"H-Hello," said Tia into the phone. Her voice shook. Fear lingered in the phone, reeking it with its deliriously sweet smell.

Muteness sloped through the ebony phone. Within the undercurrents of the racket, Tia swore she could hear breathing.

Somewhere closer than she will ever expect, lungs are expanding and plummeting with life.

"Who like is this," said Tia nervously. She shifted her eyes, feeling stupid for not turning on all the lights.

Click. The phone hung up.

Tia put the Olivetti rotary dial back with a special tool with her wheel, that works as a robotic hand, used especially with instruments used by humans before 'The great disappearance' in 1945.

Tia tried to slow her breathing. She tried to reassure herself.

Just Mr or Mrs. Carson, there was a mistake or something, you know like dropping a phone in some punch.

It didn't help. In fact, it made Tia think of many reasons why her theory was wrong.

An insane burglar, who has stalked me for weeks, stole Mr and Mrs. Carson's phone after he killed them and he's calling me 'cause he wants to track me down…

A murder that likes to pick his victims by randomly calling them and then tracking them down and killing them…

It's Logan the secret admirer that I rejected and laugh at cruelly at lunch, he wants to kill me for being such a….

Tia jumped out her chassis as the phone rang again. It's deep and haunted clamor reverberates like it came from the depths of netherworld.

Without hesitation she answered the phone.

"Have you checked the children," said an unnerving coarse voice, its sound dripped onto the floor. It blended within the shadows.

Tia shook. " ?" Her shrill tone cowered in her wind-pipe.

The phone hung up again.

Tia lay still. A tiny speck of red in a world of darkness. She tried to calm down and breathe easy but it's rather hard to do that when you're drowning in anxiety.

"I don't like need this right now," said Tia. She called the parents cellphones. Somewhere in a ballroom, two actively dancing high-class cars turned off their phones.

"Why won't they answer," said Tia. Her voice echoed. She was prey.

Tia called the police and reports that a stranger has been calling her and hanging up.

"Has he threatened you?" the dispatcher asks.

"Well. No," said Tia.

"Well, there's nothing we can really do about it. You could try reporting the prank caller to the phone company."

Tia frowned; they had dismissed her like that. It was like an indifferent whatever to the face.

"That's all you can say," said Tia. She was yelling. "I don't have no freaking phone company! All I have is this old like totally lame outdated phone!I left my stupid cell at like home. There is a totally creepy psycho after me!"

No response. The police had hung up.

Tia shook. She wanted to cry at her fear and frustration.

The phone rang.

Tia grabbed the phone.

"What the ford do you want," said Tia screaming, she sobbed.

Somewhere above her, some car giggled.

"Why haven't you checked the children…Tia?" The voice was icy and guttural.

Tia gasped. She choked down a salty tear. "H-how do you know my name?"

The speaker chuckled hauntingly. It sounded like water boiling.

"I know everybody's name."

"Who is this? You have the wrong number," said Tia, her voice is gone. The stranger hangs up. Tia calls 911.

"He called me again. He is really freaking me out," said Tia. "I know he's watching me. I can feel it. Please help!" Her shrill voice floated through the house.

"Have you seen him?" the dispatcher asks.

Tia sniffed. "No."

I swear if they say I can't help you, I'm gonna cry, I am totally like going to cry then die. Cry then die. Cry then die.

"Well, there isn't much we can do about it," the dispatcher says.

There are modes that the mind goes into. Tia had gone into panic mode.

Tia screams and starts to bawl her windshield out. " .No please help me like oh my Manufacturer, if you go I'll die and I need you to help me, I'm all alone in this strange house and I'm only sixteen and I want to like go home. The parents will not reach me and there is a creep trying to kill me and I need your help," said Tia. She then lets out a monologue of unintelligent babble.

The dispatcher feels remorse for Tia. He remembered how afraid he was when he had to babysit in a house at night. He had to do something.

"Now, now, it'll be okay," he says. "Give me your number and street address, and if you can keep this guy on the phone for at least a minute we'll try to trace the call. What was your name again?"

Tia stopped crying. "Tia, my name is Tia."

"Okay, Tia, if he calls back we'll do our best to trace the call, but just keep calm. Can you do that for me?"

"Yes," said Tia. She hung up. Feeling a new-found boldness, she decides to turn the remaining lights down so she can see if anyone's outside, and that's when she gets another call.

