Wakka's Big … Night!

After bulldozing down all of Besaid, Yuna decided to have a big party to celebrate the death of Tidus. She built a big mansion over the ruins of besaid like Mewtwo did over the laboratory. A few nights later the whole party was at the party…(umm) and Kimari was hogging the dance floor with his special makarana. (however you spell it) He was standing there, crossing his arms, what a great dance! Meanwhile Lulu was chillin' upstairs, watching Star Wars Return of the Jedi and drinking the best solution in the world, Kool Aid.

"I just don't get it," Lulu said. "Chappu comes back to life, and the first thing he does is make cookies!"

Meanwhile in the kitchen, Chappu was making (of course) Blitzball Cookies™ .

"And a little bit of salt-OOPS!" Chappu said, knocking a bottle of whiskey over and causing it to spill in the dough. "heh heh…oh well!"

In Return of the Jedi, Lando was falling the the Sarlacc pit. On the dance floor, Rikku was spinning around on the carpet while Mozart's second overture was booming from the speakers.

"Cookies are done!" Chappu bellowed in the most manly of voices. He carried a huge tray of Blitzball CookiesÔ onto the dance floor.

"Eh! Cookies!" Wakka sprang up from a randomly placed couch and started to gobble down the cookies.

"Uhh…bro…" Chappu said. "maybe you shouldn't eat too many of those…"

"Ahh who cares, ya? Hey I'm startin' to feel pretty good!" Wakka wavered a little on his feet.

Wakka drunk? NOT GOOD!

Wakka randomly ran upstairs.

"EEHHH!!! LULU!!!!!!!!" Wakka held up his hand for a high five, grinning stupidly.

Lulu didn't reply, because Wakka was talking to an umbrella. So… Wakka swung open the door to the room that Lulu was in and stumbled in.

"EEEEEEEEEHHHHH! LUL-" Wakka blinked audibly with puzzlement. That wasn't Lulu on the couch. Lulu didn't have blue hair!!!

Little did Wakka know that Lulu's natural hair color is not black, but red. But since Lulu likes black much better, she dyed it black. Well as with all hair colory things, her blackness wore out. So she dyed her hair again, but this time she accidentally bought the cheapo stuff from O'aka's, so it turned her hair blue.

"S-Seymour???" Wakka stuttered. "Y-you're ALIVE! (again)"

"What are you talking about, you drunken fool?" Lulu said.

"I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH, SEYMOUR!!!!!!!" Wakka flung himself into Lulu's arms.

Well they did what Vincent and Cloud did except with more "ya's" and more struggling. You see, Lulu wasn't drunk at all (well, maybe a little bit, y'never know with kool Aid) so she tried to stop Wakka with all her strength. She relentlessly pummled him with Firaga, Blizzaga, Thundaga, and Wataga, not to mention sending her little stuffed animal to hit him once in a while. She had almost given up, when all the Kool Aid wore off and Lulu had a great idea. She snatched Wakka's Blitzball off the table and hit him with Dark Attack.

"Eh! I can't see, what's with dat?" Wakka called, waving his arms around. "Seymour, where are you-AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Wakka fell out of the window.

"Well that sucked!" Lulu exclaimed, re-buckling her belts. "literally!" Lulu took another swig of Kool Aid and started to walk down the stairs. "I'd better not get pregnant, or else, Auron's not the only one going to the farplain."