It was a bright sunny morning in the middle of August. Perfect weather to grab a glass of lemonade and sit out on the porch sun bathing but for unfortunate others it's perfect to send new victims into a system of numbers and scoring, otherwise known as school.

Heinz gripped the side handle of his car door so hard it started to show signs of cracking and ripping. The doctor didn't notice however, his gaze shot out in a distance completely oblivious to his surroundings. The car moved forwards to its destination with three other passengers.


Heinz startled. His eyes widened as he jumped up on his seat and faced the questioning figure. "W-what? Is something wrong? Did we forget something? Should we go back?"

Perry smiled at the panicking doctor and shook his head lightly. "No, I've been trying to get your attention. You look about ready to explode plus the door handle can't take it anymore. You're tearing it off."

Heinz dropped his gaze to the object spoken of and understood what the other was talking about. Quickly he loosened his grip and placing his hands on his knees.

The agent chuckled at his actions. "Everything will be fine, I don't know why you're so worried about. We're not the ones going to school it's those scoundrels behind us that are."

"We heard that!" One of the scoundrels shouted and leaned forward so his head would stick out from between the two front seats. "And dad has a point mom, we should be the ones begging to turn back and wait another year." Ethan pointed out.

"Yes well, this is your first day of school and if you remember you both didn't start like regular children did. You jumped a few years! What if the teachers ask questions about previous years that you never showed up for? What if they ask US questions!?"

Perry took action and quickly placed his right hand over the doctor's. "Don't worry so much about it. These two have some of the brightest minds out there. I'm sure they will figure out exactly what to do or say, plus Phineas and Ferb are in their same grade. They will help out for sure, and let's not forget your brother Roger set this whole thing up for us. Pretty positive he thought ahead for these concerns."

Heinz slumped down further in his seat and crossed his arms, in the process removing Perry's hand, and humph. "Yeaaahh, Roger set this all up. For all you know he probably forgot something that will jeopardize this whole thing."

The agent smacked him lightly on his shoulder. "Don't be like that, if it wasn't for Roger our pups wouldn't even be going to school in this grade. They would have to start from scratch."

Ethan piped in. "Yeah mom! This is our first day don't be such a grouch!"

Heinz continued to glare out the window and all his worries vanished for a minute until the quietness of the ride started getting to him. "I still don't get why I couldn't drive though! I mean, I wanna remember doing something for them today!"

"Not happening." Perry answered instantly. "The last time you drove us anywhere we ended up crashing through seven fire hydrants, ten poles, three park benches and let's not forget that grocery stall." Perry shivered lightly, hands still on the steering wheel. "Radishes everywhere."

Ethan decided to stick his head back in to comment. "Yeah, we want the school intact before we start it."

Max finally thought this was the perfect moment to speak. "Although, a little remodeling might be needed. This place is utterly dull." He said, lazily looking at the building.

Heinz was so distracted with wanting to drive that he didn't even notice the school innocently standing next to him. When did they arrive?

Both kids jumped out the car enthusiastically, the adults still seated with the motor running.

Ethan looked at them both in confusion, stared at his brother for confirmation and walked back. Knocking lightly on the window from the front seat. Perry looked at him in question before lowering down the widow. "Something wrong pup?"

"Aren't you both coming with us?"

Both parents stared in shock.

"You want us to come with you?" Heinz question once he regained some composure. They had already gotten a tour around the school and if questioned about a place they haven't visited yet they can always use their minds to figure out where to start. If he remembered correctly Vanessa always hated it when he tried to go inside with her, said it embarrassed her to no end and he didn't want that to happen here. Also, it's not like their pups needed them there for any reason.

"Well yeah, it is our first day of school ever. We want you both to be a part of it!"

It was Perry's turn to question. "Are you sure pup? I mean, aren't you worried about being labeled weak to bullies?" Perry didn't know much about the bullying system in human schools but he understood enough to know that for kids to be seen with their parents anywhere near school marks you as an easy target.

Max walked up behind Ethan and added to the conversation again. "Dad, you're talking to two kids who were trained since a young age to defeat evil scientists. Granted we were trained as platypuses but I'm positive we remember a thing or two. I'm pretty sure we can handle a few incompetent bullies." Ethan smiled and nodded.

Heinz cracked a grin and unzipped his seat belt to open the door. Perry was chuckling besides him as he turned off the car and did the same.

The family walked inside the building, kids leading the way while the parents simply followed. Both brothers immediately figured out the schools floor and room numbering system, and were already outside their homeroom.

Ethan beamed. "This is it!"

Max gave the room a look and nodded.

