Inuyasha's Inheritance Chapter 1: The Mark of a Mate

Inuyasha walked along the all too familiar path, his companions just slightly behind him at various intervals. He barely managed to walk without a limp, even though doing so hurt his leg greatly. There was no way he was going to let the other's know that his leg was broken.

Yet, he knew one of them knew.

He could tell by how she stood closer to him than normal, her eyes resting on his face, worried for him. Yet, she didn't tell the other's either. She stayed just close enough to him to help him if he stumbled, and to give him strength.

Inuyasha closed his eyes, lifting his face, feeling the sunlight warming his face, despite it being filtered by the trees. Yes, he remembered this path. It was a path that none of the other's had walked with him. Only one other person had walked this path, and she had died long ago.

It was the path that led to his father's home.

When he'd gotten summons by Sesshoumaru, his first instinct had been to leave alone, yet, the other's had found out his plan and insisted on coming along. Kagome had been particularly insistant about that. It always amazed him how protective she was of him. Almost as protective as he was of her.

This path held several painful memories for him. He'd been driven from his father's house by his brother and his father's head servant. His mother had merely coaxed him along, telling him that everything would be okay. Yet it wasn't. Only a few years after his father died, his mother passed on.

He'd been hunted by humans along this path, having rocks thrown at him, jeered and cursed at.

Yes, painful memories, indeed.

He silently wondered why Sesshoumaru had called him from his 'relaxing' at Kaede's village. He figured it was just another trap, and if it was, then there wasn't much he could do about it, this time.

They entered the clearing which his old home sat in and he heard a low whistle from Miroku. Inuyasha glanced over his shoulder and saw the shock on everyone's faces. Kagome's eyes were wide, but appreciative, the other's looked like they didn't believe it.

"Sugoi!" Kagome whispered, stepping just in front of Inuyasha, staring up at the mansion.

"Hontou, ni, Kagome-chan!" Sango whispered. "I had no idea Inuyasha was rich!"

Inuyasha scoffed. "I'm not." He walked towards the house. "My father was, now my brother is." He kept his eyes on his father's home, looking for signs of life. When they reached the door, a young girl let them in, her eyes twinkling with life and mischeviousness. Inuyasha frowned a bit. She was human. "Oi...where's Sesshoumaru?" He practically spat the name out, his eyes narrow.

"He's in the main room." The girl said, smiling cheerfully. "He's been expecting you, Inuyasha-sama!"

Inuyasha walked towards the room, sliding the door open, his eyes filled with contempt. "Teme! Why did you call me here?"

Sesshoumaru looked up from his teacup, his eyes emotionless. "I have summoned you to explain a rather dire situation." He said evenly. "And to explain why you were run out of the western lands with your mother."

The younger demon growled at the older one. "Teme..."

Kagome gently put her hand on his shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. "I think we should listen first, Inuyasha." She said softly. She felt him relax and watched him sit. She could tell it was a relief to sit after walking for so long. She sat to one side of him, Shippou pouncing into her lap.

Miroku and Sango both sat on the otherside, Kirara curled up between them.

Sesshoumaru gestured to a servant, who ducked out of the room. "A demon has been trying to challenge our family's hold on the western lands." He said smoothly. "He sends hoards of demon's, destroying villages, and killing some of my own army..." His voice was smoother than silk, yet, his eyes held daggers.

"And you want my help?" Inuyasha snorted. "The help of a half-demon 'whelp'? Yeah, that was your phrase, I think." He glared at his brother. "I'm not interested."

"You will be." Sesshoumaru said calmly. "You see, this is the same demon that was the cause of you being run out of this kingdom." He sipped his tea again. "Our father's will was somewhat complex, it left us both a sword, but it also gave us both a title of sorts. I was named general of the western armies. You..." He paused. "You were to be the next Great Demon of the West."

Inuyasha was shell-shocked, as was everyone else around the table, save Sesshoumaru, who never lost his cool. "WHAT?!" Inuyasha snarled.

The older demon looked towards Inuyasha, arching an eyebrow. "However, this demon was establishing a foothold upon our father's death, so the will was changed slightly. I was to pose as the lord, while you and your mother hid till you reached the age where you could assume your rightful position."

Kagome blinked, staring at Inuyasha in shock. She could see the pain and anger on his face that he was never told. Her heart went out to him and all she wanted to do was take him in her arms and hold him. But she couldn't.

Inuyasha clenched his hands into fists. "Why should I believe you?" He asked coldly.

He shrugged. "It's up to you. You can stay here if you and your companions wish. I'll have three rooms made up." He stood, brushing himself off.

No one thought to question the number of rooms till he was already gone.

