AUTHOR'S NOTE: I have re-uploaded the first two chapters. Explanation in the third one.
Disclaimer: I do not own anything except Skyler Belmont, Grace Delaurier upcoming characters created by me.
Beta: NavyNight12
Italy 1114 A.D.
The sky was clear and the sun was brightly shining. What a perfect afternoon to be spending with some friends, Rebekah thought. She was playing around with her best friend, Athena, who was her love Alexander's little sister and her same age. They told each other everything, never hiding anything. Of course though, Rebekah always omitted the things she did with her brother, something that disgusted Athena.
But there were other things that Rebekah had been keeping from her, the truth about Rebekah and her brothers... that she was a vampire, something that Athena's brother hated and he could never know, for now. However, Rebekah, that day couldn't help it anymore and she needed to tell Athena, so she made sure that no one was near enough to them so they could hear.
"Athena, would you get mad if I told you something I have been hiding from you since we met?" Rebekah asked her nervously. Although she knew Athena wouldn't get mad because she was the sweetest girl in the world and had no hate inside of her. "Because I cannot hold it anymore and it hurts me to be lying to you."
"Rebekah, what is happening? You should not be afraid, you can tell me everything and you know it." Athena was trying to calm her.
"But it is something big, something important for me..." Rebekah wasn't making any eye contact with her. It was such a hard thing to say and she was afraid that Athena would run away and tell her brother.
"Bekah, do not be afraid." She said smiling. "I mean it." Rebekah looked into her eyes. She could really see that Athena really meant it and wanted her to continue.
"Alright. But promise me," Rebekah took hold of Athena's hands. "Promise me that you will never tell anyone, not even to my brothers or to your brother. Anyone. Do you understand me?" She said with a determinate voice.
"Yes, Bekah. I will hide it till my death." She said with a hand in her heart doing the promise symbol.
"Well," Rebekah took a deep breath. "Athena, I... I am... I am a vampire." When she finally looked at her she could see that Athena was shocked. The only thing she did was stare at her for while. "But you should not be afraid because I would never hurt you or your brother. I love you both deeply and I... I... please say something, Athena." Athena seemed to be away, thinking maybe, but now was the moment when Rebekah started to feel regretful about it. She knew she shouldn't have said anything. But Athena finally spoke.
"Rebekah, I am not afraid... Actually, I feel fascinated. I always wanted to meet a vampire or some other supernatural species like in the stories they used to tell me when I was little." She told her with a small smile in her face.
"Are you truthful? Because I thought you hated vampires like your brother but you just would not hurt anyone ever, even if you were in danger."
"I know and you are right. But the thing Alexander doesn't know is that I feel a deep interest in... your species... Saying that sounds a bit strange, do not you think? Because you are human but you are not..." Sometimes she can sound so strange when she is talking, Rebekah thought. But she managed to smile a little. It was a relief that her best friend didn't hate her.
"And… Did you think we were monsters?"
"Do not get angry, but I did. I used to imagine you with white skin like the snow and horrible bright eyes with some horrible fangs and such." Rebekah looked at her with a weird look and they both started to laugh. Athena came closer to her friend and hugged her. She didn't want her to feel bad because she would accept her no matter what she was. Rebekah was her only true friend and she didn't want to lose her.
After that confession, Rebekah and Athena spent the whole afternoon talking about Rebekah's life and how she was converted. But little did they know that Alexander had overheard them.
He was shocked. He couldn't believe that Rebekah was truly a vampire. He already had his suspicions about it, like when he told her about the cure, she seemed very interested in finding it. But now it was different.
He heard her confessing it to his sister, Athena. And she wasn't planning on telling him about it. She was going to pay for that, too.
What a shame it would be for him that his sister and last member of his family was protecting a vampire, so he needed to get that cure more than ever. Rebekah needed to be a human again. She was his love and he couldn't hurt her. Alexander had already heard about this type of vampires and he had the ultimate weapon to kill them, at least temporally. He was going to use it tonight and slowly he sneaked from his hiding spot and went to tell to the others that tonight they were going to act and would stake Rebekah and all her brothers. Either way, Alexander was hurt and afraid of doing this to his love but he was only hoping that at least she felt the same way for him and this plan wouldn't be in vain.
Later that night...
Rebekah woke up. She was feeling like she had bee dead or something. She needed air. She was suffocated.
"What happened?" She asked to his old brother Klaus who was covered with blood standing in front of her.
She looked around the room and everything was a mess and... red. She was scared. Some minutes ago she was about to have sex with Alexander and… she remembered it all.
"Ask him." Klaus said coldly without looking at his sister. He stepped aside and show Rebekah his lover in the wall with a sword in his heart. "Only he cannot answer because I ripped out his tongue, along with the rest of them."
