Much Ado About Natsu (M)
Warnings - This fic will include strong language, substance use/abuse, mild to moderate violence, and scenes of a sexual nature. It will probably include strong violence, and it may contain slash pairings.
Disclaimer - I don't own Fairy Tail or any of its characters. Anyone you don't recognize is an OC.
Author's note: Hello! First time on the archives here, as well as my first non-HP fic. This is only chapter one of what will probably be a fairly lengthy story. The story is very vaguely based on William Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing. And I DO mean very vaguely. Timeline-wise, it takes place in about X797/X798, and Lucy is about 24, give or take a few months. Natsu is within six months of Lucy's age. Feedback is always appreciated. Enjoy!
"Did you hear the news?" Mirajane asked excitedly as she expertly slid drinks down the bar. "Erza, Gray, and Natsu are finally coming back!" Since this was the fourth time she'd announced the same thing since that morning, very few people present paid very much attention to her.
Lucy Heartfilia, hearing the news for the first time, nearly fell off her bar stool. Such a dramatic action couldn't help but catch Mirajane's eye, and Lucy did her best to look innocent and bored. "Really?" she asked politely. "That's nice. They've been gone for quite a while, haven't they? I'm sure Juvia will be ecstatic. In fact, I'll go tell her right now!"
"Juvia thanks Lucy-san from wanting to share the news, but that will not be necessary." a voice came from beside Lucy's elbow. She whipped around to find the water mage grinning happily. "Juvia heard from Gray-sama himself just this morning."
Lucy couldn't resist a small eye roll. "Juvia." she said in a deadpan voice. "We've known each other for seven years. How many times do I have to remind you that you don't have to add the -san?"
"And how many times do I have to remind you that this whole thing between you and Natsu is just silly?" Mirajane interjected. "They've been gone for over a year. It's okay if you missed him. Honestly, I'd be worried if you didn't – he's your best friend, after all."
Lucy smiled brightly – so brightly, in fact, that anyone who wasn't looking for it would miss the flash of misery in her dark eyes. "Oh, things are certainly less interesting without the three of them around causing chaos." she said noncommittally. "So yes, of course I miss them. But Natsu's not my best friend." Here she giggled infectiously. "You two are – well, you two and Levy-chan, I mean."
Though she enveloped the other two young women in a hug, the expression on Mirajane's face clearly stated that she wasn't nearly done yet.
"Don't be like that, Lucy." she said softly. "All I want is for you two to stop being so pigheaded, that's all."
"Juvia must concur. While she is glad to be such good friends with Lucy-san now, she must hope that Lucy-san mends her ties with Natsu-san soon. Juvia is afraid that Lucy-san cut ties with Natsu-san so that she could be closer to Gray-sama." The water mage smiled at Lucy, but there was enough ferocity behind it that Lucy couldn't be sure whether or not she was actually serious.
"Don't be silly, Juvia." Lucy smiled back. "First off, I didn't cut ties with Natsu – we're just not as close as we were. And secondly, even if I wanted Gray – which I don't – and you were okay with it – which you aren't – I wouldn't go for him. The only woman he's interested in is you."
The three women smiled at the undeniable truth of Lucy's statement. "Just be nice to him, okay?" Mirajane ordered.
Lucy shot her another grin as she walked away. "I'm always nice." she said brightly. "You just worry too much, Mira. Now, being as I am so nice, I volunteered to watch baby Galex while his parents are on a mission today, so I need to run. I'll catch you both later!"
Before Juvia or Mirajane could get a word in edgewise, Lucy had disappeared. Mirajane sighed as she thought more about Natsu, Lucy, and everything that had gone wrong between them. "Juvia, we have to put a stop to their idiocy." she groaned.
"Juvia agrees. This has gone on long enough." the pretty mage concurred. "What do you suggest, Mira-san?"
For the first time, the older woman smiled genuinely. She slipped out from behind the bar and linked arms with the other woman. "Well, I do have a few ideas. Let's go to my office and discuss it."
