This is a two-shot I was working on. I was thinking this when I was bored and wanted to write something to keep me busy. So here it is…

Chapter 1: Encounters

Heavy rain pours during the night on whoever is outside. Three teenagers enters the empty building of what was once been the Vongola Mansion. Not that they would know about it. There were two boys and a girl within their group. Misuzu brushed off any remaining raindrop on her body as she pouts. She was only sixteen years old, making her the youngest out of the three. She had honey colored eyes and short chocolate brown hair. Even her short height added cuteness to her feature.

Takoto smiled at the unfortunate situation they are in. He was seventeen years old. He was pretty famous in their school for his smile. He was the tallest out of the three. He has light tan skin with bright amber eyes. He has short black hair. He's one of those people that are cheerful even during any dreadful situations. That or he doesn't have much of a clue on what's going on. And Misuzu doubts that he does.

Yuuto groans harshly. He, however, is not happy with the fact that his clothes are drenched. Yuuto was known to be the smartest out of the group. But his appearance said otherwise. Yuuto is seventeen like Takoto. He has deep red hair that reaches his shoulders. His emerald eyes somehow shows off his pale skin. But he does complain about his height from time to time. He was only an inch taller than Misuzu. He also has a bit of a short temper.

"I swear, next time you think of something to do, keep it to yourself!" Yuuto growled.

"Aw, c'mon, everyone was having fun. Why complain now? Don't you agree Misuzu?" Takoto asked.

"Please don't drag me into this you guys. I just want to go home. Where are we anyways?" Misuzu asked.

The two boys thought about it for a minute. Takoto obviously knows that they're in Italy. He got lucky in a game and got three tickets. And he gave it to them. Yuuto, doing his research, found some places to hang out for them to have fun. Mostly it's for Misuzu to relax during the entire trip. Before, they were hanging around a river known for fishing. Until Takoto thought it would be fun to wander around to see something new. And here they are. In a mansion that looks abandoned and really old.

"I did found out a place near where we were. It was called the Vongola Mansion." Yuuto answered.

"Wait, you don't mean, the Vongola as in the famous Mafia family right?" Misuzu asked out of worry.

"Oh, I heard about them. They were definitely famous for being a nonviolent Mafia. But the Boss was killed during a celebration." Takoto stated proudly.

"Yeah… After that, the family just went downhill." Yuuto added.

"Who killed the Boss anyways?"

Since Yuuto knew more about it, he answered. He explained that the Vongola started out as a vigilante group. They wanted to protect the ones they cared about. Later in the next generation, it led a bloody path on its name. There were things that the Vongola did that couldn't be forgiven so easily or at all. The bloodshed name stopped when the Tenth took his place. He was loved by those he knew. He has the same ambition as Primo, the first, did when he formed the Vongola family. His name was Tsunayoshi Sawada.

One day, Tsuna wanted to celebrate a new contract with a family that ended a bitter war. It was going perfectly well that there were no sign of any sort of flaw. That was until someone poisoned his drink. No one really had any suspects nor did the Tenth's Guardians spoke of what truly happened. As for the Vongola, it all ended with the Tenth generation. The Guardians scattered all over the world to go down their own path. There was also a rumor of the Mist's death right after the Tenth's. No one really knew about that story. Either way, no one can find the answer unless you found Tsuna's former Guardians. But they all passed.

"So, all that was caused by one death? Tsuna must be really loved if that were to happen." Misuzu said with awe.

"Yeah, even his enemies respected him. It was almost as if he was Primo himself."

"Hey, how about we find out about how it all happened? It'll kill some time and dry us up." Takoto suggested.

"Oh, no you don't! If it wasn't for your 'bright' ideas, we won't be stuck here." Yuuto growled.

"What do you think Misuzu? Are you up for some mystery?"

"Don't you dare drag her into this you smiling freak."

"Sure, I do want to know what happen with Tsuna. I feel like there's more to it than poisoning." Misuzu agreed.


Misuzu grumbles to herself annoyingly. When she agreed to this she thought the three of them could do it together. But no, they thought it would be more fun to do it separately. She gets the upstairs while the guys get downstairs. Personally, she doesn't know why or how it turned out that way. Now, she's alone and wandering down a creepy looking hall. Wow, her luck is getting so much better. Misuzu is going to get back at the two later.

