Hey guys. Been awhile hasn't it? Now, I told you guys I was joining to rewrite this story. At first I thought I should do it by making it an entirely different story all together with none of the same plot pieces. Now that wouldn't really be much of a rewrite would it? No. The answer is no. A word of warning though, this Broken Ones will not be entirely like the last one that you guys seemed to like so much. Sorry for that. But I have matured, and so have my ideas and writing style. This will be a bit of a darker story in some points. Only because I think that there haven't been enough stories that really bring out the untold side of all this ninja business. You know, where they actually do ninja shit. If anyone knows of which I speak, please point me to any good fics that you've read that fit the bill. In the meantime. I think I'll try writing one of my own. All though, I might need some help picking out Naruto's outfit. Cheers, Romulus.

Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Professor, the God of Shinobi, and the Third Shadow of Fire sat at his desk with troubled expression marring his aged features. It was days like this one that truly reminded him how weary he was in his old age. Memories swam in his head of a time when he was younger and his face free of wrinkles. A time when he had a burning passion in his heart and mind of innocence that was untainted by the world.

Yes, that was long ago indeed.

Now, the roaring flames had died to a soft, glowing smolder. The world he eventually grew into had robbed him if his innocence and replaced it with a painful and hard earned wisdom and sense of reality. The life of a shinobi was dirty and desperate and far from glamorous. Hiruzen had learned that lesson all too quickly when he was thrust into his first war. Then he was forced to weather a second and a third.

That was not even counting everything in between. He had faced missions that made him question his humanity. Decisions had been made that have haunted him for his entire life. However, he never questioned his purpose, his resolve. Preserve the Will of Fire, protect the King; that was his mission, his goal.

Despite all the bad things he had done and seen, Hiruzen could just look out the window in his office and assure himself that it was all worth it.

Even so, today he was troubled. It had nothing to do with monstrous amount of paperwork that he had still yet to finish and everything to do with a certain blond-headed genin. A genin who wasn't a genin until last night. The Hokage let out a deep sigh that finally broke the stale silence that had settled over the room.

Naruto had been like a grandson to him for the longest time. The loud ball of energy was a welcome relief from all the leading and the assigning, but...what happened between Mizuki and was just a confirmation for Hiruzen. A confirmation that things were changing and they were changing fast. He could feel it deep in his bones. It was a sad feeling. One of loss. It wasn't for himself, though. It was for Naruto and his peers.

The time for naivety and innocence was over for them. He just knew it. Honestly, he was a bit angry with himself. It shouldn't have to be this sudden. The Academy curriculum should have been more clear, more forthcoming with the risks and dangers that were associated with the lifestyle they chose. The risk of death was a given. They knew that. They most likely hadn't acknowledged the weight of it yet, but at least that wouldn't be a surprise. No, they were ignorant of everything else. Ignorant of why the girls and the boys were sometimes separated to learn different things, like flower arrangement, proper etiquette, and how to read body language. Most of them had already forgotten about it.

Or why they actually had to learn how to survive in the wild and how to track. Hell, they probably did not even understand importance of how to use kunai and shuriken. Yes, because they're weapons. Yes, because they help you fight. But did they know what came along with that? Killing. Maiming. Murdering. Death.

The cold truth was that they were children. Children that had no idea what they were about to get into. Some of them would crumble under the pressure of it. A lot usually did. A few would adjust, they would understand the meaning behind being a shinobi and they would do their duty. For a while.

However, those select few. The ones who would rise above the rest as pillars and beacons of the Will of Fire. The ones who would uphold the village and protect it with their lives. The ones who would serve without question nor complaint. Those were the ones that made Hiruzen the saddest. Because they were always the broken ones. You didn't get that far without losing a few pieces along the way. He knew that all too well and he should. He was one of them, after all, and as he looked at Naruto, flashing his Hitai-ate around with a grin that looked like it would hurt, Hiruzen felt his heart clench because soon he would be one, too.

Naruto strutted into the classroom with shit-eating grin, flashing his newly polished forehead protector around like it was a prize belt. He did. He finally did it! He sure showed Mizuki who was boss. That white haired bastard got OWNED! It didn't matter what he had said. The very fact that Naruto, without a doubt, knew that someone had finally acknowledged him far outweighed some stupid fox. 'Iruka-sensei is the best! I wonder if he'd treat me to ramen? Or maybe I could actually treat him to some after I do a few missions. I'm bound to get something awesome.'

"Oi, Naruto. You're only supposed to come here if you actually graduated."

The lazy drawl got the blond's attention and made everyone else in the room notice the obnoxiously colored boy. A barking laugh came from the third row up from Kiba, "Yeah, Naruto! Where'd you get that? Steal it? You that desperate?" He was pointed at the piece of metal on Naruto's forehead with a sneer.

Naruto's face scrunched into a frown and his eyes narrowed, "No, Dog Breath! I didn't steal it. Iruka-sensei gave it to me after I beat up Mizuki! I'm a genin now!" He said it truthfully but to everyone else it just sounded like the usually blather. Shikamaru's eyes rolled and he put his head back on the desk. Naruto was always too troublesome to deal with.

A small 'Hn...' came from Sasuke who was up by himself, per usual. For such a small vocalization, it managed to sound very condescending. If anything it just riled Naruto even more as he turned his glare on the last Uchiha.

"You wanna go, Teme? I kick your ass, too!"

That set off broody boy's pink and platinum fanclub, the two banshees sounding equally annoyed and angry with the blond.

"Please, you couldn't even touch Sasuke-kun./ Like an idiot like you could ever win against Sasuke-kun."

