Third time's a charm. Or so they say. I think it's a load of shit really, but Grant and I definitely charmed our way into each other pants, that's for sure. I mean, I'm pretty sure I have never been so horrifically inebriated in the entirety of my life, so I guess that would explain why I was even closer to having sex with Grant than ever before. It was the alcohol spurring me on and clouding my best judgement as per usual but this time it was different.

The evening had started off as a mellow and chilled out gathering with a few friends of ours, the odd bottle of beer being cracked open amongst the boys, the girls passing around the wine and take out being shared. Just another normal evening at Ciaran Farrington's. None of us had the immediate intention of drinking more than a bottle or two seeing as it was another typical evening full of unwinding from a hard week of work. We hadn't been as clichéd to play 'Spin the Bottle' or 'Truth or Dare', despite how tremendously tempting the offer seemed to a large group of twenty-two year olds. I was close to finishing my…sixth glass of wine? Maybe seventh. I'd unconsciously stopped counting after about the fourth. Grant was so kindly thrusting a vodka and coke into my hand, knowing I wasn't the biggest fan but also being well aware that I wasn't one to turn a drink down after a bottle of wine, no matter what was in the glass. It was almost like I didn't know how to. I'd successfully necked the drink, Ciaran, Jake, Grant, Lana, Dane, Matilda & Grace all cheering as I gulped back each mouthful. I clearly had forgotten that mixing the grape and the grain was not a smart move in the slightest. It would also explain how I ended up in such a way.

"Maaan, I feel so ill right now. You made my tummy hurt Gustin." I grumbled and pouted, poking the man gently in the temple. I felt his head shake against my legs as he chuckled; he slowly turned and lifted up the bottom of my shirt, pressing a faint kiss to my stomach before looking up at me and grinning.


"Much." I laughed back at him, ruffling his hair and pressed his head against my lower abdomen, running my fingers slowly through his hair. I tried not to notice Matilda & Grace wiggling their eyebrows at me, all but mocking the situation I was not so consciously falling into. Oh how drunkenly naïve I was.

"I think it's your turn to take a drink Thomas." Ciaran smirked from his position next to Lana, his arm retreating from her shoulder as he lifted the vodka bottle and poured a shot, reaching to Grant to force it upon him.

"It would be rude to turn it down." Grant lifted himself from my lap, rubbing one of my shins before tipping his head back with the glass. He visibly winced, causing our group to laugh loudly as his face started to scrunch. "I forgot how bad this shit was."

We had all managed to pull ourselves into multiple rounds of shots throughout the course of the evening; successfully resulting in drinking a litre of Smirnoff in around an hour, mostly as shots. Boy did I feel queasy. The room was slowly spinning but I couldn't help seeing this whole situation as fun, we are all hard workers so it was nice to finally be ourselves and let go. Grant's hand was quivering as he not so graciously tried to pour another shot into the small glass situated in front of him on the marble countertop, his tongue poking slightly out of his mouth as he poured every ounce of concentration into attempting not to make a mess.

I snickered, watching him make a complete state of the countertop, more liquid appearing out of the glass than in it. "Hey big boy, I think not being able to pour a drink shows you've had enough." I giggled, slinging my arm around his neck, turning to grin at him as he looked at me with a frown, before joining in with my laughter. I took the bottle from his hands and placed it down.

"GET SOM E JAKEY BOY!" Grace shrieked, causing a spectacle as usual, everyone turning to see what all of the fuss was about. I playfully rolled my eyes at Grant before the pair of us stepped out of the kitchen to glance at Jake who seemingly had his tongue down Lana's throat. I can't exactly say that I didn't see it coming.

"Lucky guy."

"Oh yeah?"


I turned away from them, entering the kitchen again and moving the bottle from the workspace, capping it. I tried placing it back in Ciaran's cupboard but my lack of extensive height proved to cause a difficulty in reaching the top shelf.

"Let me help you." Grant spoke lowly, breath brushing my right ear as he placed his left hand on my hip and reached for the bottle in my other hand, placing it in the unreachable place. He stood there, not pulling his hand away from my body, and staying as close as he had been a moment earlier, not breaking the close contact.

"Why's he lucky?"

"He gets the girl." Without thinking twice I swiftly turned, throwing my arms around Grant's neck and pressing my lips to his. He didn't waste a second in pulling me closer, one hand resting on the back of my head and the other on the side of my neck, our tongues meshing as we breathed messily. My back hit the worktop causing me to groan in slight pain before focusing back on the task in hand. He pulled one of his hands to my lower back, supporting me from further pain and pressed one leg in between mine, slowly rubbing his thigh higher up my legs. I cried out once his pant clad thigh rubbed against my crotch, teasingly, a hand working its way up the back of my shirt. He pressed his lips to my pulse point in my neck, sucking lightly as my head tipped back, allowing more skin for his lips to travel. His teeth pressed down, not hard enough to break the skin but enough to know that there would definitely be a nice purple bruise there in the morning. Grant didn't know this but my neck was a very weak spot and if he continued any further than this whole episode would be over before it even started.

"Grant." I breathed out, my hand dipping into his sweatpants. This scene seemed all too familiar, the events playing out much like they had done in Darren's apartment a mere month ago. I almost felt ashamed at my lack of self-control, and then I thought about an impending orgasm and that thought quickly scarpered.