Kagome did the math in her head and realized they were either short one, or had one too many. When Sesshoumaru returned, she brought this up. "Um, there are four of us...why just three rooms?"

"You are my brother's woman, are you not? You smell as if he has marked you. Of course you two will be sharing a room." There was no question in his voice.

Kagome and Inuyasha both turned an unattractive shade of red. "Wh-what?!" Kagome squeaked. It didn't matter. Sesshoumaru had left once again.

The girl who'd shown them in ran into the room, smiling. "Ohayo! I'm Rin, Sesshoumaru-sama told me I'm to show you all to your rooms!" She led them down the hall, showing Miroku and Sango's their's first. Then, she showed Inuyasha and Kagome into another room. It only had one, LARGE futon. It was obviously made for two.

Kagome blushed, entering the room, more embarassed than she'd ever been in her life. She heard Inuyasha come in behind her and didn't look at him. She was too embarassed. She clenched her hands, looking around the large room.

Inuyasha moved deeper into the room, standing beside Kagome. They looked at each other in the dim light and both blushed. He swallowed hard and shook himself out of his daze. It was no different than sleeping at Kaede's or in the same room at a random mansion. "You go ahead and take the bed." He said evenly, then moved, leaning, seated against the wall, his sword proped against his shoulder.

Disappointment surged through Kagome. Then, she shook it out of her mind. What did you expect, Kagome? Him to throw you on the futon and have his way with you?! He loves Kikyou for crissakes! She moved, slipping under the covers, curling up and staring at the wall. It was warm, and relaxing, and she quickly fell into a deep sleep.

Inuyasha watched as she slept. What had his brother meant that she smelled like he'd marked her? He understood that demon's marked their territory, but what he didn't understand was why a demon would mark their 'woman', to use his brother's word. Finally, he stood, heading towards the door. He exited, sniffing out his brother. He went to the main room and found him sitting there. "Oi..."

Sesshoumaru looked up, his face expressionless.

The younger demon looked awkward for a moment, then finally sat. "What did you mean, 'I marked her'?" He asked, feeling more and more awkward.

"You mean you never...?" He shook his head, putting his only hand to his face. "No one ever told you about the mating rituals..."

Inuyasha turned red again. "MATING?!"

"Of course." Sesshoumaru shuffled through some papers. "I could give you some books on the intricasies, but I'm sure that would be disastrous if she found it, hm?" He looked like he had a bad taste in his mouth. "In choosing a mate, it's mostly instinctual. Usually you don't even realize it at first."

Inuyasha groaned, putting his head in his hands. "Don't say iiiit..."

"Usually one would find someone they trust implicitly, a protective feeling would form, between both people, and gradually friendship. They would find excuses to touch each other, even in the most innocent manner. Finally, would be the mark. The woman would willingly accept the blood of the male against her skin. The link between the pair, due to the mark, would grow until finally, they would mate."

A groan emitted from the half-demon's throat. "You've gotta be kidding...I mean, she's my friend and all...but...I've never even THOUGHT about her like that!"

A shrug was his answer. "It doesn't matter. She is your woman, and on a subconscious level, you consider her your mate."

Inuyasha left the room, walking to the bath house in a daze. He needed to think. He couldn't believe this crap was happening to him. He KNEW he should have come alone! "Chikusho..." He whispered, glaring at the wall as the water fell down on his head.

"You look troubled, Inuyasha." Miroku's voice broke through his thoughts.

He growled at the priest. "Shut...UP...Miroku..."

Miroku chuckled. "It wouldn't have anything to do with the 'mark' would it?"

A hiss came from between the half-demon's lips. "What would you know?!"

"I've known you cared for Kagome. It was only today I learned that even you didn't realize how much." The priest looked towards Inuyasha, arching an eyebrow. "What are you going to do?"

Inuyasha looked into the water as he sank into the furo. "I don't know. I'm probably going to just send all of you back to Kaede-babaa's village till this crap in this domain is sorted out, then I'll come back."

"What about your father's will?"

"Look, I have a mission to finish. Besides, I'd make a pretty shitty great demon being a half-breed!"

Miroku noticed the pain on Inuyasha's face and frowned a bit. "Inuyasha, you are stronger than any other demon I have ever seen." He said evenly, looking across the furo, to the opposite wall. "Stronger, even, than Naraku, so you would make a very, VERY strong Great Demon."

Inuyasha ignored him, climbing out of the tub and pulling his hakama on. "I didn't ask you." He snarled, then left, going to find a quiet place, where he wouldn't be disturbed.


