Well hi there! Okay well seeing as many of you are still wanting to read I am very willing to keep updating. I figure we haven't got far to go so :)
I'm writing as I go so sorry if its all over the place. Also, I apologize once more for grammar and spelling mistakes as I am not editing these at all. Sorry for all of you in which find that extremely annoying.
I was very very very pleased with what you had to say in your reviews and I am happy to produce more and more for you. I appreciate if you give me feedback on where the story is going, who you like and dislike, what bothers you, what you'd like to see. Like I said, making it up as I go so...Though I have a fairly good idea of where it is headed so..yeah
~Claire Jefferson~
"Boys!" Merlin hollered to the courtyard full of men. They were dressed up in armor, with swords and shields at the ready. "Shut it, already!"
"Oh, they're just excited," Arthur smiled.
"You too," she told him seriously, biting back a smile as the other men laughed at him. She marched in front of them as they formed a line, the Knights of the round table mostly, a few stragglers. They would then pass any knowledge onto others as they readied for war. Galahad made the decision not to attend, mostly to Merlin's relief, but passed it off as needing the time to sort things out with his new wife. "Many of the Druids are in the library, thinking of ways to deal with vast numbers of soldiers or single combat. They are not used to fighting. You, however, need to learn exactly what you're up against."
She stopped her walking and adjusted her head scarf so that the loose hair was out of her face. Her normal male-like clothing was loose and comfortable. She nodded and looked to them. "Today isn't going to be easy. Magic isn't something that is easy fought with brute strength."
The men gripped their swords tighter, shuffling the shields forward. She even got a few, yes Merlins, though she could see they were nervous.
"So," she said slowly, a small smile creeping onto her lips. "We're going to play a game. Winner gets glory." She produced a ball in her hands, roughly the size of the head. "The object of the game is to get—and keep—the ball."
"You can't be serious," Leon moaned, looking weary.
Merlin lifted an eyebrow. "What?"
"Well," Gwaine explained, scratching the back of his neck nervously, "it's just that you're you. We don't want to hurt you or anything Merlin."
"Ahh," she nodded, "but you're not playing Merlin."
"We're not?"
She got several questioning looks as her smirk grew. Her eyes flashed gold and she dropped the ball to the ground. "No, you're playing Emrys," she winked, "good luck!" And with that, she seemed to disappear out of thin air.
The knights all remained still for a long moment, bewildered and amazed. Finally, Arthur rolled his eyes and stepped forward to retrieve the ball. Just then though, the ball moved.
It bounced first, until it hovered in the air. Arthur recoiled, taking a step back. They all continued to stare at it in silence, none making a move.
This time, it was Gwaine who moved towards the ball. He moved slowly, with an outstretched hand. The other men just let him pass, amazed as he moved towards it. However, just as his hand was to curl around the ball, it whizzed away. It never left the height that was within their grasp but suddenly, it was moving around very quickly.
After a small while, all the men all started to join in until they were pushing at each other as they laughed, trying to catch the flying ball.
"Levitation," suddenly said a voice that sounded familiar and friendly. "The ability to move objects without touching them is simple magic, but when used correctly, it can be deadly. With levitation magic, you must remember that the object itself isn't magic. As long as the magic is moving, the magic user is connected to it. You have to predict where the object will go if you have any hopes of defeating magic like that."
"How do we do that?" Gwaine demanded as he launched himself after the ball again.
"Use your brain," Merlin laughed. "Magic is simple when you break it down."
"Yeah," Arthur snorted as he missed the ball by a few mere inches, "simple."
But men would always be men through history: competitive. They listened to Merlin, trying to determine where the ball was going to go. They got closer and closer to it until finally, it was Leon that caught it. It captured it between his fingertips and quickly drew it to his body.
"Ha!" he said and then held it up for everyone to see.
And then, it was gone.
"Good God," Leon moved his hands like he thought they would catch on fire. "It's gone."