"Why hello there! I'm Mrs. Kennel and this is my classroom. Mind giving me your names?" A woman, around mid-thirties or early forties from what both pups and agent can figure, walked out from the room. She was petite with her long hair held in a bun and clear sided glasses on her face. She held a clipboard, obviously holding the list of students assigned to her class.

"Hello! My name is Ethan Peace Doofenshmirtz! And this is my brother, Max Henry Doofenshmirtz." Ethan answered.

The teacher nodded. "Ethan and Max Doofenshmirtz, yes you both are here on the list. Oh my, you both looked so different I wouldn't have figured you were brothers. Welcome!"

Mrs. Kennel moved to the side and allowed the two brothers to enter. "Bye mom and Dad! We'll see you after school!" Ethan shouted as they ran inside and looked for seats. Mrs. Kennel looked back from the classroom to the two figures still standing in front of the door. "Oh hello, you must be Mr. and Mrs. Doofensh- Oh!" She quickly stopped herself.

There were two men standing but there was no sign of any female character. "I'm sorry, where is the mother? Mrs. Doofenshmirtz?"

Perry coughed awkwardly and answered. "Sorry for the confusion, there isn't a Mrs. Doofenshmirtz here. Our pups just like calling Heinz here mother."

Heinz sighed pitifully at the truth. "It's true, those little munchkins have called me Mom since the beginning and nothing I say will change their minds. I'm forever labeled mother."

Mrs. Kennel slowly placed the pieces together. "Oh! I'm so sorry, so you both are together?"

"Yes mam we are." Heinz straightened. He held pride in his catch of Perry. As a platypus Perry looked plain and ordinary to others but to him, he was so much more. Now as a human Perry is downright handsome. There hasn't been a time so far where woman wouldn't try to get his attention or woo him away when they had outdoor family times in the parks or just going out shopping. It annoyed the doctor but in the end he knows Perry will always be his.

The teacher clapped her hands together and smiled. "Oh that's wonderful! It brings me joy to see a couple out in the open with no shame or hiding in any way. Your children look brilliant! I'm sure you did a fantastic job raising them."

Perry smiled softly. "Yeah, those two are a real handful from time to time but they know what's right. Don't hesitate to tell us when they start acting up or causing trouble, we want to know the full story."

The teacher giggled. "You can count on me. Its great meeting you both! We should catch up more on the parent-teacher conference two weeks from now."

Perry nodded. "It's a promise, now we really must go before we end up taking their whole day away. Bye Ethan! Bye Max! Have fun in school and remember! Dinner first then your muffins!"

"Bye my little welpen!"

Both parents walked off heading back out the building and into their car. "You think they will be alright? I can always invent an inator to homeschool them!"

"You are going nowhere near the homeschool category in your inators ya hear? Let them out and explore what the world has to give them. They will be just fine and remember Phineas and Ferb will always be with them."

Heinz sighed and nodded. "Yeah, they'll be fine with Phineas and Ferb. I mean, what kind of mischief can they get into anyway?"

Both the doctor and agent's eyes widen at the question. Simultaneously they turned their heads to look at each other and furrowed their eyes with an awkward smile.

Oh boy.

"Hey hey! Max! Ethan! You're in the same class as us!"

Both brothers looked towards the direction of the shout and beamed. Ethan smiled and ran towards Phineas and Ferb, Max followed slowly behind.

"Phineas! Ferb! Awesome you're here with us!"

"Hey Ethan, Max." Isabella interrupted out of nowhere waving her hand.

"Seems we are all in this class together. Oh this is wonderful!" Baljeet joined.

"Eh, it's alright. You babies are lucky that other bullies didn't see you come in with your parents." Buford stated.

"I'm pretty sure we can take care of ourselves, thanks for your concern though Buford." Ethan said.

"Eh, whatever." Buford simply shrugged and went back to whatever nerd he was bothering.

"Isn't this great! The team is all together for an awesome year of school! Oh I can't wait! We should do something to celebrate! Anyone have anything in mind?" Phineas question looking around.

As the team continued to think of ways to celebrate, Max decided to say his one liner of the group day.

"Well this school could definitely use more color and interior design."

The group looked at him as Phineas beamed. "Guys, I know what we're going to do after school today!"


Note: Thank you all for reading this to the very end! A special thank you to angelofdeath241107, GothGirl69, and Quanktumspirit for sticking with me from the beginning and reviewing! I read all of my reviews and it encouraged me to finish this story so thank you again! A big thanks for the guest who took the time to review a few chapters, I knew they existed somewhere! :D

As for a sequel, I'm thinking about it. It won't be a huge story like this one but it will show certain scenes to explain how everything went. Example: How Roger came to discover Heinz has another family, how Isabella and the rest reacted to Max and Ethan turning human, Charlene's attempt to take visitation rights completely away, birthday parteh! And more.