Kagome woke to an empty room. She sighed heavily, deciding a bath was probably in order. She also desperately needed to get out of these rumpled clothes and into some clean ones. She looked around, finding a yukata laying across a pillow, a beautiful kimono folded neatly next to it.

With a sigh, she tossed her clothes off, picking up the yukata and slipping into it. Then, she grabbed her bag, intending on going to get a nice bath. She stopped upon realizing she didn't know where it was. Heaving a sigh, she resigned to use the attached room, which turned out was a miniature bath.

She shrugged off the yukata and purred as she submersed herself in the warm, perfumed water. "Nice..." She sighed, happily, then started off with her bath. It surprised her to find a soap, scented exactly the same as the water sitting on the edge.

She smiled, scrubbing herself clean. It was nice to have a hot bath after so many cold one's in streams or lakes in this time. She reached around her bag, finding her shampoo and she gave her hair a quick lather, then rinsed. While she sat there, she felt a shiver race down her spine. It would appear Inuyasha had returned to the room.

She blushed, shaking away the feeling. She stood, climbing out of the tub and quickly dried herself. She had barely finished pulling the yukata around herself when the door opened, revealing Inuyasha, who looked so lost it made her sad. She quickly wrapped her towel around her hair, picking up her bag and walking past him.

Inuyasha gave a quiet whimper as she passed. He felt her stop and then her hand touched his arm. He closed his eyes tightly, feeling so confused, so terribly lost.

Gently, she tugged him from the bathroom door, sliding it closed. "What's wrong?" She asked him softly, toweling her hair dry. When he didn't respond, she turned to look at him. He seemed to be trying to say something. "What is it?" She asked, worry filling her.

"I'm sorry." He bit his lip, looking down. "I'm sorry, please forgive me..." He dropped to his knees, resting his head on the ground.

She stared at him in shock. "What are you appologizing for?!" She asked, her eyebrows knitted together. This was TOO wierd. Inuyasha was acting so strangely!

"I've done something unforgivable, I didn't even realize it at the time. I never understood why demon's always targeted you..." He clenched his clawed hands into fists. "I've marked you with the scent of my blood." He whispered, fighting the urge to cry.

Her eyes widened and she remembered what Sesshoumaru said. "So, demon's think that I'm your woman...and they target me to hurt you..." She looked away, smiling bitterly. "They need to pay more attention, I'm not your woman. I'm your friend..." She moved towards the silk kimono and shrugged out of her yukata, not noticing his eyes on her back. She began to dress, but barely got her arms through the armholes, when two arms crushed her back against a hard, warm chest. An involuntary gasp escaped her.

Inuyasha couldn't help himself, that little glance of flesh she'd flashed at him was too much. "Maybe it wasn't them who wasn't paying enough attention...but us, who didn't..." He whispered, pressing his face into her shoulder. "Kagome..." He whispered, his voice tight.

She blushed, her eyes wide. "I-Inuyasha...?"

He felt need rising through his body and pushed her away from him. "Get dressed...I will make sure that Sesshoumaru has another room made up. You can stay in this one." He turned to leave, fighting against the urge to throw her onto the futon and do what she'd imagined him doing earlier.

Her heart constricted in her chest. Silently, she pulled the kimono closed, a sob rising in her chest. She heard him stop, but didn't look at him, rather, putting the obi and pillow where they belonged, and tying the cord around it in an intricate knot. She closed her eyes and two tears rolled down her face. "I...shouldn't have come..."

He turned towards her, his eyes sad. "You're right. You should have stayed with Kaede-babaa. At least you're safe from me with her..."

"OSUWARI!" She cried, angry and hurt. She watched as he fell face first into the tatami mat and then ran to him, falling to her knee's and then she proceeded to hit him, hard. "You dummy! You idiot! You moron! Damn you, Inuyasha!" She cried, then threw herself onto his back, crying. "Damn you..."

He lay there, not trying to get up, and not yelling at her, either. He would accept his punishment. Yet, there was something about her voice that didn't make it sound like punishment.

"You're so stupid..." She whispered, stroaking his shoulder where she'd struck him. "The place where I feel the wherever you are. I'm not afraid of you." Gently, she kissed his shoulder, a tear rolling down her face and splashing onto his haori. "I love you, Inuyasha..."

His eyes widened, startled. He turned, then sat, confused and amazed at the same time. "Kagome...?"

"I couldn't say it before...I was so afraid that you were going to abandon me for Kikyou..." She clutched his haori tightly in her fist, pressing her face into his chest. "But I'm not afraid to now. I love you."