"It's me," the familiar voice says. "Why did you turn the lights down?"

"Can you see me?" Tia was panicking.

Please say no. Please say no.

"Yes," it said after a long dreadful pause.

"Look, you've scared me," said Tia. Her chassis threatened to run away from her metal frame. She shook violently. Her oil boiled with a fear she has never experienced before. It was worser than when Max had made-out with her aggressively, it was like being raped. "I'm shaking. Are you happy? Is that what you wanted?"


"Then what do you want?" Tia's voice was nonexistent, just a pitiful shrill.

Another long pause.

"Your oil. All over me."

Tia slammed the phone down, terrified. Almost immediately it rings again.

"Leave me alone," said Tia in a scream. She was losing sanity fast. It was the dispatcher calling back. His voice is urgent.

Thank Chrystler.

"Tia, we've traced that call. It's coming from another room inside the house. Get out of there! Now!" His voice sounded so urgent, so fearful of the soul of a girl he didn't know, that he would never know.

Tia tore to the front door, attempting to unlock it and dash outside, only to find the backup voice activated lock excluding her from safety. Tia's voice was hoarse. A raspy breath of fear.

"Tia Dyer," said Tia frantically.

Please. Please. Please.

The computer's voice was mechanical, ignorant to the importance of the situation.

"Voice denied."

"Tia Dyer," said Tia in terrible croak. Her sanity was slipping.

"Voice denied. Do you want a hint?"

A freaking hint? I'm dying and you want to ask me for a hint, you stupid computer thingy.

"Tia Dyer," said Tia in a scream. "Tia freaking Dyer!"

I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die.

In the time it takes her to unlock the voice-activated lock, Tia sees a door open at the top of the stairs. Light streams from the children's bedroom, revealing the profile of something; a jumbled body of cars, a monster perhaps.

"No," said Tia in a high heart-ripping scream. "NOOOOO!"

Tia slams herself to the door, she cracked a headlight.

The door opens and Tia bursts outside, only to find the parents staring at her strangely.

"Tia, what are you doing, you shall wake the children," said Mrs. Carson disapprovingly.

"You don't understand," said Tia sounding mad. "There was a killer and he tried to call me and he is in the house and he has the children…too late to save them!"

She panted heavily.

"Killed?" Mr. Carson's voice was puzzled. "My girls are right behind you Tia."

Tia turned to find three girls laughing. The oldest Angelica, a silver BMW with pink flames laughed the loudest. Madeline another BMW except with a silvery green color tried to laugh along with her sister at the same dialect, she was ten. Antoinette, a silver BMW, giggled randomly, she was a toddler. Antoinette tried to nibble on her tires.

"You should have totally seen your face Tia," said Angelica. "You were hilarious, the screaming, you are such a cheerleader. I bet you leaked on the carpet. LOL!"

"Yeah. LOL," said Madeline. She looked apologetically had Tia. "It was Angelica's idea. She woke us up and made us go into the attic and play this game…it was fun at first then it wasn't fun anymore. She talked into Antoinette's voice changing toy. "

Angelica looked at Tia smugly until she saw the anger on her parent's faces.

"Angelica and Madeline," said Mr. Carson eagerly. " . !"

The two girls grumbled then went into the house.

Mrs. Carson lifted Antoinette with her wheel. "I'm sorry Tia for the girls."

The Trophy wife took out a wallet from her rim. "Here Tia, take five hundred for your emotional distress."

Tia smiled and drove home.

Mia was grounded. Max and Cameron were kicked out the house. A maid had discovered Mia and her boyfriends, she called their father. Someone is under fraternal house-arrest.

Angelica was grounded for three months. She is seeking a fancy psychiatrist for her 'unquenchable need for attention.'

The story was on the news, Tia had met the dispatcher. He was a forty-year old father with two girls, happily married, a whole family of Honda Civics.

Mia sighed sadly. She flopped on the living room couch. Mia let out a dramatic groan. "That was the worst like Halloween ever!"

Tia smiled. She leaned on the wheelrest. She reflected Mia's dramatic groan. "Like Totally!"

Speak for yourself, thought Tia. I love Halloween!

The end. I changed the ending of course because in the ending the killer is covered with blood..err oil and the children are all dead. Please tell me if I have any grammar errors because this was a while chapter based on impulse. Constructive criticism is welcome. I know you guys are out there so please review!

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*classic horror movie scream*

Thank you Mere and Pancakes for the comments!