No but you guys, this hasn't happened in so long omg. This makes me happy :')

Hopefully this'll make up for the shit activity I've had lately. It's also the longest chapter I've written so far so... Lot's of words for you guys today.

But yeah, excuse typos because I'm sure there's going to be some, and oh, yeah.. I hope you guys like the ending ;)

Disclaimer: These boys are not owned by me because they belong to each other. *audience awes*

They spent hours watching Friends, not realizing how late it had gotten until Nick checked to see if another episode was coming on and instead seeing an infomercial would be taking over the channel in 12 minutes. Nick looked to Jeff after they both saw the time and broke out a smile as he shook his head. "It's almost three in the morning, Jeff." he said before he started to laugh, hearing Jeff join in with him after a few moments.

"How is it possible it's that late already?" Jeff asked after his fit of giggles, reaching for his phone from the bedside table to see if it really was that time.

"Well I'm guessing sleeping all day long probably has something to do with it." Nick said seriously with a smile still on his face, looking at Jeff as he turned to look back at him.

"Excuse you, ass hole, sleeping all day has made me feel better. And watching Friends, but I'm going to thank the sleep before I thank something you did." Jeff smiled with a sense of joking to his tone, not giving what he had said any second thought until he saw Nick staring at him with a smile and a spark in his eye he didn't know what meant. "What? Is there something on my face?" Jeff brought a hand up to his cheek and started to wipe across the skin, finding nothing there until he felt Nick's hand move around his.

Jeff didn't see Nick move his hand, but he definitely felt it; the warm, soft, but somehow still slightly rough, skin that encased his hand and made a shiver run through his arm and all through his body to his spine. Jeff couldn't speak and part of him wondered if maybe this was a dream, but then Nick pulled away and he knew right away it was real life.

Nick cleared his throat and looked forward to the TV, seeing scenes from a show Jeff and him had both seen over and over again, mostly together. After five seconds of looking forward and feeling Jeff's gaze on him, he sat up on the bed and stood up, walking to the bathroom with no explanation.

Jeff watched Nick as he walked away, opening his mouth to speak, but feeling his throat be squeezed shut and getting too dry for him to have any real words come out. The door closed behind the brunette and all the air was suddenly filled into Jeff's lungs as his throat opened up and he was able to speak again.

Nick stood looking into the mirror - a similar position Jeff had recently been in - and didn't look away from his eyes. What the fuck do you think you're doing, Duval? Why did you do that? You can't go around touching other guys' hands when you're with Lucas. You've been through this same thing with him before, you don't need to make him go through it again. Nick closed his eyes as he thought, part of him wishing his thoughts would go away, but the logical part of him realizing they were right.

There was no way Nick was able to cheat on Lucas after what happened before. Lucas had given Nick a second chance already and he didn't want to go and ruin it just because of Jeff. Sure, Jeff was here right now and last night was practically begging Nick for something more, but he couldn't do it, and Nick was glad now that he hadn't given in to the blonde at the party.

"What do you mean, Nick? What the hell did you do last night?" Lucas stood at the end of his bed, looking at his boyfriend who sat on the bed facing him. He felt like his heart was breaking, his mind was racing a mile a minute, and all he could do was stand there and listen to Nick as he said he cheated on him.

"I went to the bar last night after the fight with my father and it just kind of happened... Luke, you have to believe me when I tell you that I was drunk and it meant absolutely nothing." Nick looked Lucas up and down, wishing they could go back to what they were doing five minutes ago. "Please, babe, it meant nothing. He was just there and I needed that at that point."

"So now you're saying that I'm not there enough for you? Are you blaming me for you cheating on me, Nicholas Jasper Duval, because I swear to god if you are you will be kicked out on your ass so fast-" Lucas was stopped from saying the rest of his statement by Nick who had gotten up and moved himself to be kneeling in front of Lucas on the foot of the bed. He planted his lips against Lucas' and felt the other boy grow tense, relaxing after a moment, then becoming tense again and taking a step back. Lucas' hand was brought up and across Nick's face before either of them knew what was happening.

"I think you should go." Lucas said quietly, crossing his arms across his chest and looking to the floor. Nick watched Lucas for a minute before licking his lips and letting out a sigh, standing up from the bed and walking to the door.

"I'll see you later, Lucas."

Nick splashed water on his face before looking up to the mirror, watching the water drip down his face as he tried to clear his mind. All he had to do was go out there and remind Jeff that he had a boyfriend; that nothing can happen between the two of them because of said boyfriend, and that if something does happen between them then the boyfriend will be very mad and probably hurt Nick worse than that smack ever did those many months ago.