"Nope," Merlin's voice rang out, "just invisible. And you dropped it. So now you have to find it again. Invisibility. Although it is nearly impossible to make a person invisible, a simple object can be made unseeable. The task is to catch the ball again. Figure out where it is."
"Way to drop the damn ball, Leon," Gwaine teased him but then gasped as he got hit, quite hard, in the shoulder by an invisible force. "Hey! Merlin!"
But the girl didn't reply.
The ball carried on, whirling around like before. Except now, they couldn't see it.
It was a good thirty minutes before Percival grabbed mud from the ground and began to throw it across the air. A few specks landed on the ball and there they were again—tearing off after it.
The next time Merlin made the ball half the size it was before. When transformation was used to turn it into a rock, they began a very long scavenger hunt.
And they just kept going, seeing many different magics just by trying to get one ball. In the end they were all sweaty and tired, yet still laughing.
"Alright, you guys have an hour or so before the other magic users are coming," Merlin announced and they all looked around in surprise to see how late it was. "Rest up."
With that, a good many of them collapsed to the ground with exhaustion.
"You're worse than Arthur, you know that?" Elyan said trying to catch his breath, he then looked around. "Where are you anyway?"
"Over here," came Merlin's voice and then they all looked to see her sitting on the courtyard stone ledge, reading a book distractedly.
"Have you—have you been reading the whole time?" Percival wondered in awe.
"Hmmm?" Merlin didn't look up. "Well, yes I have a lot to do."
They all just stared as she turned another page, obviously very focused on the book before her.
The men lounged about for awhile, trying to catch their breaths. They discussed the many things Merlin had shown them and began laughing and describing things that had happened.
"Well," Arthur walked towards her, "they'll be here soon."
"Yes," she agreed, immersed in the words she was taking in. "So I suggest you all think over what I've shown you because you're going to have to figure out how to defend and attack in a few minutes. I'd start thinking up strategies."
"Well you did just teach us about magic," Arthur smiled. "We'll be able to hold our own."
Merlin lowered her book then, raising an eyebrow. "Yes but they've been trying out techniques the whole time you boys have been seeing magic. They'll make you work."
Arthur smiled at her, reaching for her arms to pull her to a standing. "Come on, Merlin. Show us how you can fight."
Merlin shut her book with a loud snap, standing up straight to look Arthur full in the face. "You really don't want to fight me."
"Oh, Merlin," Arthur rolled his eyes good naturedly, "it's just a spar. I can hold my own. You don't scare me."
"She scares me," Gwaine shouted at them, pulling the other knights back so the couple had room.
Merlin felt her face heating up, shooting Gwaine a glare. "I should." She dropped her book on the stone beneath her feet. "Well come on then, Arthur. Show me how well you can fight magic."
"Fighting isn't a game, Merlin," Arthur reminded her, stepping back so she had room. "I'm much more experienced as a fighter. I don't want you to get hurt."
Merlin smirked, stepping closer to Arthur so he'd back up, giving them more room. "Oh it's going to be fun putting you on your backside, sire."
"Don't think I don't remember our last spar. No cheating Merlin."
Merlin blushed darkly and froze. Merlin picked up a sword from the ground, probably one of the knights had thrown it as they tried to quickly get after the ball. "I don't have to cheat." She unsheathed it and smirked, ready.
Sorcerers and sorceresses, druids and commonfolk magic wielders alike found themselves making their way around the Camelot castle.
"What if we get hurt," someone asked among the people. "Who can guarantee these knights will not go too far? I am not an experienced fighter. I am a healer by nature."
"Then I'll set him on fire," someone else snapped.
"Please, please," Jesinta tried to reassure the people. "Everything will be fine. Merlin—err, Emrys will be there and so will the King. The two of them will make sure everyone is—l"
But she cut off as they all rounded the corner.
They were met with the sound of laughter. And a sight that stole breaths away.
It looked more like a dance than a fight. Neither seemed to be trying very hard to win, just playing like children. The Knights stood around them, amazed at what they were seeing. Merlin spouted magic of many kinds, anything she could think of. Her feet moved quickly, darting and weaving to escape Arthur's blade which they had enchanted to not have the ability to hurt her at the moment anyway.