Rebekah was shocked. No, not Alexander, she begged. Her heart was broken in a thousand pieces. Tears started falling. "Nik, I had no idea." She told him sobbing.
"But you should have." He interrupted her. "Your only family was nearly wiped out because of your stupidity!" He was starting to get angry and Rebekah was afraid.
He was a monster when he was like that and it was a hard work to calm him down. Rebekah was only prying for her brother, Elijah, to appear soon. He knows how to handle these situations.
"What did he promise you?" Klaus was having no patience with her.
"Nothing...nothing." She said. She couldn't tell him about the cure. He would kill her.
"He would not have made a move unless he knew you were vulnerable." Klaus came closer to her. "You trusted him... Over me!" He shouted her. Rebekah started to cry again. His brother had never shouted her like that, ever. "What did he promise you?"
"Nothing, Nik, I swear!" she gasped between sobs.
"What did he promise you?!" Klaus was at the verge of ripped her sister heart out. "Tell me, Rebekah!" He graved her arms and shook her.
"The cure!" She finally spoke. She couldn't help it and he already knew there was something.
"What?" Klaus release her, trying to think what Rebekah had meant.
"The cure for us... To be humans again." She told him between sobs.
"How could you be such a fool, Rebekah? How could you?" He shouted her again.
He was disappointed about his sister. He thought he was smarter than this.
"Now get away from here before rip your head off and I mean it!" Klaus was trying to calm himself.
Now, they would have to clean this mess up and get away before he had to kill the whole town. What a waste of time this was going to be.
Rebekah got away of the room still shocked of what just had happened. She still couldn't believe that Alexander, her love, had tried to kill her some minutes ago and now he was dead. Why did he do that? How did he know... And suddenly everything made sense. There was just one word to describe this situation. The one and only, Athena. That whore.
Rebekah looked for a knife around the house and then she quickly headed to her so called best friend's room. She opened the door to see her sleeping peacefully, so what better idea than wake her up abruptly. Rebekah went to her bed, threw the covers away and took Athena from her hair.
"How could you do that to me?" Rebekah shouted. Athena was still asleep. She didn't know why her friend was doing this to her. She then looked at her and saw that she was covered on blood.
What had happened, Athena thought. "Why did you tell your brother about me? You knew he would have killed me and you promised that you would never let that happen! Now look at me, look what your brother has done to me."
"Be-bekah, please, I-I..."
"No! I will not let you apologize! My family was almost wiped out because of your little dirty mouth that cannot stay shut, not even for a day!"
"Bekah, please! I did not…" Athena said crying but Rebekah didn't hear her.
"And now your brother is dead and you are going to pay for all of this." After saying that, Rebekah put the knife in her heart very deeply and the last sound of her ex-best friend was a horrible scream of pain. She let her fall on the floor and when she turned around to leave she saw her brother staring at the scene.
"Why did you do this?" He asked, still staring at Athena's lifeless body.
"She told her brother about us! She was the one who had to pay for all of this." She explained to him desperately.
"And how did she know?" Klaus asked her in an angry tone because he knew what the answer would be.
"Because..." Rebekah took a deep breath. Her brother had her now. "Because I told her." She said without looking at him. "But she promised me she would never tell anyone!" Klaus rolled his eyes at this statement. His sister had become very stupid.
"You have made quite a bunch of mistakes tonight, Rebekah. So if I were you I would leave right now."
"Now!" He shouted.
When he heard that Rebekah was far away, he came closer to the now lifeless body on the floor. He graved her and hugged her, crying silently. His only love was dead. That beautiful face was now pale and her eyes didn't have that light they always had that had brought him such happiness everyday. She was gone and forever.
Elijah had been watching that scene the whole time.
He was actually the only one who knew about Klaus and Athena. She was very important to Klaus and he didn't want his siblings to know that.
Actually, his brother had started to change a bit thanks to her. Sometimes his humanity, something that Klaus didn't want to bring out, actually showed, but Elijah was also the one who protected them when they were together because Athena was meant to marry one of her brother's closest friends and Alexander would have never approved any other man.
But before anyone could see him, Elijah put his hands on Klaus's shoulders and graved him out of the room. Klaus was showing his feelings and Elijah knew that later he would be very angry if his siblings saw him like that.
"Niklaus, recover yourself, please. No one can see you like this. No one, and we need to clean this mess."
So, what do you guys think? I know, it might not look good now or it might seem a little lame but I promise it will get so much better later. This is just the beginning to explain Skyler's life (who you'll meet next chapter).
As you see, this was inspired in the episode "The Five" and I have a whole idea for Skyler in this storyline. So, if you like review and give your opinions :)