Nick sighed as he turned off the taps and turned to grab a towel and dry his face. He should've known coming here would be difficult for him and Lucas, but he never knew it would be this hard.

He pulled out his phone and checked the time, quickly doing the math to see what time it was for the other boy and deeming almost midnight as an okay time to give Lucas a call.

Nick waited for Lucas to answer, hearing the phone ring over and over until finally the other boy answered.

"Hello?" Lucas sounded unsure as he spoke, his voice more questioning than anything.

Nick didn't catch any of the tone of the boy's voice, focusing only on the fact that he had answered. "Luke! Hey, look, I'm sorry about earlier, alright? I wanted to call you and tell you that I'm sorry."

"Nick… It's three am for you… Just go to sleep, Nick. We'll talk tomorrow."

"No, no. Let's talk now. Everything's okay. I'm sorry for what I said. I didn't mean it and I'm really so sorry. I'm happy with you and only you." Nick felt himself smiling from his apology, proud of himself for being strong enough to actually go through with this. Him and Lucas had been through a lot, so he wasn't about to give up so easily.

That thought changed when he heard the faint voice through the phone of a man he didn't recognise.

"Come on, babe. Come back to bed."

Nick heard Lucas make a shushing sound and suddenly he knew how Lucas had felt those months ago after he told him what happened at the bar. His smile dropped slowly until his face was blank and his heart was next to stopped. He heard Lucas' voice come through the phone, but the words turned into a jumbled mess and never reached his mind for them to click on what the boy was saying.

"You're with someone, aren't you?" Nick didn't know if Lucas had been talking, but after he started to speak the boy was silent and Nick knew instantly he was right.

"You hypocritical ass hole. I can't believe you got so upset with me and then went right out three fucking days after I left to fuck some guy. You are a selfish ignorant prick and I hope you have fun rotting in hell." Nick heard Lucas begin to speak, but he never gave him a chance to finish before cutting him off, "No, shut up and go back to your whore. Fuck you, Lucas. Have a nice life." Nick hung up the phone and slid it into his pocket, turning to look at the mirror as his curiosity of how pissed he looked won.

Nick wished he could smile at that moment after he realized what exactly he had said, but couldn't bring himself to do it right after the phone call. Instead he took a deep breath and willed himself to be and look calm as he walked out of the bathroom and into the main room. He remembered only then that Jeff had been out there waiting for him and he felt a pang of guilt run through him when he saw Jeff sitting in the corner of his bed, biting his lip and on his phone. Nick didn't know what Jeff was doing, but he had an idea of how he was feeling and he knew he had to set them both straight with a talk, but all Nick wanted to do right now was kiss Jeff. Part of the reasoning was in spite of Lucas and him cheating, but more of the reasoning was Nick wanting to see if it really was Jeff he wanted.

Jeff looked up after pressing send on his message to Blaine and saw Nick watching him, a dark look in his eyes that Jeff wasn't able to place. "Hey. I heard you talking in there, were you on the phone or something?"

Nick bit his lip as he walked towards the bed and shook the thought of the phone conversation away. He wasn't about to let that call get to him and ruin what he was about to do - even if it was what had sparked this idea.

"Yeah, just had to make a quick phone call." Nick smirked as he moved onto the bed and kneeled in front of Jeff, making the blonde have to look up at the brunette in this position.

"O-oh, okay, N-Nick." Jeff licked his lips as he looked up at Nick, the questions that he had thought out before the brunette left completely escaping his mind as his hand was taken into Nick's and he was pulled up to kneel with the other boy.

"How are you feeling, Jay? Are you good?" Nick moved himself closer to Jeff and set his hands on the blonde's waist gently, giving him the chance to back out if he wanted to. "You know, if you're not, I can make you feel good." he leaned in close and whispered the last of his statement into Jeff's ear, feeling the blonde lean his head back to give more room as if on demand.

Nick smirked before moving forward and latching his lips to Jeff's neck, sucking the skin into his mouth and making sure what he was doing would leave a hickey. All of his thoughts left his mind as he focused on leaving a hickey on Jeff. He heard a quiet moan come from the blonde and he smiled as he pulled away from the newly bruised area, looking at the mark in admiration. "I think you got something on your neck," Nick whispered to Jeff before moving to lick gently across the bitten area and pressing a soft kiss before pulling away again, this time enough to see Jeff's face.