He was dodging and slicing away at her different magics, amazed and trying hard to keep up. Oh but she was hardly trying, not much attacking him so much as showing off. Her eyes flashed and she kept muttering spells between her laughs and shouts of exclamation.
"Merlin!" Arthur hollered as he was hit with a faceful of feathers.
"Arthur," she replied mischievously, grinning widely. "Keep up!" And with that, Merlin spun around and then froze. "Oh."
Arthur turned to see what she was looking at and then slowly lowered his blade. "Ah."
Jesinta grinned and quirked an eyebrow. "Hello."
Merlin spun on her heels to glance around the courtyard. Her eyes glowed for a moment and then, suddenly all the remnants from her spells were gone. The courtyard cleaned itself up while the knights shifted to make themselves presentable once more.
"Hello," Arthur offered weakly, grinning like an idiot. "Nice day, isn't it?"
"Indeed," Mortais, the old man said with a nod and an amused smile.
"Just, uh," Merlin started as her eyes crinkled into a smile, "teaching them a bit about magic."
"I can see that," Jesinta said, folding her arms and grinning. "Looked like fun. Though, most magic users have to use words more often."
Merlin gave a sheepish smile and stepped forward. "Well, let's get started then, shall we? This lot has minimal exposure to magic users and I ask that you use caution—all of you." She looked at the knights who just shuffled.
But no one moved. Not one person even breathed loudly. Everyone just stood at a standstill, weary and untrusting of the other party. Merlin noticed that even Arthur seemed at unease between the two groups.
Merlin smiled, "Jesinta, Percival! Why don't the two of you pair up?"
Percival stared at Merlin with wide eyes but catching her glare he nodded. "uhh, yeah." He looked towards the girl he knew to be called Jesinta and then looked quickly away. "Hi."
Jesinta cocked her head to the side and then laughed, shaking her head and walking over to him. "Well, I hear you knights can really put up a fight. I'm not really one for wars so you'll have to be patient with me, Sir Percival."
Percival looked at her, bewildered. "Ahh, yeah, of course." He pulled his sword and looked to Merlin for affirmation. He looked nervous, as if he wasn't sure of himself. "I hope you'll be patient with me and my lack of knowledge when it comes to magic."
Jesinta grinned widely, "We'll learn together then."
"Okay," Percival nodded, seemingly a bit more comfortable. "I'm going to swing at you then, yeah?" He raised his sword.
"Right," she nodded and put her arms up. "Let's try." Her eyes lit up gold, though not as brilliant as Merlin's. "Retro iactare"
Percival blinked in surprise as he was thrown back a bit. He didn't fall over but he slid back a few feet. "Whoa."
She frowned instead. "Not very powerful."
"But useful and confusing all the same," Percival reassured her. He then took forward with a slow swing.
Shocked, Jesinta took a quick step back and put her arms up. "s-salvum!" And blue sparks shot from her fingers, blinding Percival.
He stopped, letting out a surprised shout. His hands reached up to cover his eyes as he flinched away from the intruding light that sparked.
Jesinta took the moment to get behind him and pull her dagger from her waist and bring it to his throat, looking very frightened and unsure. "Are you alright?"
Percival blinked, coming aware again and looked down slightly to see the shaky blade. "Wow, that was unexpected," Percival commented with an amused smile. "Brilliant."
Jesinta lowered her blade and looked down with a blush. "Most sorcerers can't use magic like Merlin can. We mostly deal with cheap tricks and distractions."
Percival turned to look at her and smile. "Again?"
Merlin and Arthur hung back a bit, watching the people who had once been enemies teach and encourage each other. It was obvious that they were uncomfortable and weary of each other. And yet, it didn't stop them from working hard and learning.
The knights seemed comfortable enough with Jesinta though, and each seemed eager to work with her over everyone else. However, it seemed to Merlin that she kept ending back up with Percival. The thought made her smile.