As Lucy urged Galex's parents along, she had to suppress a great deal of agitation. Levy, while one of her closest friends, was proving to be a fiercely overprotective mother, and even the slightest sing that all of Lucy's attention wasn't firmly focused on Galex would make the young woman refuse to leave. From the glares Gajeel was sending her way, Lucy figured her friend's husband wanted to go on a mission no matter what, and if that meant tying Lucy to a chair in the tiny nursery and dragging his wife out the door, he'd do it. It wasn't that Gajeel was so eager to leave his new baby. From the moment Levy had announced she was pregnant, he'd been the picture of a doting father. They'd both dropped everything when Galex was born four months earlier. The dragonslayer was very attached to his little boy, but he was starting to get antsy from the lack of activity. Lucy couldn't blame him.
"Levy-chan." she interrupted her friend's nervous tirade. "We'll be fine. Galex was fine when we did the run-through last week. I have all of your emergency contacts. We're just a few minutes away from the guild in case anything happens that I can't immediately handle – which it won't. So go. You two go kick some monster butt. I promise, by the time you get home, Galex will be sleeping soundly and your house will still be standing. Plus, Erza and the other will finally be back. I know neither one of you wants to miss their homecoming. Now hurry up or you'll be late!"
Gajeel shot a silent glare of thanks in her direction as his pretty wife finally mustered up the willpower to leave the house. Lucy waved goodbye to the two of them as they left, their figures gradually getting smaller and smaller, until finally they were out of sight.
She grinned happily at the gurgling baby in her arms. "C'mon, Galex. Time for some fun with your Aunt Lucy!"
In two hours, Lucy had fed, burped, bathed, and changed little Galex. They'd played with some stuffed animals (dragons, naturally) for a while, and she'd amused herself by picking the happy baby up and making silly faces at him. She told him stories about his parents and they both had a lovely time until she determined it was time for his afternoon nap. He was now lying quietly in his crib while she sat in the nearby rocker, a small frown marring her pretty face.
Before, she'd been able to keep her thoughts at bay. Now that she was essentially alone, she felt herself falling victim to the foul mood that had been threatening her since the moment she first heard Natsu was coming back.
It wasn't always like this, she thought sadly as she stared out of the nursery window. She and Natsu had been best friends, though it felt like a lifetime ago.
They'd been practically inseparable. They went on every mission together. He slept at her apartment more often than not. They ate together, laughed, together, cried together. She yelled at him for picking fights with Gray and he yelled at her for not taking better care of herself. It had been the perfect friendship. But all that had started to change nearly four years earlier.
At first, the changes had been entirely natural. Natsu wanted to go out on fewer and fewer missions – he told her that he wanted to focus more wholeheartedly on training so that he'd be ready for the S-class exam. That had been okay with Lucy – there was nothing stopping her from teaming up with Erza, Gray, or Juvia. If she wanted, she could go out with Levy and Gajeel (though only if she was desperate – the tension between the two was palpable and unbearable), or hosts of other people in the guild. If she was feeling particularly savvy, she could even take a solo mission or two. Without Natsu there, she actually made more money – she didn't have to constantly pay most of her reward back to customers angered by his destructive tendencies – and she had a chance to really test herself as a mage. It was a good opportunity for both of them.
He still spent a great deal of time in her apartment, and that was okay too. After all, she was used to seeing him every day and spending nearly all of her time with him. There was no real reason for that to change just yet.
They'd gone on in much the same fashion for nearly a year before things really started to change. Natsu and Gray both passed their S-class exams. According to Master Makarov, he had to pass them both at the same time. Otherwise, they'd destroy the guild, not to mention each other, in their rivalry.
While Lucy was happy for her two friends, it meant that she was now the only one in their little group who wasn't an S-class mage. It embarrassed her just a little for them to purposely pick lower-paying, less difficult missions so that she could still come along with them. And when they did leave her behind, she always felt like she was being punished for something. Knowing she was being ridiculous didn't make her feel any better.
Finally, about two months after the exam, Lucy told her friends that she was leaving Team Natsu – permanently. Though they'd tried to talk her out of it, she refused to back down. It was best for all of them – she would no longer feel like she was being a nuisance, and they wouldn't be held back because of her.
Natsu had been remarkably cool to her for the next two weeks or so. It seemed like every time she entered a room, he was just leaving, and any time she tried to speak to him he was suddenly "too busy." Mirajane had advised Lucy to leave him alone for a while, and that seemed to work. He did eventually forgive her, but there was always an awkwardness to their interactions, one that hadn't been present before. But they managed well enough for a while.