Jeff looked a lot better than he felt, already a sense of wreckage wracking his body. He looked to Nick with darkened eyes and saw the same expression in the brunette's eyes. Jeff lifted a hand to Nick's cheek and held it there for a minute, looking to the other boy in hopes he'd understand what had changed in the amount of time it took for him to be on the phone, but had no luck at the walls behind his eyes. Jeff decided to stop looking for an explanation and just enjoy what was happening, keeping a few boundaries in mind, but for the most part going to take what Nick would give him. It had been years of him pining over the brunette and if he was actually about to willingly do things with Jeff, the blonde was going to take what he could.

Jeff's thoughts were cut off when he felt Nick's hand on top of his, his gaze going to their hands when he felt Nick close his grip and pull their hands away from his face. Everything moved in a blur as they both leaned forward at the same time, their lips connecting in a kiss that made shivers run up and down Jeff's spine.

Nick let go of Jeff's hand to replace it on where it was previously on Jeff's waist, letting his thumb move up and down some as he deepened the kiss. Jeff moved his armss around Nick's neck and moved himself back to lay down on the bed, pulling Nick on top of him so the brunette was straddling the blonde. Nick didn't give any objections to the change of position, Jeff's hands moving to the other boy's hips as Nick's hands moved to the blonde's arms. Nick wasn't sure how he hadn't ripped off Jeff's tight shirt already, but now there was nothing stopping him and he moved one hand to the hem of the wifebeater as he moved his tongue against Jeff's.

Jeff didn't hesitate in moving his hand to the hem of his shirt, pulling it up with Nick to show it was okay. There was no way he was going to pull away from the kiss to tell him it was okay, he'd just have to show him. He felt Nick's lips leave his for a moment and he opened his eyes to see the last of him taking off his shirt, the boy's muscles stretching as the material left his body. Jeff licked his kiss swollen lips as he looked up at Nick and saw the boy looking back at him, eyes dark and full of lust.

Neither of them wasted much time in attaching their lips together again, the kiss becoming all tongue as Jeff moved his hands to Nick's sides again and felt the bare skin under his touch. Nick felt a small shiver run up his spine at the cool touch, but tore his mind away from it when he started another movement; this one involving his hips.

Nick rolled his hips down against Jeff's and felt the moan come from the boy more than he heard it. Jeff didn't stop himself from bucking his hips up in return, a sloppy rhythm beginning to form. Nick took his lips off of Jeff's and started placing kisses and soft bites down the opposite side of the blonde's neck as before, making moans and groans come from Jeff like Nick had never witnessed. Nick couldn't help but smirk at all the noises he was making rise from Jeff, and he could easily tell they weren't the only things beginning to rise.

Jeff's grip on Nick's hips tightened when Nick licked over a particularly sensitive spot on his neck, his hips bucking up again and making their rhythm falter slightly. "Fuck, Nick.." he moaned, feeling Nick move his mouth lower down his body until he reached one of the blonde's nipples and sucked it into his mouth.

Jeff moaned loudly when he felt Nick sync the rhythm of his hips with the one of his tongue and the blonde could tell he was getting so close from everything that was happening to him. He directed all his focus on his hips and did his best to match Nick's pace once he realized that he was doing next to nothing for the other boy and groaned in protest when he felt Nick slow his hips.

"Don't you f-fucking dare stop, Duval." Jeff felt Nick chuckle into his skin and heard him let go with a wet pop.

"You're coming first, Jay." Nick spoke with more seriousness than he had in a long time, moving his hands to Jeff's hips to stop the movements that the blonde was doing. Jeff slowly stopped once he felt Nick begin to pick up the speed after he stopped, moaning when he felt Nick move his mouth to his other nipple. Jeff moved his hands to Nick's hair and gripped on to it tightly, feeling a moan come from him after the action. It didn't click in that moment why Nick had moaned, but all Jeff knew was that he would be able to die happy now that he had heard that marvelous sound from the other boy. Nick sped up his rhythm with his hips and let go of Jeff's nipple, dragging his tongue across the boy's chest some before moving his mouth to the blonde's ear, "Come on, Jeff. Come for me," Nick whispered to Jeff with his voice low and rough, the sound going straight to Jeff's cock and sending him over the edge.

Jeff moaned lowly as he came and felt Nick continue to roll his hips to help him ride out his orgasm. He heard the brunette groan from where he was still close to his ear, connecting - with difficulty thanks to his hazy mind - that Nick must have just came, as well. He felt the bed dip beside him after a few moments, his body feeling tingly and relaxed after what just happened.

Suddenly his thoughts from before were back and all his questions were racing through his mind, the newest one being what the hell just happened?

