A sweet lullaby, for you, darling.

A break in the storm of hate.

A trust unknown,

leaving you broken-hearted.

Sing for me,

Shed your woes and troubles.

Sing for me,

Let it be known your voice rings true.

Sing for me,

A sweet lullaby, for you, darling.

Tragic laid on her bed, eyes closed, dreaming without going to sleep.

The war outside is loud, but nothing could compare to the volume of her thoughts.

Two groups do battle this day, yet they don`t know about the other battle going on, the internal conflict that plagues poor Tragic.

She`s Changing. Already she can feel the fiery blood searing through her veins, coaxing silent screams from her throat.

She wishes she had help. But her friends are busy trying to figure out who to trust.

Those moments right before this all started were the worst moments of her life.


Tech finally reached him, and smiled at him, as if greeting an old friend. "Hello, Mason."

Mason looked at Tech, and smirked at him. "Thank you, boy, for helping me through the Barrier."

Tech looked Mason right in the eyes, and said, "Do you remember the terms of my help?"

He chuckled. "Did you truly believe I would keep my word?" When Tech didn`t answer, he laughed again. "You are more foolish than I thought."

Tech blinked up at him, then shook his head slowly. "You`re not going to-?" He cut himself off, then he scowled at Mason. "You bastard."

Mason laughed at him again, then walked past him, his red eyes alight with mockery.

Tech just stood there, angry and surprised, although he knew he shouldn`t be.

Mason strode over to Lily, his eyes locking onto hers. It was as if he could see through her shades. He reached towards her face, and ripped the black and blue shades off of her face, throwing them to the ground and stepping on them.

Lily heard the crunch of plastic, and the shocked gasp of Amber, who had never seen her eyes.

Mason stared into her eyes, and then brought a hand up to cup her cheek, smiling tenderly at her.

Lily felt her warring emotions struggle within her. She definitely still loved him, no matter what happened, but what happened meant she could never forgive him and hated him for that. In the end, her hate was stronger than her love for him, and she pushed him away angrily, clenching her jaw.

She didn`t care that her eyes were exposed, she just let the anger and betrayal fill her. Lily had her bow out and had an arrow notched before she could think of what she was doing.

Mason glared at her, grabbing her bow and taking it from her, snapping it over his knee. He slapped her, and she clenched her fists, throwing a punch at him.

Darkness didn`t appreciate Mason hitting his friend, and pulled out his sword, hitting Mason in the back with it.

That was when all hell broke loose.

Arrows started flying, as did fists, and the two groups waiting anxiously at the edge of the woods, charged each other.

Tragic fled inside, and soon felt the Change occurring, collapsing onto her bed and fighting herself.


Tragic thrashed around on her bed for a while more, before becoming very still suddenly.

Memories that didn`t belong to her raced through her mind, and what they revealed were terrible. They told her what Lily hadn`t.

There had been a war, and the Yogscast and the Creatures had worked together to rid the world of mobs for good. They came up with a plan, but somehow Mason had figured out, and had put together an army to fight them.

It was a bloodbath, but in the end the Yog-Creatures were victorious, and banished all mobs to the Nether. They put someone in there to keep the mobs from escaping, someone sort of like a King. They even had people seal the Portal closed, charging three people with keeping it closed. You can guess who those people were.

Lily was given the power to see into the Nether and keep an eye on them. Darkness was charged with having to keep the Portal closed, because the monsters would try to break through. And Amber was able to hear "prophecies" and could sometimes hear what was going on in the Nether. They were also bound together, not literally, but spiritually, and now, if one of them falls, they all do, and the Portal will re-open and release the mobs back into the world.

Recently, the mobs have started to revolt. They`ve overthrown their King in favor of Mason, and that he`s on the Overworld is a bad sign in itself.

Then her memories switch to somewhere else, where it`s very hot. She`s toiling away in a lab, trying to get the formula right. She finally does, after weeks of work, and gazes proudly at her new invention, The Ender Curse, in a liquefied and bottled form, of course.

It was then that she realized that she was in Mason`s memories. He had created The Ender Curse, and she knew exactly what it did.

She started to fear herself, and knew that this could indeed change everything. She would become a monstrosity. But she was already Changed.

Tragic was now a Changeling.


Tragic stood, wobbling around a bit, and walked slowly over to the full-length mirror she had put in before she went crazy. She was much more sane now.

She stood in front of the mirror, but was afraid to look at herself. She didn`t want to see what she knew she would.

Tragic swallowed her nervousness, and looked at herself.

The first thing she noticed were the purple specks floating off of her. She looked pretty much the same, except she was much paler, as opposed to becoming more Ender-like. She finally saw her eyes, and gasped. They were no longer a brilliant golden, but a glowing purple, just like actual Enderman eyes. She also now had sharp, pointy teeth, and she felt differently... more... unstable.

Tragic remembered another thing about Changelings. She smiled.

They could teleport.


Mason whipped out his sword, and stood over Darkness.

He was panicking, but he stayed completely still, watching the red-eyed man with wide eyes.

Mason looked Darkness over, before stabbing him in the upper arm.

Darkness screamed in pain, and felt himself dive towards unconsciousness. His hold on the Nether weakened dramatically, and the mobs started pushing, trying to get back in. He tried pushing against them, only to have Mason`s sword twist inside of his arm, tearing another scream from his throat. The pain made him woozy, and he momentarily lost his hold on the Nether.

That was all the mobs needed.

With a sound like an explosion, everything in the meadow went silent, and mobs came pouring out of the Portal.