Then, it seemed, Natsu discovered the irresistible lure of women. To Lucy's amusement, he spent every other week chasing after someone new. He went on date after date, and Lucy looked forward to hearing about them. Natsu, for all his sudden passion for the female form, had no idea how to deal with women, and Lucy enjoyed both his squeamishly awkward encounters and helping him to avoid making the same mistakes twice. He came to her any night he didn't have a date. She gave him advice and laughed at him, and their friendship finally seemed to be back to normal once more. Lucy was truly happy.
Until Lisanna. Lisanna was the last straw, the one that broke her friendship with Natsu beyond repair. After Lisanna, there could be no going back, no matter how much she might wish it from time to time.
Lisanna had spent years trying to get Natsu to give her the time of day. Everyone but Natsu knew it. For her, a childhood crush had very quickly turned into something else entirely, and Natsu was the only one who still considered them childhood sweethearts and nothing more. Lucy had watched on for the last three years as Lisanna tried everything she could think of to get Natsu to realize the depths of her feelings. It was sweet, and Lucy had been tempted more than a time or two to hurry things along. However, she'd promised Lisanna that she wouldn't meddle. After all that time, it seemed she didn't even need to.
Lucy never quite knew what it was that flipped the switch, but after years of viewing Lisanna as just a friend, something changed for Natsu. He chased her relentlessly, and she let him catch her. The night after their first date, Natsu told her that he knew Lisanna was the one for him.
Lucy was happy for him. She really was. He and Lisanna fit together, and they made each other happy. It was a good thing. But the longer they dated, the more time they spent together. Lisanna wasn't an S-class mage either, but she became a part of Team Natsu. Natsu started eating his meals alone with her rather than in the large, happy group she'd become accustomed to. As the weeks went by, Lucy found that those nights where Natsu would sneak in through her window just to talk, just to spend time with her as a friend, happened less and less often. Soon, they were non-existent – the time he'd once spent with Lucy, Gray, Erza, Juvia, and all of their other friends was now devoted entirely to Lisanna.
And Lucy realized she was lonely. She couldn't be with Natsu on missions. She couldn't be with Natsu when he wasn't. Natsu just didn't have any time for her anymore. She'd been completely replaced, and so gradually that she couldn't even really protest. Pointing it out to Natsu would have made him sad, and pointing it out to Lisanna might make her feel Lucy was trying to steal him away, so Lucy did the only things she could.
She threw herself wholeheartedly into missions She spent more and more time with Levy and Mirajane, finding that the two cheerful young women made her forget some of her sadness. But Levy, like Natsu, was in love. She and Gajeel had recently become engaged, and they were deliriously happy. Levy spent most of her time building a family, a life in her mind. And Mirajane, though zealous in her mission to see every guild member in love and spewing rainbows everywhere they went, might not be so keen to interfere with her sister's happiness on someone else's behalf.
So Lucy turned elsewhere. She took a page out of Natsu's book and dated someone new every night. She learned to like alcohol and how it made her feel, even though she'd previously despised it. She'd grown used to a rotating crowd of unsavory people sleeping on her couch and in her bed. She spent money she didn't have on clothes she didn't need. And she kept her window locked.
She told herself she was fine, and laughed off the concerns of her guild mates when they were foolish enough to voice them. Nothing was ever wrong. Everything was always great. If it felt like her skin didn't fit and her smile was too wide, well, that's how things were sometimes. She could handle it. She could handle anything.
"What's your problem, Lucy?" Natsu had finally asked one day as she sat at the bar, a half-empty glass in her left hand. It was barely noon, but she had already had quite a bit to drink.
"I don't have a problem." Lucy said clearly, not a single feature betraying her shock. She and Natsu hadn't exchanged anything but the most cursory greetings in five months. She still maintained that she had everything well under control, but she was secretly pleased that he still cared about her. Maybe they hadn't let everything fall to ruins.
She felt rather than saw his frown. "Don't lie to me, Lucy." he said sternly. "You haven't been acting like yourself. Mira and Erza are worried about you. Whatever it is, you need to snap out of it."
That small, selfish part of her, the one that had been pleased at his concern, the one that said they were friends no matter what, broke. Natsu wasn't actually worried about her himself. If he had been, he would have been on her case months ago. No, he was just upset at how she was making his real friends feel. Before, he would have demanded she tell him all her problems and he would have tried to help her in whatever way he could. Now, he just wanted her to snap out of it so he could pay attention to more important things.
