Different Paths: Altered Fate II

She was a danger to those around her. The knife she wielded was set to slash the necks of any who drew near. Yet, it wasn't from her own actions, but the witch that controlled her.

Shirou didn't know what to do.

Taiga and Issei were in danger. The former was getting ready to attack, armed with that cursed shinai of hers, but it wouldn't do a thing against the superhuman strength granted by the witch. The latter was too shocked at the turn of events to act.

"Ayako-chan. If you don't put down that knife, I can't be held responsible for what happens next."

She warned the possessed girl, but Ayako wasn't in a state of mind to respond.

He had to act. He had to act. He had to act before anyone died, before they were hurt.

But how? How could he stop them?

Ayako was beyond his capability to stop without resorting to lethal force. But he had promised to protect her, so he couldn't cut her down.

But if he didn't, then she would cut Fuji-nee apart, and would follow to Issei. Two lives would be ended instead of one.

No. He can't. He couldn't. Shirou couldn't kill her.

But if he didn't, more would die.

It was obvious. It was obvious. It was obvious!

But... he couldn't do such an obvious thing.

She wasn't in control of her actions, so she shouldn't be tried for her actions. The death penalty shouldn't be applied to an innocent like her.

But not doing so meant the deaths of more lives.

Logical. Kill one to save two, rather than have all three perish in the aftermath.

Ayako let out a strangled scream and ran forward, knife swinging towards Taiga. Surprisingly, the tomboyish older woman was able to block the attack and counter.

The knife lashed out, and severed the cursed shinai. The next instant, it was flying towards Taiga's neck.

No. No. No, no, no, no!

Shirou moved. He didn't know what he would do, but he had to move. Act. There was no more time to think..

A defender of justice chose the many over one. If killing Ayako would save Fuji-nee and Issei, the choice was a simple one.

But Shirou couldn't do that. All of them were valuable to him. No life should be sacrificed. A situation with an impossible outcome was unthinkable, a reality he refused to face.

It's impossible to save everyone. It's impossible to save everyone. Someone here will die, someone won't be saved.

A sword was in his hand, and he pushed Taiga to the side, jumping in front of the blade.

His mind had flipped a switch, and was burning, burning, burning, trying to find a solution to the impossible situation before him.

Save them.

Save her.

Protect them.

Protect her.

A paradox that he couldn't resolve, a situation that only a miracle could save. But he didn't have that, he didn't have a miracle at hand.

So the only choice left was...

"I'm sorry."

The blade pierced her heart and tears fell to the ground.

...You can't save everyone...

A/N: What could have been in 'A Different Path'. Instead of saving Ayako and getting his Magic, they would have went home and Caster would have went ahead with a plan to try and manipulate Shirou. It would have severely backfired, and the story would have taken a darker turn.

It would have occurred in an alternate chapter taking the place of 'Changing Fate: Avenger', storywise in case you're wondering.

Anyway, hope this was a good read, and I'll see you in whatever comes next.