It's a little hard to know exactly what plan Shepard has come up with. As a general rule, the rank and file don't gossip with her, and while Chakwas is an example of polite friendliness, she is too much of a professional to talk about mission details to a civilian.

Still, there is a mission and it's too big to be kept completely under wraps.

The citadel needs to be evacuated. There is a credible threat. But, until it is evacuated, they cannot afford to tip off the terrorists, because those terrorists would immediately destroy the station.

It's true.

However, that the station is, in of itself, their last hope at defeating the Reapers and that it is already a known target is not mentioned to anyone who does not strictly need to know.

The girl guesses that the council would want to keep the circle of folks who know anything as small as possible. There's a mountain of logistical planning and from the drawn look of Samantha Traynor's face, it seems as if she's been given a decent portion of it.

The Normandy's crew is not the one tasked with the setting careful charges on the Citadel, designed to bolster the story and gain cooperation, as well as explain the communications black out that will cut them off from the rest of the universe.

Neither are they tasked with begging, borrowing, or stealing as many ships as can possibly be spared from the war effort to help aid in the evacuation of some 13 billion people. Though, it is true that the two dozen or so disreputable cargo freighters that arrive on the scene are only there because Aria T'lock pulled strings.

Instead, Shepard and the Normandy are tasked with finding a safe place for all of these lost souls, preferably before they start to starve or dehydrate aboard their various transports.

That solution involves a flight to Rannoch, and a squad containing Shepard, Tali and Garrus descending to the surface. That same squad returns the next day with an exceptionally imposing looking Geth. It's Legion, of course, and the girl can't quite get over the size and scope of him, even after indulging in a good long stare.

Most of the crew stares at him, too, so it's okay.

The course change comes almost the minute Shepard is back aboard. In short order, the Normandy hunts down the Migrant fleet. Shepard and squad once more leaves the Normandy and somehow manages to convince all four members of the Admiralty board to join them back on the ship.

The Quarians are immediately hustled into the war room where Legion awaits them all. From the amount of shouting that Private Westmoreland reports hearing, it's not entirely certain that Shepard had warned them about this ahead of time.

Neither Geth nor Quarian nor Shepard or Tali leave the room for rest of the day.

In the end, though, Commander Shepard isn't Commander Shepard for nothing. When the group finally leaves their enforced summit, the tall woman looks thunderous and resolute.

And both the Quarians and the Geth lend several ships to the evacuation cause.

In addition, it seems that the Geth have also promised sanctuary to those new refugees and assistance to the Quarians in a repopulation of Rannoch. What the Quarians have had to give in return isn't something that the crew is made privy to, but none of them look happy about it.

The girl briefly considers asking Tali the details. Not knowing is... a bit disturbing to her.

However, there's little time to dwell on that. The Normandy streaks back to the Citadel to do it's part in transporting the refugees to Rannoch. Shepard has already stated that they'll likely only do this once, since the war effort needs them elsewhere. However, as one of the most well equipped ships, no one in Normandy's chain of command could stomach sitting the entire evacuation out.

People pour onto the Normandy.

And the girl gives up her bunk, her hide-away, for a small family.