"My, my." she said sourly, knocking back what was left of her drink. "How unlike you to notice." The words tasted bitter even to her, and she immediately wished them unsaid, but there was no such luck.
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" He raised one brow in obvious annoyance, and his voice, though admittedly quiet by his standards, had several people turning to stare at them.
Lucy shrugged, though the motion cost her. "You're never around." she said casually, as if it didn't matter to her in the slightest. "You're usually with Lisanna. And when you are here, you never bother to speak to me past 'hello,' or maybe 'how's it going?' if I'm lucky." She studied her nails for a moment, hoping to disguise the catch in her throat. "It's obvious I'm not important to you any longer, so I'm just shocked you even have the ability to notice that there's anything different about me."
He practically snarled at her. "Seriously? That's what this is about?" Natsu's voice was razor sharp, and he used it like a weapon, slashing away at her mercilessly. "I can't believe that you, of all people, could be so jealous that you made yourself sick!"
Lucy's jaw dropped. "I'm not sick." she insisted. "And jealous? Jealous of what?"
His sneer dripped with venom. "Yeah, jealous." he spat. "You can't stand me being interested in any girl other than you. And you can't stand being too weak of a mage to tag along with the rest of us any longer."
An eerie hush fell over the entire guild. Any eyes that hadn't already been locked on the feuding pair of mages immediately swung in their direction.
Lucy felt all of the color drain out of her face. Apparently, something in her expression showed some hint as to how she was feeling, because within seconds, Mirajane stepped between the two of them. "Maybe you two should take this somewhere with a little more privacy." The woman chewed nervously on her lower lip. "I'm sure you'd rather everyone not hear this."
"It's okay, Mira" Her smile must have passed muster, because the other woman silently stepped back. "This won't take long."
"Look, Lucy…" Natsu began, but she cut him off without mercy.
"Oh, no." she said quietly, her voice viciously calm. "I'd rather everyone hear this now so nothing gets misreported by the gossip. So let's be perfectly clear." Something in her eyes made Natsu shudder. "For the record, you think I'm upset with you and I've 'made myself sick' because I'm jealous of Lisanna. More importantly, you think I'm jealous because I harbor romantic feelings for you, correct?"
Natsu stared uncomfortably at the floor. "Um. Yes." he said softly, his face flaming with embarrassment.
"Fine." Lucy waved that away carelessly. "In addition, you think I'm jealous because you're a far better mage and probably always will be." At the uncomfortable silence, she gave a heart-stopping grin, one so full of venom and hurt pride that even Master Makarov, seated twenty feet away and watching raptly, gave a small shiver.
"I'm sure you're dying to figure out once and for all just how poor, powerless Lucy feels." she said mockingly. "That way you'll finally know what distance it's best to keep, and whether you can still be friendly towards pitiful Lucy, or if it's in her best interest to cut things off completely." Seeing something akin to agreement on Natsu's admittedly confused features was the last straw.
Lucy put all of her strength behind the punch she delivered to his face. There was a satisfying crunch and a sudden spurt of blood from his nose. Good. She hoped she'd broken it. He stared up at her from where she'd knocked him to the ground, and her expression turned fierce.
"You" she enunciated clearly, for the entire guild to hear. "are a bastard. All I wanted was my best friend back. S-class or not, single or not. None of that ever mattered to me. All that mattered was that you were my friend." At those words, she couldn't hold back the tears any longer. They made dirty paths down her cheeks, and Natsu looked terrified. It wasn't enough.
She turned towards him once more, voice suddenly quiet. "I just wanted a few minutes of your time every now and then. I could have been happy with that, as long as my friend was happy. But now that I know just how low your opinion of me is, it's obvious that I'm the only one who thought we were friends in the first place. So here's your answer, Natsu Dragneel. Cut things off completely. You broke pitiful little Lucy's pitiful little heart, and there's nothing you can do to fix it."
"Lucy!" Natsu's voice suddenly rang out as he scrambled to his feet, his expression horrified. Blood dripped through his fingers as he clutched his face. "Lucy, wait! I – "
He never got a chance to finish his statement. In a flurry of movement, she was gone.
