"Fang, when are we leaving?" Max asked standing in his doorway.

"In a little while, geez calm down Max before you break a hole in the floor." He teased.

Max put her hand on her hips, "Do I look like a hippo to you?"

He sighed and kissed her forehead, "I wasn't implying that goofball."

"Sure." Max said rolling her eyes.

Fang sighed shaking his head; he tilted his head to the door, signaling that they were to leave. The couple was planning on going camping, which in truth was going to be a flying lesson trip for Max. She was good at flying, and was improving every day. She tilted her head; Fang looked back at her curiously.

"What?" He asked.

Max tugged lightly at his ponytail, "Ever thought of cutting this?"

"Nope." He shook his head. "Not planning on it."

"Isn't it a pain to wash? How long is it anyway?"

Fang simply shrugged, "I don't know, and I don't really wash my hair."

Max tried to reach for the rubber-band holding his hair, but he swatted at her hand. "Leave my hair alone Max, you don't see me tugging at yours do you?" He said. Max shook her head, and then smirked when he sighed, knowing his question was rhetorical. She followed him up the basement stairs and into the living room; suddenly there was a knock at the door. Both bird-kids froze, no one was home except them and, well, Ari. Walking over to the door Fang narrowed his eyes, and then looked back at Max, she nodded. Swinging the door open Fang sighed, it was only the mail man. The man looks simply terrified when the boy swung open the door, he handed him the mail then went retreating to his truck.

After the mailman incident, the duo of bird-kids set off and left the house. Both launched into the sky, Fang smiled as he saw her flap her wings. She nearly fell but caught herself, then sighed in relief. The two flied for what felt like hours, which only turned out to be about twenty or thirty minutes. Max followed Fang to a secluded area, no one would find them. Landing clumsily Max planted her heels into the soil to prevent from falling face forward into it. A smile tugged at Fang's lips, she was improving.

"So, where do we set up camp?" She asked, swatting at a fly.

"Wherever we decide is best, young Jedi." He winked.

"Since when are you into Star Wars?" She asked.

He shrugged, and just kept on walking. After thirty minutes of walking, they were high in the mountains, far from any other human life form. Fang set everything down, and then started a fire, it was getting dark. "We'll practice flying in the morning." He said wiping his hands free of the dirt from the logs. Max nodded sitting on one of the logs that surrounded the fire, she looked up as the sound of an owl cooed through the night. Fang sat next to her, draping one arm over her shoulder, pulling her closer.

"It's a beautiful night." He said.

"Yeah…there are a lot of stars." Max added.

"Mhm." He nodded.

Fang leaned back; he was tired from lack of sleep. Last he'd slept peacefully…he couldn't remember. Weeks, months, that he did not know entirely. "Hey Fang." Max said. "Do you think maybe when we get older; we could move out and get an apartment together?" Fang thought about it, they practically lived together now; the only difference with living in an apartment would be that they would be alone. Fang eventually answered with a nod, cracking a small smile. Then he swept her up in his arms, kissed her quickly, and laid in the grass near the fire. "Now go to sleep, we start flying practice in the morning." He muttered covering them with a blanket from the back pack. She nodded and laid her head on his chest, closing her eyes to go to sleep.