A/N - Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Casper characters, Transformer Prime characters, Netflix or anything else that obviously does not belong to me. I DO own (Casey/Anita), (Sam/Wit), (Sierra/Tracy), (Casey/Anita's) bracelet and backpack, and any OCs the may come into the mix later. Yes, I did BORROW Samuel and Sierra's names from the Michael Bay movies and from Transformers: Prime; however, names and nicknames are the only true thing they share with the Hasbro owned characters. I own them as Casey's little brother and little sister. And I WILL be writing additional stories for when Casey first became Anita as well as when she meet Casper, ext. This story just popped into my head before I could write the others and I'm not good at doing multiple projects. No flames please. Constructive critique and comments are appreciated.
Chapter 1
(My POV- 11:30, October 31)
I walked into my room and scowled at the mess: the bed was a large mass of sheets and pillows; clothing hung from various places; pencil shavings and cat hair speckled the red carpet; my desk was covered in homework papers; and a certain leather backpack lay on the floor by the closet . I tried to ignore all that as it was late and I wanted to sleep; however, the crimson colored room seemed to be taunting me.
In general, I see myself as a somewhat orderly person and it nearly pained me to see my room in such a state.
I glanced at the table-side clock and exclaimed, "Eleven thirty! Thank you God for Halloween break."
One again, I surveyed the 'damage' of the room and unconsciously touched my right wrist where my silver cuff bracelet was.
"What does it matter if I stay up a little longer… this room could seriously use some TLC." I thought as I bent down to a purple t-shirt on the floor.
Unfortunately, fifteen minutes later the room was not even halfway cleaned. Though the clothes where put up; the bed still had to be made, the desk needed organizing, and I couldn't vacuum until Mom was done with it downstairs. The backpack I stupidly had not put up yet still lay on the ground.
It was getting harder to stay alert and my mind wandered to earlier that night.
"Mom, can't we stay a little while longer pleeeeeeeaaaaaaase," A seven year old girl with dark brown hair and matching eyes pleaded to our mother. Mom was sagging from the weight of two large, full pillow cases of candy.
"I think we've had enough trick-or-treating for tonight kids," She said tiredly.
"But I… I mean WE don't have enough candy!" complained a boy with brown hair and dark brown eyes like his two sisters. His straight hair bounced as he walked, though that was probably from his already hyper body.
I studied my younger siblings; nine year old Samuel was dressed as his favorite Transformers: Prime character, Bumblebee; while Sierra was dressed in all the sneakiness of a seven year old ninja.
Glancing at my reflection as I pass a window, I see a thirteen year old girl with brown hair that curled slightly and light brown eyes. I'm wearing a shiny pirate costume: long red skirt with black and white stripped underskirt, puffy sleeves, and a black velvet vest over a satin shirt. Add a purple waist sash and purple bandana and you have the full picture.
"You know," I smirked, "Bumblebee can't speak English, Wit." I poked at Samuel's plastic mask as we walked to the next decorated car trunk. My brother got his nickname from Sam Witwicky in the Bay Transformers movies. He and Sierra had only watched the first one as the other two had been vetoed by Dad and deemed inappropriate for their young minds.
"That's better." My smirk widened to a grin
"Now, what do you two mean you don't have enough candy?" Mom inquired. "The stuff in these bags will last a year."
The twosome pouted.
"But Casey gets more candy!"Whined Sierra.
"How could I possibly have more? My bag's only half full," I reasoned.
"You dumped the rest out into the car," was the mini ninja's retort.
"I put half in our trunk so I don't have carry all the weight."
Figuring she couldn't win the argument, my little sister mimics me with her hand.
"Blah blah!"
I groan.
"It's late, you all have an amazing amount of candy, and…" Mom trailed off trying to find something to make them want to go home. Away from the sugar filled church parking lot.
"And we got the Casper movie from Netflix earlier!" I cut in, as eager as she was to get home. I'm so darn tired!
With that, the other two quickly ran to the car as if I was chasing them with the electric fly zapper …. Again.
Mom sighed for the millionth time that night.
"They really like that movie," I say.
"As long as they're in the car." Mom sighed. That makes a million and one.
When we got to the car, Dad had the engine running and we drove the five minutes back to the house. I decided it was a good time sing a certain little song which Sam and Sierra joined in on.
"Casper, the Friendly Ghost
The friendliest ghost you know.
Though grown-ups might
Look at him with fright,
The children all love him so.
He always says hello (Hello),
And he's really glad to meet ya.
Wherever he may go,
He's kind to every living creature.
Grown-ups don't understand
Why children all love him the most.
But the kids all know
That he loves them so,
Casper, the friendly ghost.
"Please, stop." my Dad laughed.
End Flashback
I was shaken out of my memory when I heard a commotion out in the hall way. Half a second later, my cat Lily comes running into my room through the partially opened door, only to be followed by Sam and Sierra who barreled into my room after flinging the door open so hard it made a shallow dent in the wall behind.
"A hole in the wall. Great. Mom's going to be SOOO happy." I say under my breath.
Sarcasm, got to love it.
Apparently they didn't think I was in, because Sam who was in front stopped suddenly causing his sister behind him to crash. Both of them where down to the floor in seconds.
I immediately went into bossy big sister mode.
"Leave my cat alone and get out!" I shout, not giving them a chance to untangle themselves off the floor.
"We only wanted to play with her," Sam said
Sierra nodded in agreement.
"Pretty, pretty please!" she begged.
"N-O spells NO," I don't quite trust Sierra with my cat and letting Sam play with her by himself would be unfair. I could have just said this, but being a bossy older sister is more fun.
Sierra and Sam both stood up and raised their right hands with giggles as they said together, "I, (they each said their names), promise to not snuggle the cat to hard or take her out of your room."
I rolled my eyes. The Terrible Twosome's fake act at maturity resulted in them, once again, falling to the floor in gales of laughter.
"Way too much sugar," I thought.
Deciding that I should experiment with a new tactic, I turned around and went to organize my desk.
Operation: Ignore annoying pests.
I soon tuned out from the rest of the world, vaguely noting that my little brother and sister where still in the room.
I was studying a half done history essay when a loud buzzing caught my attention. My alarm clock was going off as it read '12:00 AM'.
"Weird, I've never set my clock to midnight," I mused aloud.
Suddenly my wrist started to slightly itch and grow warm. I frowned as I looked down on my cuff bracelet in annoyance. The turquoise stone in the middle glowed with a strange blue light that got brighter by the second. My head snapped around to look at the clock again before I turned to go grab something in the closet. Only it wasn't in the closet anymore.
Sam was holding the brown leather bag while Sierra was in the process of stuffing Lily into it. Poor Cat.
"Drop it! NOW!" I ordered, panic and surprise etched into my voice.
The two kids looked at me in utter shock. They had never, not once, heard this much worry coming from me. They were too busy wondering about this to heed my warning. They didn't even notice the blue-green glowing stone on the pack's flap that was identical to the one on my bracelet.
Too Late!
In a short flash of blue light, the three of us (plus a cat) where jolted into … someplace else. I know what was happening and was prepared...ish, but what scared me was that my little bro and sis were not.
12:01 AM
A/N: How was that? I know I'm a little late posting this as I meant to do so on Halloween. The next chapter will have Casey (now going to be called Anita) explaining some of the Multiverse Jumper rules. Please read and review. Must have feedback!