Jeff bit his lip and chanced a look at Nick, seeing the brunette's back was turned to him. He felt a pang of hurt run through his heart at the sight and turned his head away. Jeff sat up without another thought and got out of bed the best he could without bugging Nick, walking to his dresser to get new pants and underwear to change in to. He didn't know if Nick had clean clothes to change into, and with Jeff being the better person, he ultimately grabbed a spare pair of lounge pants and underwear to give Nick.

When Jeff turned back with the clothes he saw Nick had turned around again so he was facing the wall instead of the open room like he had been before. Is he avoiding looking at me? Jeff suddenly felt tears brimming his eyes and he hurried himself over to set the clothes at the foot of the bed before walking to the bathroom door, pausing once he reached it. "There are clothes there you can, uh, change into. I'll… I'll be back in a minute."

Jeff didn't wait for a reply as he walked into the bathroom, closing the door quickly behind him. Before any of that happened his thoughts were all about what had happened the night before and what could have happened, but now everything he could think about was what had actually just happened and how Nick's attitude had pulled a full one-eighty.

Jeff didn't allow himself to cry as he changed, looking in the mirror for a moment once he was done to make sure he was at least somewhat presentable - mainly looking at the several hickeys that covered his neck and collarbones, but nobody was there to see him so he wasn't too worried about not having a shirt on. He sighed after a minute and turned to the door, walking out just as Nick finished pulling up the borrowed pants. "O-oh, sorry. I should've knocked."

"Hey, it's fine." Nick's voice surprised Jeff, the blonde having just spent the last couple minutes trying to convince himself that what just happened didn't ruin everything after Nick's reaction had proved him otherwise. "After what we just did, I don't think a little skin showing should phase you." Nick smirked in Jeff's direction, making the latter have a deep blush cover his cheeks.

"R-right, about th-that. We can just pretend it never happened if y-you want." Jeff looked down to the ground and started to fidget with his hands, not wanting to admit to the boy that he never wanted to forget that happened. Jeff missed Nick's incredulous look of a reaction from him looking down, only looking up once he heard the other boy's voice.

"And why would I want to do that?" Nick spoke firmly, completely unphased by what happened as if it was a common occurrence for him, and Jeff had to remind himself that it probably was for Nick. Nick had been dating Lucas for god knows how long, so that probably wasn't Nick's first time, unlike someone else. Jeff's eyes widened and he looked up once he realized what he just thought, his mind beginning to think Lucas over and over again.

"Wait, you have a boyfriend!" Jeff nearly yelled, looking up to Nick as he felt his breathing getting harder and harder to complete. Jeff had just helped Nick cheat on his boyfriend and all he could think was he hoped it wouldn't have to be the only time. He was pulled from his thoughts once he heard Nick's voice, directing his focus back on the brunette as he spoke.

"I think you mean had, actually. And I promise you that wasn't some sort of rebound thing, either." Nick smiled fondly at Jeff and took a couple steps toward the other boy, watching the blonde's body language like a hawk in case he backed away. "How about we just go sleep for the rest of the night and we can talk about this tomorrow? Or, I guess, technically later today since it's past four in the morning."

Jeff watched Nick carefully as he took another step closer, letting the brunette wrap his arms around his waist to pull him in closer. "I guess we could do that." Jeff let out a small yawn after he spoke and realized just how tired he was.

"Good. Let's go sleep." Nick leaned up and pecked Jeff's cheek before letting go of him and turning to the bed to get in. Jeff couldn't help but bring his hand up to his cheek to run his thumb across where Nick's lips had just briefly been. How this had all happened in the span of one weekend was blowing Jeff's mind, but he wasn't about to complain about anything that had happened.

Jeff followed Nick to the bed and got comfortable beside the brunette, feeling weird without the other boy's arm around him. The feeling left him in an instant once Nick wrapped his arm around Jeff, as if he could read minds. Jeff let himself get comfortable in Nick's arms and fell asleep shortly after he mumbled a goodnight. Nick didn't have the same luck, though.

Nick laid awake for almost half an hour as his thoughts went over and over again that he just slept with Jeff and it wasn't an act of cheating on Lucas. He couldn't believe that him and Lucas broke up and he definitely couldn't believe that him and Jeff just did what they did. His mind finally settled down once he felt Jeff move closer to him in his sleep, a soft smile taking over his face.

Maybe those things weren't going to be so bad.


but yeah thanks for reading and if you could review that'd be fab.

this was also my first bit of published smut so if that was shit well... you're stuck with me now, suckas.

no seriously sorry if that smut was crap and if you could let me know if it was or wasn't in a review then I'd be able to improve or whatnot so yeah. thanks for reading and see you next chapter :)