His Angel
By Jessarie
Chapter 6: Training Days and So Much More
Disclaimer: My stories are based on characters and situations created and owned by author J.K. Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books, and Raincoat Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made from the stories on this profile and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended. Nor is any insult or defamation of character intended toward any of the wonderful actors who brought the original Harry Potter books to life through the cinema.
Author's Notes: It has been so long since I was on one of these stories. I am so sorry that I left people hanging on my works. I too hate when a story remains unfinished. I have been in school working on my MFA and something was forced to take a backseat in the automobile I was frantically driving. Luckily, it's Spring Break for me at the moment or I wouldn't have even been browsing now. I had not even considered fanfiction for a while, but a Facebook post inspired me to upload a short little canon compliant drabble (Not So Special) and I continued viewing my own profile. Something made me want to write again for you all and this was the story that captured my attention. The problem, or the benefit depending on how you see it, is my writing has changed a bit since I started fanfics so many years ago. I will continue where I left off, but if the voice is different, there is a reason why. I've grown as a writer since this was started.
Harry moaned. Every bone in his body ached. He was sore and it was not the good kind. It was the kind of pain that leaves you breathless and wanting some sort of relief no matter how small. He had already taken the largest dose of pain potion he could, but the aches still persisted, although, to his relief, they were nowhere near as bad as they had been ten minutes ago when he finished his training sessions.
"Damn it." Harry mumbled adjusting into s slightly more comfortable position on the sofa he was currently thrown across. "Damn it all." He muttered again, just for good measure.
Someone snorted trying not to laugh in the doorway behind his head. "Having issues, Harry?" Tom asked.
"Issues?" Harry questioned standing despite the pain. "Issues?" he asked a second time when Tom just smirked. "YOU BLOODY BASTARDS KEPT ME TRAINING FOR 4 FUCKING HOURS, SO YEAH, I'VE GOT ISSUES." Harry yelled loudly.
Tom smirked even harder at him. "Well, at least we know your limits."
"LIMITS?" Harry said, continuing to yell. "LET'S TEST YOUR FUCKING LIMITS." He said striding forward. Harry's shoulder bumped Tom's as he ran past and up the stairs.
The mountain of pain Harry had been in was a distant memory. Anger had taken over completely in his mind. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes allowing his body to fall back on his bed.
'Let's think this through rationally.' Harry said to himself. '#1 I'm not really angry at Tom. #2 I'm mad at Dumblefuck the Dickwad.' Harry took another deep breath. '#3 Someone is in my room.'
Harry blinked his eyes open instantly jumping up and unsheathing his wand from it's hiding place. Within a span of 5 seconds, Harry had the man pinned to the wall, his wand at Severus' throat.
Harry blinked again. It was Severus. A slightly confused looking Severus.
"Harry." The man whispered, his dark hair falling into his eyes as he attempted to keep still.
"Sorry. Wasn't expecting you to be here. In my room." Harry mumbled starting to pull away.
Severus smiled a small smile and grabbed Harry's hips pinning him in place. "You have nothing to be sorry for."
Harry grinned. "I should apologize to Tom too."
"No need." A voice said from the doorway. "I heard most of what you were saying in your head."
"The link was open?" Harry asked.
Tom shrugged. "It's been opened since your full powers emerged. "We can't close it down anymore.
"Oh." Harry said. "But, won't that be a bad thing?" He asked. "Like if one of us is in pain or something?"
Tom shook his head. "We only sense an echo of what is happening in the mind of the other. We do not actually feel it."
"Cool." Harry said grinning. "I am sorry I yelled at you though."
"You woke the whole bloody house." A fourth voice said as Lucius stepped up behind Tom and wrapped an arm around his waist.
"Have they noticed yet?" Lucius asked looking directly into Tom's eyes.
Tom smirked glancing back at Harry. "I don't think so."
"What?" Harry asked glancing at Tom, then Lucius.
"Shit." Severus mumbled bringing Harry's attention back around to where he still had him pinned to the wall.
Harry's wand which was still resting up against Severus' throat had been moving in a strange pattern over his pulse point. A stream of shiny black light had marked his skin in Harry's magic.
Harry screamed and wrenched his hand away. The spell or whatever it had been stopped abruptly, but the mark remained. A shiny black lightning bolt resided on the man's throat.
"W… What?" Harry asked barely getting the word out.
Severus caught Harry as he fainted.