Without a word, he lifted his hand, slipping it into her hair, his eyes closing slightly. "Kirei da..." He whispered softly, resting his face against the top of her hair. He could accept it. He could accept having her as his mate, having her beside him until she-His brain came to a screeching halt. He remembered an important thing. She was human. He would outlive her by hundreds of years. Pain filled him and he squeezed his eyes tightly shut.

Kagome felt him withdrawing from her again and pulled back, seeing that he was wearing a pained expression, one that made him look more lonely than usual. "Inuyasha?" She asked softly.

"I...I can't..." He whispered. "I can't..." He squeezed his eyes tightly shut, trying to shut out her confused, hurt face. "I can't mate with you..." He pushed her away and ran to the window, jumping out into the trees, leaving Kagome sitting alone in their room.


He didn't return until very late into the night. During dinner, Sesshoumaru had inquired where the younger demon was, causing tears to fill Kagome's eyes. She had excused herself and went back to the room. She sat on the futon, trying to study for her tests, her eyes straining in the pale light of the candles, ignoring the passing time, or how the crickets were chirping loudly.

She had to get her mind off of him.

Finally, when her eyes would remain open no more, she blew out the candles and changed into her yukata. She had lay in the bed for more than an hour, unable to sleep, when finally, the window opened, admitting the lone demon.

He crept towards her seemingly sleeping form, staring down at her with sad eyes. "Gomen, ne..." He said softly. "I don't want to hurt you, but if we mated...Kagome, I don't want hurt either..." He whispered, biting his lip. "I would outlive you by so much...and...oh, gods, it would kill me when you died..." He stroaked the side of her face, watching as her lips parted slightly.

Kagome listened to him, keeping quiet. Finally, when she knew he was finished, she raised her hand, holding his against her face. She felt him jump, and knew she'd surprised him. "You're so selfish." She whispered.

He looked down at her, hurt and upset. "I'm not selfish-"

"Yes you are!" She whispered, sitting up and looking at him, her eyes insistant. "You worry about number one so never think about my feelings, only your stupid pride...your feelings...Don't you understand?! Every time you pull away from me, you kill me!"

He backed away from her, his eyes wide.

She drew his hand from her cheek, holding it gently. "I love you, Inuyasha, and I think you care for me, too...even if it's not love..." She caressed the back of his hand, her eyes sad. "I don't care..." She shook her head harshly. "I love you. I want to be yours..." She blushed, lifting her eyes shyly to look at him.

His eyes grew wide and he stared at her, blushing as well. "I..." He reached his hand out, touching her face, his thumb tenderly stroaking it. "I don't know..." He whispered, uncertainly.

She closed her eyes, sighing under the caress. "It doesn't have to be now, I'll wait..." She opened her eyes, smiling at him gently. "But just know that I wont wait forever...if you don't make a move on me...I'll make one on you." She teased gently, lifting her hand and mimicing his caress.

He leaned towards her slowly, his eyes tracing her lips. He touched them with his, caressing them, testing both of their knowledge. He noticed she was just as hesitant and realized that this was her first kiss. He moved his hand into her hair, pulling her face closer, increasing his pressure on her mouth, coaxing her to part her delicious lips.

She moaned softly, her eyes closing, her head spinning. She did is bidding, letting her lips part, kissing him more intimately, feeling his tongue comeing in to dance with hers. She moved both hands behind his head, lacing her fingers at the base of his neck as he left her lips, pulling her head backwards and placing nibble-kisses along her soft, white neck. A tiny moan escaped her and she drew his face up to kiss him.

He finally broke away from her, putting a finger to her lips, to stop her from coming in for another kiss. "Get some sleep..." He commanded gently, stroaking her cheek with his clawed thumb. A gentle smile turned up the corner of his mouth.

She smiled back, her heart thumping hard in her chest. Obediently, she lay down, closing her eyes and finally, fell into a fitful sleep.

Inuyasha looked down at her, his eyes soft. Even if he would outlive her, he loved her. And now he knew, he would never be able to deny her anything she ever wanted.


The demon invading the western lands looked into the ball of crystal and sneered at the adolescent demon. "Demon just finding the pleasure of touch with his mate..." He laughed heartily "Is this really the son of the Great Demon of the West?"

"My sources say that he is actually to be the next Great Demon and that he's defeated every other demon that's ever gotten in his way." A small demon said, it's eyes beady, it's face like that of a weasel.

"Sou desu ka?" He sneered. "Then that woman would be the one to create the next demon after this boy...Bring her to me. She will do just fine."

Author's Notes: This one kinda hit me today after reading a bunch of waffy IY 'mate' lemons. They're cute. So, I decided I was going to try to write one that wasn't lemony, but was still waffy. This is just the first chapter, but I'm hoping it's going to get much better.