Pretty Perfect People
Disclaimer: don't own PJO.
Author's Note: I have been reading angst fics for the past few days so I figured, wanted, to write one. So yeah...
They're ohsoperfect.
With their ohsotragic histories.
Quite the team they made~the daughters of beauty and a son of r-e-v-e-n-g-e~before they s-x-c-x-r-x-e-x-w-x-e-x-d up.
Why would you hang out with Nakamura? They would ask.
It's none of your business. They would reply.
Are they using you? They would ask.
If they are, they're doing one hell of a job hiding it. He would respond, chuckling. Because*ofcourse*they were.
We will be honoured. He said, (trying to convince them)
One h*e*s*i*t*a*t*e*d.
The other responded with a NO! immediately.
Ironically enough, the one who answered the fastest...joined.
How could you? She asked. {through tears ofcourse}
I-I...she faltered. [fell flat and f:a:i:l:e:d]
You BASTARD! She shouts \with no realfire behind it/ She hates me now.
Like she didn't b•e•f•o•r•e. he responded.
She just turned away.
Their deaths were ohsotragic.
Both somehow coming out as heroes. All three never reallyone.
I should have died. She thinks maybe I wouldn't be around for ¡Dumpster Queen! to rule.
No one can reallyunderstand because no one knows the totally m_e_s_s_e_d_u_p
Pretty Perfect People
they were.
Edited: 5/20/2014