And yet, standing off to the side were a few magic users who were seemingly refusing to join in. Emeralda, the annoying girl from the days prior, as well as a few older men and a cloaked figure Merlin had not seen before stood off watching. Squinting, Merlin made to walk over and talk to them but was suddenly confronted by a leader of the druids: Mortais.
"Emrys," he bowed low and respectfully. "I offer my fighting experience to you as a sparring partner should you wish to explore the tactics in battle."
Merlin felt a smile tug at her lips and noticed Arthur tense up beside her. She ignored him, bowing in return. "I'd be delighted to learn with you, Mortais. A trusted ally is as a friend to me."
"If your King wishes it, my daughter is a gifted sorceress and could offer herself as a sparring partner," Mortais said, sending a glare his daughters way.
Emeralda gave him a disdainful look but nodded expressionlessly at Arthur. Merlin was about open her mouth and object with a laugh, a glare, and several insults. But Arthur was used to being diplomatic and simply smiled courteously and nodded his agreement.
Merlin suppressed the desire to wrinkle her nose and followed Mortais to a battle area. She kept her eye on Emeralda and Arthur, though. She didn't know what the girl might say, leaving the two of them alone to spar. But she trusted that Arthur was smart enough to handle himself.
Using magic with Mortais was interesting. Merlin found that he used many spells and ideas that she had never heard of or thought of. Yet, using simple magics she was able to overcome everything he threw at her. It wasn't as fun as fighting Arthur who had kept trying to trip her because, well frankly it was an obvious weakness of hers. After awhile Merlin and Mortais both seemed to have had enough.
"That was good," Merlin assured him, smiling her best. She had learned a great deal. She had a few more things to research before the day was over now. It was going to be interesting find herself in battle. It scared her a bit—not that she'd admit it out loud. All these people, they trusted her. They looked to her for guidance and hope. It was overwhelming and scary. Merlin hated being depended on like this. "I actually leaned a lot. I really appre—" Merlin cut off as she gasped, her eyes flashing brilliantly gold.
"Emrys!" Mortais said, jumping forward as if to help her.
Merlin spun around in fear to see Arthur and their eyes met for a second.
Her heart was racing in her chest, not quite understanding what had just happened. She was fine—but her magic…her magic had acted without her control. Something had made her magic react to something. The magic swirled through her stronger than she usually allowed herself to use because it was raw power. It had yanked itself from her, rushing into Arthur's direction and now she could see it.
There was a magical wall around Arthur. It was gold and shifting around him like a protective barrier. He was staring at her with gratitude, confusion, and now a slight worry. "Merlin?"
But Merlin was quickly striding over to him her eyes wide. "What happened?" she demanded, frightened about her magic slipping from her control.
It was Emeralda who answered. "I don't know. I didn't mean to—I mean I didn't think. I just let loose a spell and it was too much. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me."
Merlin raised an eyebrow and turned to Arthur. "What?"
Arthur met her gaze and he seemed to suddenly understand. "Emeralda…her spell. I was turned and didn't see it coming. It would have hit me. I don't think she meant to. It was an accident."
Emeralda was nodding vigorously, obviously frightened of Merlin.
"It was a good thing you put up the wall when you did," Arthur smiled, trying to reassure her but Merlin's eyes just kept growing.
"I believe you," She told Emeralda quickly who slouched forward with relief. "But, that wall, it wasn't me."
Arthur's eyebrows shot up at once. "What? You didn't do this? This isn't your magic? It feels like your magic?"
"No," Merlin amended quickly, "It is my magic. I just didn't try to—wait. What do you mean how my magic feels? You can tell the difference?"
"You didn't try to do it?" Arthur ignored her. "What does that mean?"
Merlin looked around quickly. Eyes darted between the two of them in the sudden silence. "We'll talk about it later."
"Later," Merlin snapped and then softer, "please."
Arthur nodded and drew in a deep breath. "Okay."
Slap me down a review. Sorry btw for anyone who hates Orignal Characters but I like Jesinta and dislike Galahad so haha
Till next time. Thanks and love as always ~CJ