Naruto seemed ready to retort again with some loud, bold statement when a loud voiced yelled over all of them. "ALRIGHT! SHUT IT!" Iruka had his eyes closed and his fingers at his temples as he tried to ward away the headache. His method worked, however, and all his students promptly shut their faces. Even the loudmouth who had started the uproar in the first place. When everyone had found an appropriate seat, he addressed the class, "First off. To settle things. Mizuki was a traitor. Naruto wasn't lying when he said he beat him. To reward him for his help in apprehending Mizuki, Naruto was made a genin just like the rest of you."

There were small murmurs permeating the air in the classroom as people gave the now grinning Naruto a new once over. Even Shikimaru had picked his head up to look at him. It was as if they just couldn't see how he had managed to beat one of their once trusted sensei.

He gave it a minute to sink in before the scarred chunin coughed to get their attention, "Now, firstly, I would like to congratulate you all on becoming genin. You earned it. I'm proud of you." His lips turned up in a smile as he scanned over the crowd. He had watch all of them grow up. Trained them and taught them. Now they about to be off, doing even greater things. It was a happy thing, but also one that filled him with a certain dread. Iruka knew that it was very possible that one of his precious student might die out there in this would of theirs. However, he couldn't do anymore for them. It was time to pass them on to someone else. "Now its time to put you all into genin squads. I'll read off the team number, the squad members, and then that squad's Jōnin leader. Pay attention. Team One..."

Iruka prattled on with the names for a Gould fifteen minutes before he arrived upon any names that anyone actually need to pay attention to. At least in Naruto's eyes. Iruka looked up from his list and spoke clearly, "Team Ten. Shikimaru Nara, Chōji Akimichi, and Ino Yamanaka. Your Jōnin sensei will-"

A wailing cry from the long haired platinum blonde interrupted Iruka mid sentence as she dramatized her despair, "The sloth and the glutton?! Why?! Why couldn't I be with Sasu-"

"BECAUSE THE PAPER SAYS SO! Shut it, Yamanaka!" Iruka's yell was filled with annoyance even the girl stifled her complaints. He almost started shouting again when he heard a distinct 'Troublesome woman...' from a certain someone. In the end he just thought better of it, 'Asuma's gonna have his hands full with that bunch...' A sigh escaped from his lips, "As I was saying, your sensei will be Asuma Sarutobi."

That settled in easily enough and he doubted that anyone beside Shikamaru or maybe Sakura knew who that was. He coughed again, the yelling making his throat tingle, before continuing on, "Team Eight will consist of Shino Aburame, Hinata Hyūga, and Kiba Inuzuka. Your sensei will be Kurenai Yūhi." His found all three of the genin mentioned and he was pleased to see that there were no arguments this time around. Though, if one looked carefully enough you could see small traces of disappoint written across the face of the small, pale eyes heiress.

Iruka's attention was drawn elsewhere as the only only pinkette in the room raised her hand to ask a question, "Yes, Saukra?"

A look of confusion crossed her face, "Sensei, how come you didn't call a Team Nine?"

He close his eyes and smiled as he scratched lightly at the right end of his scar, "Oh, um, Team Nine is already active. They're a year ahead of you guys." 'And being trained by Gai. Kami have mercy on them...' Sakura's mouth made an 'O' as she nodded and accepted this answer. Iruka's eyes dropped back down list and his face was marred by a frown for half a moment, "The next team is sort of strange, but Team Seven will consist of Sasuke and Sakura-"

A loud whoop came from the pink haired girl but she was quickly silenced by Iruka's glare, "And another student. He's not in this class but he was appointed to this squad by the Hokage. I assume you two will meet him when your Jōnin leader comes to collect you. Speaking of which, your sensei will be Kakashi Hatake." Inwardly, Iruka almost felt bad for the two of them and whoever this Sai was. Kakashi could be...extreme sometimes. Not to mention annoying.

"What about me, Iruka-sensei?"

The question came from Naruto, who was looking uncharacteristically serious. Who could blame him though? Everyone else had been placed on a team except for him. That didn't really seem to bode well. What was he supposed to do?

Iruka could clearly see the nervousness and alarm in the boy's eyes. He was afraid of being left behind...again. He quickly raised his hands in calming manner, "Well you're a special case, Naruto. With the Hokage's addition to Team Seven, the roster became uneven. Usually when this happens, the genin either placed on a team from a different year. Or he has to wait until a spot opens up." He saw the dejected look on Naruto's face and sighed gently before smiling. "As of right now though, there are no openings, but the Hokage felt that you shouldn't have wait around. He's appointed you a sensei all your own for now. That's not really orthodox, but I'm sure you, of all people, should be able to handle the unorthodox."

Naruto's face brightened considerably, but he was still sort of miffed that he wouldn't be around any of his friends. 'I wonder why Jiji had to add another person to the roster...' The question was soon replaced by another, seemingly more important one, "So who's gonna be my new sensei then?" He hoped it was someone really awesome. If they were then they could finally teach him how to stomp the Teme a new one.

"Ah, yes, it looks like your sensei will be-"

A crash interrupted him as the classroom window exploded inward and a ball of cloth was impaled above the door by two kunai. The cloth slowly unfurled from the ball and became banner that boldly stated, "The Sexiest Kunoichi to ever kick ass; Anko Mitarashi!"

Then, from the already broken window, entered a blur the flipped through the air land in front of Iruka facing the Genin. She was grinning sadistically, a dango stick in between her teeth. Her purple hair was pulled into a bobbed ponytail and her bangs framed her solid, chocolate brown eyes. Her choice of attire was even more questionable than her mode of entrance as she wore a fishnet shirt, a trench coat, and a burnt orange skirt. A short skirt.

"Alright, brats! Which one of you little shits is Uzumaki?!"

So, yeah. I know that Sai can sometimes be an overused excuse to do stuff with Team Seven but I promise you guys that I won't kick him to the curb. He actually has a purpose.