I dont own warriors, also this is my second update today! :) I am still looking for the perfect kits for Leopard and Sand. Though I am still considering the ones sent in. :) Well enjoy this chapter and review, I mean 517 views and only 19 reviews! You guys make me sad.

Leopardcloud P.O.V

Leopardcloud walked out of the medicen den smiling, she was expecting kits in 1 1/2 moons! She was almost jumping up and down as she walked to Dustfire. He looked up an smiled at her.

"Hello, would you like to share fresh kill?" Dustfire asked s he motioned his dark ginger head to the fresh kill pile.

"Yes, and I have news!" She replied pleased.

"Okay," He walked next to her and picked up a plump rabbit, thats good for the end of greenleaf.

"Im expecting kits!" Leopardcloud exclaimed as they setteled down to eat.

"Thats fantastic!" He said happily and licked her cheek.

Runningfur P.O.V

Opening her green eyes, she saw a bright light than a forest. Runningfur shook her head and said, "Whos there?"

"Don't worry, little one, its me Firestar," A ginger tom spoke.

"Your the old leader of Thunderclan!" Runningfur said in amazment. "Why am I here?"

"Ah, that, I fear you may hunt with starclan, unless Jayfeather can save you." Firestar said sadly.

"Well, I refuse to die. What about my clanmates?"

"Runnningfur, you have lost lots of blood from your shoulder wound." Firestar said calmly.

"So?" Runningfur challanged, thoughts running threw her head, What would happen to Stormpaw? Sootblaze? What about Sandwish and Leopardcloud?

"Runningfur, we dont know if youll die yet! Just go to sleep." Firestar soothed.

"I dont want to die." Runningfur said softly as she curled up on the soft evergreen grass of Starclan.

Slowly she drifted into sleep and as she did her thoughts were on what would happen if she died.

Same P.O.V 2 days later

"Runningfur, wake up! Dont die!" A voice said.

Runningfur opened her sparkaling green eyes to fin she was in the Med. den and Sootblaze was beside her, whispering and licking her.

"I'm okay." Runningfur meowed quietly. All eyes turned to her, Jayfeather, Mintpaw(his apprentice), Brightheart, Lilyfeather and Sootblaze.

" Good," Jayfeather said as her walked over to her and examined her wound. "I have news to tell you, not now but later."

Runningfur looked to her shoulder where there was a scar, about the length of a leaf, covered in blood and a sticky strong smelling pultice on it.

"Im so glad you alive!" Sootblaze exclaimed, happiness in his icy blue eyes. He began licking her face all over.

"Me too," Runningfur said as she purred.

"Okay everybody out!" Jayfeather said. He wasnt being mean, he just needed more room. Everybody but Mintpaw, Runningfur and Jayfeather left the den.

"Well you wont be able to do warrior duties anymore," Mintpaw began a smile growing on her face.

"Why not!" Runningfur exclaimed outraged.

"Well you have to go to the nursery! Your going to have kits in 1 moon!" Mintpaw said happily.

"What?"Runningfur looked at her belly witch seemed swollen all of a sudden.

"Are they Sootblazes?" Jayfeather asked.

"Yes, they are," Runningfur said.

"Don't worry, youll have company, Lilyfeather is moving to the nursery too, and either way you would have to take it easy," Mintpaw soothed. "Lilyfeather made you a nest, you are dissmissed from the med. den!"

"Okay," Runningfur murmmered getting up and limping to Sootblaze who was talking to Moleclaw about Lilyfeather expecting. Moleclaw was the father.

"Sootblaze, want to go for a walk?"

"Um, sure, anything for you," Sootblaze purred, excusing himself from the conversation, Moleclaw dipped his head in farewell and went to the nursery.

"Well? Whats on your mind?"

"Im, expecting kits!" Runningfur meowed once near the lake.

"Really!?"Sootblaze asked shocked and exited. " I must go tell everyone, I can can't I?"

"Yes," Runningfur said pleased. Sootblaze dashed off towards camp.

Did you enjoy? Well if you did review! How did you like the way Runningfur told Sootblaze? I still need kits for the queens, Leopardcloud =3 kits, 2 toms, 1 she kit, Sandwish=4 kits 2 toms 2 she kits, Runningfur = undicided