I grasped hold of his cock firmly, working my hand up and down at a rough pace, his hips pushing forward into my closed fist. His broken moans rung out throughout the kitchen, slightly muffled by my neck but otherwise loud enough for everyone listening to hear. Grant's hand reached down to cup my crotch as I slipped my thumb over the slit of his cock. I pulled his head away from my neck, his eyebrows arching in confusion at the sudden loss before I pulled my hand from his boxers. I clearly wasn't thinking about what I was about to do, the alcohol still clouding my mind and all of my inhibitions completely thrown out of the window. My knees buckled and I fell to the floor in front of my best friend. I glanced up at him through long eyelashes and lidded eyes, silently asking him if this was okay. Sure we'd crossed a bunch of boundaries that should have never been crossed, but this was different. Way different.

I saw him visibly gulp, his Adams apple bob as he eagerly anticipated my next move. I pushed up his shirt, folding it in on itself to clear his torso from material, mentally sighing at how perfect Grant's body seemed to have become over the past couple of years. Seriously, when did Grant become so attractive? My hands trailed along the expanse of skin above the waistband of his sweatpants. I leant forward and licked a stripe from his torso to his waistband; I could feel him shiver under the touch. I nipped lightly against the waistband line, working the skin between my teeth before slipping my tongue over it. His skin was so soft that I just wanted to touch it and taste it.

Eyeing his sweatpants, I couldn't restrain myself from pulling them down, my face level with his straining boxers hiding his hard cock. I ran my index finger over the outline through the material eliciting hisses from Grant before cupping him fully, making him cry out at the sudden sensation. I nuzzled into his crotch, my lips pressing again him, mouthing at the area. Girls don't blow their male friends but right now I'm so overcome with lust and being in the moment, I couldn't give a damn, all I know is that I need this. We both need this.

I slowly pulled the remaining material down, revealing his almost completely hard cock, springing free right in front of me. I moaned loudly at the visual, Grant becoming even more beautiful by the second. I had no restraints once it had been presented to me so I leant forward and took most of him in my mouth, placing a hand at the base.

It had been a while since I'd last performed oral and I worried I was a little out of practice, the last person I wanted to disappoint was Grant, but judging by the sounds pouring from his mouth, I was doing a pretty passable job. His hands instinctively flew to my hair, gripping it lightly before he pulled away again, I peered up at him trying to read his expression and he looked embarrassed. Without removing my mouth, I pulled on his hands and placed them back atop my head, telling him it was okay. I was actually sort of into it.

Grant began to pull a little bit hard the further I took him in, my tongue swirled the head, the salty taste of pre-come coating my tongue. My cheeks hollowed as I swallowed around his cock, dipping my tongue into his slit. Boy was I thankful for my gag reflex. After I was more comfortable and confident I moved my head back and forth, pulling back and then forcing him deeper into my mouth. Grant groaned and moaned and heavily breathed above me, his beautiful face twisted in pleasure. In between tongue swirling, and swallowing I hummed around him which apparently was a good call because moments later he was fucking my mouth before he stuttered something out that resembled 'Han, I'm so close.' Whether he expected that to hinder my plans of letting him reach his peak and ride out his orgasm in my mouth, I'm unsure but I stayed firmly around him, bringing him over the edge, his come pouring into my mouth and lining it.

It should have felt unbearably dirty and I should have felt horrific for doing such an act to my best friend, but instead I felt bliss, thrilled that I'd taken the liberty of doing such a thing. Seeing Grant look at me this way was more than worth it, feeling the things I felt when we exceeded our friendly boundaries was beyond worth it.

As his laboured breathing evened out, he slumped against the countertop as I brought myself to my feet. Now was the point I felt like shit, neither of us said anything and I debated with myself whether it would look awful to him if I just grabbed a glass from Ciaran's cupboard and ran it under the water to clear my mouth. I turned away from him, sure he enjoyed it but what if he thought I was easy now and he was ashamed of me? I buried my head in my hands and dug the heels into my eyes to stop the impending tears. This was lousy.

"Do you need a hand to finish you?" Grant laughed lightly, trying to make light of everything when in actual fact it made it worse.

"Grant, please don't."

"What?" he stepped forward and grabbed my arm to pull me into him.

"I'm sorry."

"What do you have to be sorry for?" His tone nearly broke me, he was so sincere and concerned, also probably terribly confused in the sudden shift of atmosphere.

"For being overfriendly and being easy and getting on my knees for my best friend."

"This hasn't been just a one way street Hanna, I'm as much to blame and I'm so sorry if I made you feel this way." Without saying a word I turned and buried myself into him, instantly feeling calmer. He pulled me closer and let his fingers trail through my hair, knowing just how calm it made me feel, magically slowing my breathing to a passable state. "And you're most certainly not easy."

Despite that earlier encounter, I had sobered rapidly, we both had, and I now just felt extremely tired. I pulled on his hand and led him upstairs to the spare bedroom, stripping down to our underwear and crawling into the bed; arms entangled and body heat soothing us into a deep slumber.

Lessons I learnt from this evening? Stop using rooms in our friends' homes to hook up. And more importantly, I don't think I'll ever get over how vocal Grant is in a state of pleasure or how beautiful he is. I really want to see him that blissed out again.