For the next two weeks, she didn't leave her apartment. Mira, Erza, and Levy came by every day to bring her groceries and check up on her, but she usually refused to talk to them, preferring to lock herself in her bathroom until they gave up and left. It wasn't that she didn't appreciate the support. She just wanted to be alone so she could sort out her feelings.
It seemed that the three women had finally gotten the hint. That afternoon, Mira had called out to announce her presence. Lucy immediately locked herself in the bathroom and started running the shower. From the other room, she heard sounds indicating Mirajane was putting things away and tidying up. "Lucy?" her voice came from inside the bedroom. At the usual lack of response, Mirajane gave a sigh. There were several seconds where nothing else was said, although Lucy could hear the sound of footsteps. She assumed her friend was pacing back and forth, wondering whether or not to push harder and make her talk.
She felt ashamed all of a sudden. Just as she was about to swing the door open and apologize for being such a horrid creature, her friend spoke again. "Let me know if you need anything, Luce. And come back soon. We all miss you."
With that, Lucy was alone once more. She told herself that it was a good thing – she needed to work out all of her issues before she could be around people once more. Truth be told, she was lonely again, and sad. She thought briefly of summoning one of her Spirits to combat the loneliness, but quickly decided against it. Loke and Plue were the only ones she could stand to see at the moment, and Loke was too close to the rest of Fairy Tail. She just didn't want to drag him into the whole mess. And Plue? It was one of his days off, so he was out too.
That left her with no other options. She'd read every book in her apartment. She didn't have the heart to write. She'd already cleaned her apartment. It was clear she was going to have to leave the house again soon, but for now, she just wanted to close her eyes and have everything fade away.
With that in mind, she slipped between the clean sheets of her comfortable bed and hoped for blissful darkness. Within minutes, she was asleep, but dreams pursued her. A salmon-haired mage chased her endlessly, no matter how hard she tried to escape. She could feel his body heat from around the corner, and sense the fierce glare in his eyes, even if she couldn't see them.
Suddenly, Lucy shot bolt upright in her bed. As her eyes adjusted, she noticed that it was dark outside. Her curtains were open, and she could see the bright light of the moon through the…open window. That could mean only one thing. Mirajane was meddling again.
The silver-haired mage had to have unlocked her bedroom window earlier that afternoon – Lucy had made sure it was securely fastened for months now. All to block out one person…a person she could currently hear snoring faintly from the chair next to her dresser.
She leaped out of bed and shook the sleeping mage by the shoulders. He woke instantly, staring up at her with dark, unhappy eyes.
"Why are you here?" she demanded. He stretched roughly.
"The window was unlocked." Natsu said simply, confirming her suspicions. She was going to kill Mira. "I needed to talk to you."
A sneer flew across her face. "I don't feel like talking. Get out." Lucy retorted, turning to walk away and be done with him once and for all.
He snagged her by the wrist. "Please." he whispered hoarsely. A glance at her face told him she wasn't even going to give him a chance, so he tried harder "Just ten minutes."
Lucy pretended to smother a yawn. "I'm through giving you chances, Natsu. Now get out, or I'll sic Erza on you."
"Erza's already on my case!" he said desperately. "I've been trying to talk to you for the last two weeks, but you never leave here, and I figured you wouldn't like me breaking into your apartment."
"And yet, here you are." she interjected.
"According to Erza, I can't set foot in the guild until you come back with me." he said quietly. Against her own volition, she felt her will weakening. If she didn't get him out of her apartment in the next minute or so, she was going to forgive him. And that would break her heart more than he already had.
"Why should I care?" she threw back at him. "From the very beginning, I never mattered a single jewel to you unless you could gain something somewhere from being around me."
"Lucy." Natsu said her name desperately, still refusing to relinquish his hold on her wrist. "Please."
Cursing herself for being weak, she wrenched her wrist from his grasp and walked until she ran into her bed. She arranged herself at the foot, arms crossed over her chest, and stared at him blankly. "Five minutes. That's all."
Almost immediately, he launched into an impassioned speech. He apologized over and over again, beating himself for being a fool and an idiot and, above all, a horrible friend. She almost fell for it. Almost. But she knew that he was just trying to get her forgiveness so he could feel better about himself, and hopefully gain re-entry into the guild he loved.
