my story.

Finally he broke the silence saying, "Ok I am choosing to believe you here. But we have to get you registered as soon as possible. And you will be required to do your duties for the area. I should make you do double time for all the years that you haven't worked or paid taxes."

"I don't owe you anything. I haven't asked for anything from you." Suddenly he was right in my face fangs bared, looking every bit the scary vampire.

"If you want to continue living in my area, you will learn to submit to my authority, or I will turn you over to the Queen and let her deal with you, or maybe I will simply end you myself. If you truly know nothing of our politics I suggest you pick it up quickly before you end up meeting your true death, or worse. I expect you at my bar 'Fangtasia' an hour after dark tomorrow for your first shift. Try to not be dressed like a country bumpkin." He said the last part while looking dismissively at my gardening overall outfit.

With that he took to the sky. Ugh vampires were so much trouble, why couldn't they just let me alone.