The rating is because I'm paranoid and love my account.

"Did you bring it?" Monroe was practically bouncing with excitement as Nick handed over the 'Morning Star' while grinning. Monroe's face while he held the weapon! "This is gonna be so cool!" Nick laughed at his friend's excitement. Just a friend?... Nick shook his head to clear it. "Come 'ere, come 'ere, come here!" Monroe laughed, pointing to the decoration out the window as it raised the weapon and smashed the pumpkin. "Not if your a pumpkin." Nick mused. He frowned when his phone buzzed.

He hardly ever got time to hang out with Monroe anymore. What with Juliette... well, he just didn't know what he felt towards Juliette anymore. But he couldn't just leave her, after waking up from a coma which was mostly his fault to begin with. He upset Adalind. Juliette paid the consequences. It made him feel sick. No, he couldn't leave her with a couple photographs, for so long she had been his anchor. But he didn't need an anchor anymore. He needed a sailor. Someone who could go with him, who could have fun with him, someone to realize what was going on and be cool with it. Help with it, even. Someone like Monroe. He felt a guilty pang in his chest at thinking of Monroe like that. He was probably straight. Most likely straight... he sighed.

The warmth and coziness of Monroe's house was especially lacking at the crime scene, where a man was yelling in Spanish. Wu was having as much problems as he was with understanding him, neither got a word. Nick thought, maybe, if he wrapped this one up quick, he could stop by Monroe's and help with the trick-or-treating before hitting the sack and calling it a day. On his couch. He and Juliette didn't have a guest bedroom.

No such luck. Thinking of Juliette, he remembered she had spent a lot of her time as a child in... New Mexico? Somewhere like that... he called her up to act as a translator. Maybe if he spent more time with her, and if they were both given a chance, he could fall in love with her all over again.


Monroe sighed. This was normally his favorite time of year. It was Halloween! A day basically dedicated to wessen! Bigger than Christmas by far! Children screaming, running on sugar rushes, decorations everywhere... Nick had even seemed impressed. Nick. That' s what was wrong. So very, very wrong. The way he helped Nick, acting the annoyed friend. But really, everytime he saw Nick's hopeful face, his day lit up. The way Nick was a do-gooder and begged Monroe to help save a little girl... The way Nick smiled at him and called him a 'good boy'... from that moment on he knew he'd roll over for Nick. Only Nick.

But Nick only liked him as a friend. So he continued to help Nick. As a friend. And tried not to daydream or act as something a little more... but Nick was straight. Nick had a girlfriend for crying out loud! Julia, or something. He remembered that time Juliette (yes, he knew her real name) called him and he freaked out.

She'd asked him what she and Nick were like, as a couple. Monroe had wished he could tell them that they were kind of broken up and it probably wouldn't work out, it was a relationship that should really just end, was destined for tragedy and that she was going to be targeted, so she should probably leave before someone's heart got broke... specifically Nick's. But he didn't. He saw the way that boy's face brightened slightly when coming over to ask relationship advice about her. And if Nick's happiness depended on this woman, he would just have to help out. Even if it hurt. So he told her she and Nick had been happy. Really, really happy. Really.

He groaned, this whole thing was just... there were no words to describe it. He hardly ever got to just hang out with Nick anymore, he'd planned on just leaving that paticulor decoration in his attic, seeing as it didn't work, but then he remembered that Nick had a morning star, and that would give him a reason to call Nick over. So he had gone up there and searched for hours. Even got it fixed. He wished he could just tell Nick how he felt, instead of making up reasons for him to come over. But Nick had his cop buddy now, to take his place (he growled at his place being taken, but couldn't really do anything to stop it) and if he scared Nick off by admitting his affections, Nick would go to Hank, who, being human, wouldn't be able to handle the situation and the bloody grimm would be killed. No, for Nick's own protection, he'd never tell... even if it meant tearing himself up inside.


When he saw her his heart soared. Not that he'd ever tell anyone that. Sometimes he couldn't accept it himself. He, the bastard prince, Sean Renard, in love. The very idea was laughable! Yet here he was, trying not to stare at the most wonderful woman in the world. Juliette smiled at him and offered her help kindly. He wished he could show her how much he cared by more than a simple 'thank you for you're services'. He wished... no, no use getting caught in that fairy tale.

Once the blutbad mixed up a potion, the whole thing would be over. But a traitorous part of him whispered that this might just be more than a potion. But he refused to believe that, and attempted to ignore his heart. And tried not to think of that picture of them. Her and Burkhardt. He was the boss he had to keep his cool. And not go running after pretty, human girls.


The Spanish-speaking woman was wrong. She had to be. And overly superstitious too. But how did she know...? How could anyone know how she longed for the caption... She shook her head. She wasn't longing for anyone... she wasn't choosing anyone, either. But he was just so sweet... No. She had a boyfriend. Even if she knew close to nothing about him. But the way Sean had looked at her... taken her hand... whispered she could tell him... anything. She shook her head. "Did she say anything eles?" She glanced back at Nick, and sadly shook her head, telling him the truth.

"Not about Rafiel."


Before you all shout 'not in order' and 'Sean didn't take her hand before the Spanish lady talked', this is my version, and in this version, he did. I love comments, and thank you for taking the time to read!