"Now, I just need to find a room. Can't be too hard, can it?" She asked herself, trying to calm down.

And it didn't take too long either. Misuzu accidentally stumbled upon Tsuna's office after hearing a rustling sound. She looked around in awe. It was huge in size and had dusty files and books. The brunette walks over to the desk and leans over it to see what was there. All she could see was documents in a different language she could understand a bit. She knew it was in Italian. Lucky for her, she took a class for it. All she could understand was the title. In bold words: Invitation to Allies. Misuzu smiled. Apparently, both Takoto and Yuuto were right. But she did notice a folded letter with a 'For my Beloved' on it.

"Is there something you need?"

Misuzu quickly turns around to see a man behind her. He was tall with light brown hair. And his brown eyes with light orange were captivating to her. She almost got lost just by looking at them. The brunette recomposes herself in haste. Besides the good looks, the taller male did look like he was in his twenties at least. He smiles at her brightly before holding his hand out to her.

"I'm sorry for coming in without permission. I was lost." She explained while taking the male's hand.

"It's alright. May I know you name Miss?" He asked, gentleman-like.

"My n-name is Misuzu. It's nice to meet you, um…"

"My name isn't important right now. I have some business to attend. But I welcome you to my home."

Misuzu felt her heart jumping against her chest. Never had she ever encountered a person like this man. He was so gentle and polite with her. And he has an air of maturity. She blushed. If only the guy she likes was like that. Misuzu snapped out of her train of thought to see the mysterious man leave the room. Her curiosity perked up. It wouldn't hurt anyone if she followed him right? And that's what the brunette did. But she only bumped into someone harshly.

"Hey, watch where you're going!" A familiar voice shouted.

"Same goes to you…" She thought as she tries to ease the pain.

"Oh, Misuzu, I'm sorry. I didn't know it was you." Yuuto apologize before helping her up.

"It's okay. I should have watched where I was going."

She then asked what made Yuuto run to crash into her. Her red haired friend explained that he met a guy that looked kind of like him. They were arguing about something that he refused to tell her. Apparently, the guy he was talking to went off before they finished their conversation. And he was heading into the room Misuzu was in. That was when he crashed into her. And from the looks of it, Yuuto lost the man's track.

"So, did you see a guy in his twenties with silver hair come in here?" He asked her.

"No, I was busy following a guy about the same age with brown hair. Did you see anyone leave here?" She asked.

"No… Apparently, they're good at hiding."

"Wait, I thought you were downstairs with Takoto."

"I was till I got lost. This place is big, anyone could get lost."

In the end, Yuuto decided to tag along with Misuzu since he is worried about her. It was also easier to find Takoto without getting lost themselves. Misuzu took notice of the sudden missing cobwebs on the floor. Even the little dust was missing. After a long amount of walking, they found themselves where they started from the beginning. The two called out for Takoto. They didn't get a responds. It took a while till the taller male popped out of nowhere.

"You guys called me?" Takoto asked cheerfully.

"Where were you? We were looking for you!" Yuuto shouted.

"I was busy talking to someone. He was sure fun though. I had to leave when I heard you guys calling me." Takoto explained.

"That strange… Who were you talking to? Do you remember how he looked like?" Misuzu asked.

"Yeah, he was around his twenties. In general, he does kind of looks like me, if I was older."

Misuzu could feel her blood turning cold. She's recalling something and connecting everything together. Takoto and Yuuto said that the mansion was empty years ago. So why are there people in here? They all had at least encounter one person during their research. No one should be here instead of the three of them. Misuzu paled and was feeling faint. The two males hang on to her as her legs were getting weaker and shakier.

"You guys… I think we saw ghosts…" Misuzu said weakly.

"So… Up until now, we were talking to dead people?" Yuuto asked, paling also.

"Yeah… I guess so…" Takoto answered, turning white.

"I want to go home already!" Misuzu shouted out of fear.


Well, that about it for this chapter. The second one will be the final chapter. I hope you guys wait for it. So for now, please review to tell me what you think of this. Oh yeah, I almost forgot. There's a new 8027 community that I joined. Check it out in my profile and see if there's a story you like there. If there isn't, PM me what you want and I'll add it when I have time. If I think about it, it's better than the last one I found. Hardly had anything...