The new beginning

Bonjour everyone! So this is my sequel to my very first 07-ghost. I left the last chapter of the last story in a suckish way. So please Enjoy

Merci beacoup Orchidfur

Teito's POV

We rode in the cramped carriage for a good 4 hours. Ciel sat there calmly while Mikage and I twitched uncomfortably. "Calm down." He announced in annoyance. "Sorry…" Mikage looked at his

hands. "Gather your stuff we're coming close." He announced stretching his arms with a sigh. "I don't see anything?" I looked out the window. "That's because we're in between two estates…

mine is about 4 over we will be there in half an hour." He concluded. "Half an hour to move four houses over?" Mikage rubbed his head in confusion. Ciel just sighed buckling his coat.

Half an hour later.

The horses pulled to a stop and Sebastian opened the door. "We have arrived." He announced letting cool fresh air fill my lungs. "Ah home." Ciel sounded relieved and stepped out first. Mikage

and I sat there stiffly. "Hurry up or you're going to be locked out." He walked away calmly Sebastian stood at the carriage door waiting for us. We stepped out to see a… huge… dog. "What the

hell!" I screamed hiding by Sebastian. "Relax that's pluto…" Sebastian explained his voice full of hostility. "Do you not like the dog?" I asked relaxing. He turned and smiled at me. "I'm a cat

person." "Hurry up you cat-obsessed moron" Ciel screamed from a large staircase. Sebastian grabbed all of the luggage carrying it carefully. "Shall we." He smiled walking before us. We followed

Ciel up stone stairs to reveal large mahogany doors. He opened it. "MASTER CIEL!" Yelled a blonde haired boy. His checkered shorts matched his red bobby pins that were neatly placed to keep

his fringe out of his eyes. "Finnian…"Ciel bowed. "Meirin please take some luggage from Sebastian and place them in the proper place. "Of course young master." Meirin's wine-colored hair framed

her narrow face that was blocked with obscure glasses. "Did Bard blow up the kitchen again…." Ciel asked rubbing his temples in annoyance. "Um… surprisingly no. When we thought you were

dead you told us to burn the mansion… and we didn't want that… so we all did out jobs much better so that maybe you'd come back some day…" She trailed off looking at the luggage she carried.

"Finny take the luggage from Sebastian." Finnian did lifting about 3 thousand pounds clothes. "Right away young master." "Sebastian please make us some tea and then prepare rooms for our

guests." Ciel announced. "This way." "Uh Ciel?" He looked at me curiously. "Can me and Mikage share a room. He chuckled. "I see… Well less work for Sebastian." We followed him through an

extravagant house. The dark woods were paired with tasteful colors. Deep reds, dark blues and forest greens filled the décor. We arrived in a light room with white furnishings and oak shelves.

"Well will have tea in here." He declared sitting in a chair in front of a long table. "So I don't know how to entertain you but after tea I am going to my study to finish my work, I still own a

company and work must be piling up." He rubbed his neck. Sebastian burst through the door. "Young master I've brought tea." He placed a cup in front of each person. "Don't break…" Ciel smiled

at us as if we would. "As if…" I huffed. "Good because you'd be working a long time to replace a 10,000 dollar cup. My eyes widened. I looked at the cup… "That much for this?" I questioned. "It

was a gift from a tea company because we always order new moon drop from them. "I've made an Italian tea for today." Sebastian interrupted placing a cup of light red liquid in front of us. "Why

such a weak tea?" Ciel asked smelling it. "Because it was late in the evening so I figured it wouldn't bother your sleep patterns." He placed the silver tray under his arm. "I see." Ciel sipped it

contempt. "Well if you will take them to their room I am going to catch up on work." Ciel stood leaving half a cup of tea and walking out the door. "See you at dinner. Sayonara." He waved

closing the door behind him. "Well let's get you guys settled in." Mikage and I nodded in agreement.

Mikage's POV (I just feel as if he isn't there so I thought I'd give him a paragraph)

We were lead down a series of twists and turns. I was completely lost on how to return to the tea room let alone the dining room. We stopped in front of a cherry door… It opened with a soft

click to reveal a large room. It was probably larger than the kitchen and living room of my house combined. On the sides of the room there were fluffy twin beds decorated in extravagant sheets.

Night-side tables of Cherry wood sat on a squishy white carpet. This house was just so different…. Each room was like it's own theme. Sebastian noted that our suitcases were placed on each

bed. "You may unpack. The bathroom is through that door, closet is here." He opened one of the large armoires. "I will come get you guys after dinner so please freshen up. There are some close

that are about your size already in the chests please use them." Sebastian bowed and left the room. "Well this is nice." I laughed and Teito ran over and jumped on his bed landing with a sigh. "I

could get used to this…." Teito smiled happily. "Sadly I'm here for a short while I still need to see my family." I reminded him, he looked sad at first but it was quickly taken away by a friendly

smile. "We can always visit each other." He suggested smiling. "I guess." I felt a pang in my heart as I remembered my loving sister stuck back home. "Well come on let's get ready for dinner."

Teito announced walking to the large clothing dresser. He opened it and we both sighed in awe… "Well then." He looked at me and smiled.

Ciel's POV

We're home. I sat in my study's chair with a relaxed sigh. They have no idea how long it's been since was able to do this….. I looked at a pile of papers. Hmm I signed a couple things and called a

few clients. Before I knew it dinner rolled around. I got up sighing with satisfaction noticing that I did more than half of my work. I stretched and began to walk to my room. "Sebastian help me

get ready." I called to the man who appeared by me within seconds. "Yes… My lord." He smiled. I could tell he was happy to be home to. After being at school and a church for so long makes you

realize you miss your home more than you thought you would. "Oh I need to write a letter to the queen." I noted and he told me he would remind me. "Thanks." I replied. After my hair was

combed and my face was washed Sebastian went to go get the two oafs I collected during my journey. I arrived at the dining room to find an extravagant dinner with an assortment of

vegetables and many different dipping sauces. I sipped my water lightly waiting for the two to arrive. Sebastian arrived carrying the two by their shirt collars… I raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Hmmm?" I asked in question. "These two made a mess and I made them clean it. You may have service… but making messes like that is unacceptable." He scolded and they both bowed their

heads. "Ha-ha" I laughed lightly as they sat down red as tomatoes. "It's fine Sebastian is just lazy." Sebastian's eyebrow twitched in annoyance. "Sebastian I'm kidding it's good to be home is it

not…" Sebastian couldn't lie… it was nice. "Yes yes it is…"

Sebastian's POV

When we arrived at the mansion I felt happiness in my stomach. If that was normal for demons I hadn't a clue but this was home… for eternity. I did my daily chores after dinner. I got it done in

record time… the help was actually helping. I didn't mind cleaning the house because it was home. I was able to relax here. Everything was falling back to the way they were before we left. No

even before that…. Before Ciel became a demon. Life was becoming… normal… back to normal… no. we have reached.. A new normal.

Merci Guys so this is the long awaited sequel. I know it might have let some of you down but this one has a plot as well I had to get introductions outta the way. It is already

foreshadowing darkness OOOHHHHH. (MIKAGE) lol so I really hope you enjoyed

Merci pour lecture.

jusqu'à la prochaine fois
