Well, well, well, here comes my new story:) It's OCxLaw, obviously, and just to make sure, I've written it inspired by another fanfic on that pairing: Just Me Here, Shivering, by Minatu-chan. It's not a stolen story, though, don't you guys worry 'bout it:) I love writing myself too much for that kind of tricks:)
Well, sadly, One Piece is not mine, but please, enjoy!
PS: The song's title is "The Promise" by Globus. Great song by the way, make sure to check it out!
One sails the seas of life and beliefs...
The storms will lead you home...
These open roads will call you with a promise:
You'll walk the Earth alone...
She was lying there, completely still. The landscape was so quiet. Snow was falling all around, covering her with its white, cold blanket. She smiled sadly, reaching in the direction of equally white sky. Her delicate, pale from cold fingers, caught a snowflake and instantly painted it red. She looked at her hands – they were soaked with blood.
The blood of her friends, her family, her town.
She chuckled, her mind going hazy due to a slow process of freezing to death. How accurate that snowflake has been... It has shown exactly what she was. She would taint everything and everyone who came near, leaving behind only death and sorrow.
She closed her eyes, not even feeling cold anymore. The world started to slowly dissolve into darkness. Last thing she felt was a gentle touch of snowflakes on her cheek; last thing she heard was someone calling in her direction.
Then, everything faded to black.
She opened her eyes ever so slightly. The piercing white lights convinced her, however, that staying with her eyelids firmly shut was the best option for now.
Is this what hell feels like?
Well, now, that wasn't fair at all. She wanted death to be just an end to her pitiful existence, not the beginning of something even more sorrowful.
Wait... she wanted... what was it she actually... she...?
Just who... am I?
She opened her eyes again. Was it just a second after it all faded, or was it few years... She didn't know. The lights still pierced through her eyes, but this time she was actually able to get used to them pretty quickly. Supporting herself with her elbows, she was able to take in her surroundings.
Seemingly, she probably didn't end up in hell. She was lying on a bed, a hospital one. The room was brightly lit, but had no windows; all kinds of medical equipment stood beside her. As she looked at small, pale hands, probably belonging to her, laying on the sheets, she noticed two IVs. She laid back down, trying to think. Such simple questions as where, who, and why she was, were beyond her. She only remembered wanting to die and peacefully falling asleep in the snow.
Well, if she wanted to die back then, that means she probably still does. It sounded logically for her hazed mind. With little strength she still had left, she took the IVs and ripped them out of her body, ignoring the pain from opening quite a wound. Her blood started to drip from opened arm, painting the bed scarlet. It reminded her of something, but quickly growing pool of red liquid seemed to suck out her ability to think straight. She heard many beeps, probably from the machinery beside, and the door in the corner swung open, revealing tall man in yellow-black hoodie and spotted jeans, white, fuzzy, spotted hat on his head. He cursed and ran to her side, quickly catching some gaze, putting it on the bleeding and shouting something about more blood bags. Was he the one who didn't want her to die? Why?
So cruel...
Tears started to spill from her eyes. He looked at her face and frowned in confusion. Why was she crying?
Why... Why won't you just let me die?
When she woke up again, she wasn't alone. The person she remembered from earlier sat beside her bed, reading a book. However, the moment she turned her head to see him better, he slammed the book shut and looked at her with cold, calculating stare of silvery-gray eyes.
"Don't even think of ruining my hard work again, understood?"
She looked at him for a long while, then looked away, uninterested. A vein popped on his forehead. "That's quite a behavior towards somebody who saved you..."
"Why did you save me? Why didn't you just let me die?" she wanted to ask, but no words came from her open lips. She tried again, but failed miserably.
"Hm..." the man came closer to her, examining her quickly. "Can't talk? That's not so strange, due to the fact you were out cold for quite awhile before I managed to get to you, but... Well, it'll probably pass. For now, here." he shoved a notebook and a pen into her hands. "I need to examine you properly, so answer these questions. First: your name?"
She looked at him for a long while, then started to write, her hand still weak and shaking slightly. "I don't know. I don't remember anything."
"I. Don't. Know."
There was a slight pause before she written, making every letter bigger than before. "Do you have troubles with reading? Alphabetic, probably?"
He smirked, but stopped teasing her. "How many fingers am I holding up?"
"Correct. Last question – it seems you are currently suffering amnesia. I'll do some check up later and try to fix it, but can you tell me if you remember anything at all?"
She didn't respond for quite awhile. He started to wonder if she was going to answer at all, but then, she started to scribble something quickly, as if afraid that those words are going to disappear. "I remember snow. And blood. I remember cold and I remember dying. I remember hearing somebody scream, though I don't know what they were screaming. And..." she halted, anxious.
"I remember wanting to die. Who are you? Where am I? Why didn't you let me?"
"..." He looked at her coldly again, and turned his back, heading for door. "My name is Trafalgar Law; I'm a doctor, and a pirate captain. You are on my pirate ship, submarine actually. We stopped at one winter island in search for supplies; found whole village butchered, heard strange singing, went exploring and discovered you laying in the snow few meters away. You were the sole survivor, and on the verge of dying."
"But why did you save me?"
"...weaklings can't pick their way of death."
He pushed the door open, not looking behind. A sound of quiet scribbling stopped him in his track, causing him to turn his head back ever so slightly.
"You are... A very gentle person, Trafalgar Law."
The sound of door shutting close was all she got in response, but it was enough to make her smile lightly for the first time in a while.