A/N: It's here. The epilogue. God, I'm crying.

This story was amazing. I love you guys so much - for sticking with me trough all those 17 chapters of drama and my messy writing. For every review, favourite, follow. It was a pleasure writing this.

A year - can you believe it? It took me almost a year, and you - you were there all the time. And now, as I've just finished this short epilogue, which is crappy by the way, I can't believe I can finally change the status to "complete".

I love you. Thank you all so much. And I hope to read you soon!


They were sitting close; cuddled together under one blanket, as it was common for them. He would tease her about something, as usual; she would try to kick him or elbow him or – sometimes – kiss him in response. They were close. Inseparable.

The main deck of yellow submarine was covered in moonlight. The sea – beautiful, dark sea sprinkled with stars waved just slightly, filling the silence with gentle humming – like a lullaby for both of them. He had his arm wrapped around her waist, and she was holding his other palm, caressing it lightly, absent-mindedly. There was only a bottle of rum between them. Their faces so close their breaths mixed. Both of them lost so much that even when being together for so long, they still were desperate; they still yearned for contact, for each other. And they still woken up with screams, from nightmares of loosing the other one.

He was the first one to talk out loud, although all that was needed was a whisper.

"You were quiet as of late, Yuki. And you won't let me check on you, even though it's obvious something is wrong. What are you thinking about?"

Yuki smiled lightly, and rested her forehead against his neck. "I was just remembering, Law."

"What of?" Law's voice was wary. Neither of them had a past that was nice to remember.

Yuki shrugged lightly, her emerald eyes shining in the dark. "Punk Hazard. Dressrosa. I nearly lost you there."

"And you were nearly lost yourself."

"You mean when? During my fight with Emerald Killer? I thought we talked about it already. She was a disease – an alter ego I invented to justify the killing. And just as it was my own creation, only I could kill her – by convincing my own mind I did it."

"You still could've died in process – that was some fright. But why remembering it now?"

"Oh, I just thought – there are so many things I've chosen not to bring up. Things we agreed to forget. Questions without answers. We were apart for two years, when we both trained – more or less to kill each other. We both changed during that time, but still chosen to start from when we split."

Law smiled lightly, tugging his Yukionna even closer, so she was basically sitting on his lap. "Do you regret it?"

A smile was flashed back at him. "Never. You said what I never dreamed I could hear – that you love me. And even though I still haven't forgiven you this sedative..."

"Oh, come on! You were injured, I couldn't just let you go berserk on Dressrosa..."

"You didn't have to drug me, though. Imagine how nice is it, to receive a kiss just as a mean to swallow a sleeping drug, and wake up to see the person I love basically in parts."

"It wasn't that bad."

"It was. You almost died."

Law sighed, and rubbed his eyes. She was kind of right. "But now we're together. This at least."

"Yes." Yuki smiled. Yes, that was true. They were here, they were together. She didn't know when she started to sing.

One sails the seas of life and beliefs

The storms will lead you home

These open roads will call you with a promise

You'll walk the Earth alone

Law smiled again, and joined her. This was their song; their shared tune, and even though he didn't usually enjoy singing, he knew his part in this one – and it was precious to him.

I live in a dream

With open eyes I breathe again

I see all your fears

Together we can feel

We can heal

And take the roads less traveled on

To here, in the new

Like diamonds we will shine

We will rise

Two hearts when souls are free again

We live

We sail the seas of life and beliefs,

The storms will lead us home.

These open roads will call us with the promise:

We'll walk the Earth alone.

Now, Yuki again was singing alone. It was the last part of the song – the forgotten, unwritten one. The one that changed this tune of loneliness into so much more.

This dream is a universe

And every soul shines

When the darkness turn into light

I take you to fly with me

And follow the way

And there will always be a new day.

They finished together, swallowing the last verse in a kiss. After they finished, Yuki leaned back just slightly, with a mischief shining bright in her emerald eyes.

"So? What would you say about the news? That Luffy made it?"

Law shrugged. "Well, I guess you won't get to marry a king, then."

Yuki giggled. "I'll settle for one of Yonkou. But are we still sailing to Raftel?"

"We'll see. Why?"

Yuki shuffled, so she was sitting face to face with Law. Her eyes were shining again, and suddenly he had a hard time concentrating. "You are right; there is something you should check me up on."

Law frowned, then looked at his Yukionna. "I told you. Tell me symptoms, and I swear, Yuki, if you'll hide one more disease from me, I'm going to lock you in the infirmary forever." that actually earned him a giggle.

"Idiot. It's not me who needs your attention now." she took one of his tanned, tattooed hands into her pale one, and held it firmly to her belly. Law first frowned, then looked at her smile, then gasped.

"Oh my God. You are kidding me."


"You..." now he looked lost. "You really are...?"

Yuki's smile was enough of an answer.

"How long have you..."

"I had a morning disease for a week now. And I made some tests. I'm sure, Law. We're going to have another crewmember in some time."

The grin that stretched Law's handsome face was a rare, rare sight. Then, he frowned lightly, his eyes slightly unfocused.

"We are NOT calling him 'Luffy'."

As the giggles and shouts of wake up, damnit, I'm gonna be a father and that deserves a party! faded, Yuki once again looked up on the lightening sky.

There will always be a new day.