Okay so this is the end my friends. After so long of leaving you hanging I felt bad leaving the story unfinished but I'm in college and things are crazy in the dorms :). Have a great life and still PM me every once in a while! I'm always reading stories, I just don't have time to write them anymore with everything I have to do. Lots of Love! ~Molly

A couple years down the road. Mako and Korra have their own place with Bolin and Asami are living in her mansion. Bolin decided to move out as soon as Mako and Korra got seriously engaged… he was sick of all the noises coming through the walls at night. Mako and Korra have had their ups and downs but they are still going strong and for once, things have been quiet in the city. Mako is now second in command at the police station nest to Lyn and he's making more money than he thought he ever would. Korra when not saving the world is teaching the local kids about preserving what they do have, always one to be worried about nature and the environment. They are in their 2nd year of marriage and

Korra walks in the door and the whole apartment smells like Noodles and something else, something mouthwatering. "Mako! I'm home!"

"Hey! In the kitchen." He called over his shoulder. He was making dinner and had big news to tell her. He felt her arms wrap around his waist and he smiled. "I have good news to tell you!" he said excitedly.

"Oh really?" she murmured into his shoulder blades. "I have… news too."

"Sweet! Well dinner will be ready in a couple minutes so if you want to get a shower beforehand you have time."

She sighed heavily in contentment and squeezed him harder before letting go and turning around. "I think I might do that. It's been a loooong day"

"I hear that! Take as long as you need, I'll keep dinner warm."

She smiled. Hopefully he would still be the same amazing husband he was after she told him what she needed to tell him. It was a huge mistake but hopefully one they could live with and be happy about. "Thanks Mak Mak! Looove you." She cooed like she always did and he grinned begrudgingly at the stove. She knew he secretly didn't mind she called him that as long as she added the 'love you' part. Still though, he just wouldn't be Mako if he didn't make a face and act all macho.

"No problem babe" he grumbled and she smiled, walking into their room and grabbing…his towel. She didn't know where hers was but it didn't matter because she always liked his anyway.

A couple minutes later she was back at the table. Hair wet and Mako's t-shirt on, she was finally actually feeling brave enough to discuss what they needed to discuss. She grabbed the plate Mako handed her and sat down next to him. "So! What was your big news?"

"Oh! So you know how Lynn has been talking about retiring and making time for herself before she gets to old and stuff?"

"yeeeeah." Korra said excited for him and kind of knowing where this was going.

"Well… she finally decided that was definitely something she wanted to do and asked if I could take over for her permanently!"

"Mako that's fantastic! I knew she would hand it down to you if she decided that's what she wanted to do! You earned it!" she beamed at him.

"Thanks! Yeah I know you believed she'd give it to me but Cohen's been sucking up to her like crazy these last couple months and I just knew she would give it to him and I would be cleaning bathrooms for the rest of my life."

"Psh Mako! Cohen's only worked there for 2 months. No way would she give it to somebody she's only known for that long! It took her a whole year and a half to warm up to you! I can tell you right now, it wouldn't matter what he said she wouldn't trust him in that short amount of time!"

"Yeah I guess you're right…. Still though!"

She grinned "You got the job! Stop fretting over it! I'm proud of you!"

He returned her smile and took a bite of his food. Chewing quickly he swallowed and mulled over the job in his head again. "You know this means I'll see so much less action though… which will suck but I guess since it pays better that makes up for it being no fun."

"Mako!" she lightly scolded "You are a policemen! It's dangerous out there even for you as a fire bender! Hell you're not really even supposed to be out there, only earth benders! I'm glad you're safe behind a desk doing the SMART person work and making more money. To me it guarantees you'll be home. And I NEED you to always come home."

He smiled up at her again. "The smart person work? So what I was doing before was stupid people work?"

"Noooo" she said exasperated "You know half the time I am right there beside you, I'm just saying anyone can kick butt and catch bad guys. Not everyone can lead and entire police force and help catch multiple bad guys at once."

"…That's true… I'd never thought of it like that before…though I will miss working beside you."

She smiled again and swallowed hard. This was it. The moment of truth… "I um…I um probably wouldn't be there for a couple…months of the year anyway." She said looking down at her noodles and pushing them around on her plate.

Mako set his fork down and looked at her. "What? Why? Do you have to leave again to go somewhere else? I'll quit my job! I'll come too! The promotion can go to Cohen for all I care, where are we going?" She took a deep breath and looked up at him. He met her eyes and his face searched hers for answers. "Korra?"

"It's...It's nothing like that Mako…I'm um… shit im um pregnant…"

The words hung in the air like a thick fog and he just stared at her for a long long time. She stared back but couldn't hold it and eventually looked down at her food again. Suddenly she wasn't hungry anymore. "Will you say something please?" she finally said.

"Y-You're pregnant?... With like…a baby?...Like MY…MY baby?" he choked out.

"No Mako I'm pregnant with a fire ferret!" she answered sarcastically. "Yes your baby Mako I haven't slept with anyone else. Do you honestly think I would cheat on you?"

"W-What? No! That's not what I meant I'm just… I'm just… wow… I'm..going to be a dad?"

"Yes" she said calmly trying to read his new expression.

"Wow… Wow! Okay! Okay wow! W-What do we do!?"

"W-what do you mean what do we do?" she said kind of afraid of the answer she was going to get.

"Like… do we start setting up Bolins old room for a nursery or like is it too early for that?" He stood up and started pacing. "Would we even know what to paint it? Blue or pink? What about like that neutral yellow? I don't like that I still think that's girly and if it's a boy I don't want him in a yellow room… oh man if it's a boy I wanna name it after my dad! What what should we name it if it's a girl? Can I name it after my mom? Would you care if we named them that? I'm glad we didn't move into a smaller apartment! Oh no what if the events down stairs get to loud for him? What if he doesn't like it and gets all stressed out? What if…"

"Mako! Relax! Sit down please you're making me nauseous with the back and forth thing!" she laughed, but he sat down immediately and looked at her expectantly.

"Is this better? Do you need some ginger ale or anything? I can run to the store really quick! What about an aspirin? We have aspirin!"

She laughed "No Mako I'm fine! I have to say you are taking this way better than I feared you would."

"Why? I mean yeah it's unexpected but I'm excited you know? I mean he'll probably be a fire bender and me and him can train together and I can teach him…"

"What if it's a girl?...And she's an earth bender?" Korra said watching with amusement as that sunk into his head.

"How could she be a…. oh right…Avatar… Does it really work like that? She could be anything? She or he? Wow There are so many combinations!" He held his head and sat there.

She smiled, got up and walked over to him, sitting on his lap while she still could. "It will be fine Mako. I'm just glad you're not mad." She said kissing his cheek.

"Mad? I could never be mad at the possibility of having something that you and I made. It's fantastic! I just don't know where to start!"

She snuggled into his arms "Don't worry Mak Mak as long as you're on bored everything will be fine."

And it was. They had a beautiful baby boy much to Mako's excitement and a couple years later Korra's baby girl followed. They grew up strong and happy although much to Mako and Korra's amazement neither one were benders at all. It didn't mean they loved them any less, but it put a whole new perspective on things for the couple and soon they were teaching their kids how to be self-sufficient without bending. Which neither one had ever really thought of until then. It's amazing how much kids can teach YOU in the end.