Hello there :D Foxres of Hell here nice to meet cha! This is my first soul Eater fic (not my first fic tho i no longer use that account) so be nice *.* eh not really you can flame if you want but it really only amuses me but srsly leave a review even if you fucking hate it.

More reviews = me updating faster (get enough and i may have a chap up the next day *hint hint*


there WILL be LEMONS LIMES SMUT POTTY MOUTH AUTHORS AND ALL SORTS OF SHIIIZZZ bad grammer spelling issues and uh humm ...*wispers* teen pregnancy o...o

:P you have been warrrnnneeed

*Full summary*

Soul Eater Evens and Maka Albarn have made a grave mistake. Maka put Soul in a dangerous situation and may wind up paying the price... with his life. Worst part is Maka may be Doubting her ability to control the black blood still coursing through his veins with her new... handicap.

Soul becomes more aggressive, sick, and almost... almost like a demon. Crona trys to rip a way to remove the blood from his former... "mother" as Death the Kid and the gang try and figure out a way to get OUT of death city in time to save soul... oh wait my bad i forgot to tell you... witches have Lord Death along with Death City under lock and key.

hows it sound Eh Eh? be sure to see the first chappy soon (like within the next hr)