Uryu's face was a bright cherry red. His whole body felt hot and shaken as he sat down on the cold park bench. Ichigo took a seat next to the raven haired Quincy and leaned on his hand as he gazed upward at Uryu. Uryu's face turned a shade darker as mumbled "So, um how is it going?"
What do you mean how's it going?! You couldn't have said anything more lame!
Ichigo gazed off into the distance on a child and mother playing ball. "Nothing much…..you?" Uryu noted that the orange headed man was not focused on the conversation. He sat quietly. The only motion was the slight breeze that made Uryu's locks flow. He has always been credited for being beautiful by numerous girls who confessed their love to him during high school. He turned them down obviously because he loved Orihime. Orihime, the cutest and most beautiful girl in the world who broke his heart only about a week ago and now has her heart broken because Ichigo, her crush since high school, is gay.
Wait, was only a week ago? And now he is in love with Ichigo? Oh no.
Uryu realized that he targeted Ichigo with his affections because of his own broken heart. "Uryu, you alright?" Uryu snapped his head up and looked at Ichigo's dark brown eyes. "Uh, yah I'm fine. Hey I feel better now so um I'm gonna leave!" Uryu sprinted out of the park. "Hey Uryu wait!" The shinigami was not far behind the Quincy who was running in no particular direction. Uryu's mind was running as fast as he was.
I was only in love with him because I was in agony over Orihime! This is wrong!
"Uryu! Wait up!"
I can't, no! I can't face him now!
Uryu's feet hit the pavement as he ran toward the forest, the same forest that his sensei taught him how to use his bow. The same forest that his father disowned him in.
I can't run forever! My legs feel like jelly.
A root caught Uryu's foot and jerked his body making his glasses fly off as he landed flat on his face. "Uryu! Uryu, are you alright?" Ichigo rested his hand on Uryu's left shoulder as he sat him up and leaned him against a tree. Uryu shuddered at the contact. "Uryu, why did you suddenly run off like that?" Uryu looked up with his sea blue eyes. Ichigo smiled "You look really cute without your glasses." Uryu turned his head to avoid eye contact. "Uryu…" Ichigo turned Uryu's head to face him.
Ichigo bushed his lips against Uryu's in a light, feathery kiss. Uryu's eyes went wide but softened in later time and soon leaned into the kiss.
He. Ichigo…mmmm Ichigo.
Ichigo pulled away from the kiss. Uryu's face was a light pink and had his eyes half-closed. Ichigo leaned in for another kiss. Uryu met him half way and wrapped his arms around Ichigo. Uryu had totally surrendered to this feeling of love and passion. For so long he has been denied love. He's only liked one person, one classmate, one woman. His love was unrequited and caused him great pain. Through that he found a new love, who he thought was fake because of the pain that Orihime left, who was kissing him against a tree. The Quincy was now a prisoner to Ichigo. A sweet and loving captor seized his lips until that was not enough. Ichigo pushed the Quincy on the ground as he removed his shirt.
He's so hot….
"So this is what my son's been doing in his spare time." Ichigo turned his shirtless body around to look at a silver haired man. "Ryuken!"
What is he doing here?