As it was, even she felt sorry for him. He'd crossed a line, and normally she could forgive that. This time, things wouldn't be so easy.
"Stop." she said wearily. "Just stop. You feel bad? You should. All I wanted was your friendship. You forgot all about me, and I told myself I understood. You were in love, and everything was new and shiny and all about her. But love stopped being an excuse a long time ago, Natsu. I didn't expect to get as much of your time as before. But you made it very clear that I wasn't even worth the few minutes out of your day that I hoped you could spare for me. That was my mistake. And I could have even forgiven you that. It could have been just another phase in our friendship. But however much you may protest it now, you think I'm weak." Lucy's eyes dared the young fire mage to disagree. "A part of you, how big I don't know, could only think about how weak I was, and what a liability I could be, any time I was with you. I'm not strong like you, and I don't have a great deal of magical power. But I'm not useless. I do just fine on my own. I was fine on my own when you suddenly decided I wasn't worth your time any longer. And I'll be fine now. I'm just smarter now."
"Please, Lucy." Natsu's eyes were troubled. "I know you can't forget what I said. I just want to know if you'll give me a chance to prove you wrong about all of the things I know you're thinking right now."
Lucy stared at him for a moment before she shook her head. "I can't trust you. I can't trust you to be there for me when I'm hurting. I can't trust you to trust me. Not right now, at least. I did my best to be a good friend, and you didn't even try. How are we supposed to come back from that?"
He growled in frustration. "I don't know!" he finally admitted. "But I can't figure it out if you won't let me try!"
The smile she gave him was painful to see. "I think it'd be better for both of us if we just move on. I'll help you get back in Erza's good graces, but that's all I can promise you. We can't just go back – trust has to be earned, on both of our parts. But I'd like you to leave me be, as much as you can. I need some time to sort through things."
To her relief, he had agreed, although it had taken some effort on her part. True to her word, they'd walked into the guild together the next morning. She did such a good job convincing everyone else that they were working on their issues that even Mirajane believed her. After a few weeks, she told Natsu to start coming to her apartment during the night again – she was pretty sure Erza, Mira, and Levy were spying on them to see if things had really improved or not. She had to hand it to them – they knew her, and they could almost always anticipate her next move.
He started spending the night at least once a week after that. He slept on her couch, and Happy split his time between the two of them. Gone were the days when they could tell what the other was thinking, when words were superfluous. During the days, when appearances were everything, they were as close as ever. But in the soft light of the moon, they were almost strangers. It was easier that way.
Gradually, they drifted further and further apart. Natsu started loudly proclaiming his desire to take a long mission. Lucy talked about training more. People began to expect them to be apart once more, and the strain at the edges of Lucy's smile started to disappear. Finally, six months after he'd shattered their friendship, Natsu left with Erza and Gray on what was supposed to be a five-year mission. Lucy didn't say goodbye.
Now, more than a year later, he was coming back. In the time he'd been gone, Lucy had quit drinking almost entirely. She had begun spending a great deal of time with Juvia – the water mage was very lonely with Gray gone, and they'd found they had a great deal in common. When she wasn't out on missions, she spent most of her time reading or working on her still-unfinished novel. She didn't date, even casually. Her life was finally back on track.
Of course, it wasn't without trials. Mirajane had never accepted her "breakup" with Natsu. The fact that Lisanna had broken up with him just a month after their now-infamous fight just added fuel to Mira's fire. She saw no reason why the two mages couldn't just pick up where they left off from, and Lucy didn't have the heart to explain. Instead, she did her best to become mysteriously scarce any time the three mages came up in conversation. She did her best not to think about them, one pink-haired man in particular. And, until today, she'd never let Natsu's name pass her lips. Not even once.
But today he was coming back.
Lucy sighed as Galex began to fuss. Lost in her memories, she hadn't even noticed as the sun began its descent. She silently prayed the little boy hadn't been awake for long and rushed over to him. For the rest of the evening, she'd think only of the baby she was watching, and how to make him the happiest baby a pair of returning mages ever did see.
There was time enough to think about Natsu tomorrow.
A/N: And there's chapter 1. I hope you enjoyed it! For anyone wondering - this story is a romance/humor one. Though there will be drama, humor is more important. This will become more obvious once the first few chapters are out of the way.
If you've got the time, I'd love some feedback. Until next time!