Chapter 3

Breakfast with the Family

Danny didn't sleep at all that night, too consumed with guilt. Finally refusing to face reality, he buried his face in his pillow. Danny was just starting to drift off to sleep when a voice sounding like his own greeted him.

"Come on sleepy head! Dad said it's time to get you up for school! Come on brother, get up," his clone said eagerly jumping up and down on his bed like a kid on Christmas day.

Danny groaned and pulled his pillow further over his head as he idly wondered if he ever sounded this annoying. Before he could wonder too much though, he felt his clone grab his ankle and pulled him out of the bed. Danny looked up to see his clone dressed in his Danny Phantom suit and that they were floating. Danny let out a frustrated sigh as he looked up.

"Alright, alright, I'm up! Now put me down," Danny demanded frowning.

Danny figured out a moment too late that that was the wrong thing to say as the clone dropped him on his head. Danny groaned and looked up at him and frowned.

"Dad said it's time for you to get up for school and that I was to come get you up."

"Alright, I'm up," Danny said annoyed, "but if you don't mind, I'd like to take my shower alone!"

"Alright, I'll come back to get you for breakfast so hurry up."

Danny took his shower in scolding hot water, enjoying the numbing feeling he got. Once he finally finished he stepped out and went to his closet. True to Vlad's word, he had to best of the best of the best, all the top name brands. Danny searched through the closet of a small piece of home, but he couldn't find any, so he went back into the bathroom and put on his old clothes. He had no sooner finished dressing then Vlad entered the room.

Vlad frowned when he saw Danny was still in his old clothes. "Daniel what's wrong? Did you not like your new clothes?"

Danny scowled, "You locked me in this room and you made me break my family up! What do you think is wrong with me!? As for the clothes, they were from you, and I don't want anything from you," Danny billowed.

"Come now Daniel, I am your father now and as such you will treat me accordingly, and in time, you will to love me as your true father," Vlad said with a warm smile.

"You will never be my father," Danny billowed as his mother walked in.

"Young man, you take that back this moment," Maddie reprimanded. "Vlad has been nothing but kind to us, and I should punish you just for saying such things!"

Danny scowled at Vlad, figuring he had either forced her or talked his clone into overshowing his mother again for him.

"Mom, don't punish my brother, I want to be able to spend some time with him," his clone whined. He was no longer in his phantom clothes, and his eyes were not green, as Danny's were when he was Phantom, but his hair had a small white patch. Danny looked at him confused and Clad laughed, amused.

"See Daniel, I added a few upgrades to him in the chamber. DAVVID Masters is your clone's name, and I'll explain it later, but…"

"Oh, explain it to him now dad," Danny's clone DAVVID pleaded with excitement.

Vlad gave DAVVID a warm smile then turned back to Dany and chuckled. "Like anything, DAVVID has a meaning behind it. D means Daniel, that's you Daniel, A means Always obeys, V stands for Vlad, the other V stands for Vlad, I stands for Is, D stands for Davvid's loving father," Vlad said with a smile.

Danny frowned but Maddie smiled, "I think it is brilliant Vlad! You know though, you are not the only one who loves Davvid as his long-lost mother, I love him too!" Maddie flashed a huge smile and then hugged Davvid and kissed his forehead, the way she always did with him, each morning. "And I can't wait till the big day to make it all official!"

"Big day? Making it official? What's she talking about Vlad," Danny demanded.

"Well get to that soon Daniel, but first let me finish answering your first question. As I said, when I made Davvid, I added a few extra things. For example, Davvid can change his appearance with a few things, like the white patch in his hair. He can also change into his "phantom" side at will. See Daniel, mow he can go to your school as your brother and no one can argue. Everyone knows that your mother loved and dated me first, so, your brother Davvid is the proof of that…"

"But if you are passing Davvid as my brother, and he's my age…"

"That's right, it would mean your mother cheated on your father and had Davvid and you with me, but fearing your father's anger for her affair, she gave Davvid to me and kept you so no one would know. But when your mother left your father for me yesterday, she was quick to reclaim her long lost son as hers again," Vlad said with a satisfied smirk.

"Which brings us to our wonderful news Danny, Clad and I talked it over this morning and we mad our choice," Maddie said with a joyful smile. "Vlad really is going to become your father. At the end of the week, Vlad and I are going to get married!"

"What! No mom, you can't be serious! What about dad," Danny argued frantically.

"Jack Fenton is nothing to me! Vlad is going to be your new father, we've made our choice."

A million emotions crossed Danny's face all at once, hurt, pain, sadness, betrayal, and anger. Danny lunged for Davvid and grasped his neck tightly. "How DARE you control my mother! You think Vlad loves you, he only loves you because you do what he says," Danny thundered. Davvid was caught off guard for a moment, but quickly recovered and shot a plasma blast directly at the center of Danny's chest and it sent Danny flying across the room where he collided with the wall.

"Well then, it's a good thing I always do what he says," Davvid said with an evil chuckle and Vlad chucked too, but Maddie gasped.

"Danny," she called, worry written all over her face as she ran after Dany. She crouched down next to him then looked back at Clad. "Vlad dear, you go on ahead with Davvid to breakfast. I'm going to check on Danny and then we'll join you."

"Alright Maddie darling, don't be too long," he said and kissed her cheek, leaving with Davvid. Danny groaned as he sat up, trying to face his mother. Her worry did not change as she stooped down next to him.

"Danny, are you alright, Davvid didn't hurt you, did he," she asked.

"No mom, I'm fine. Why don't you go join your soon to be…" Danny made a face, not able to say it himself when Vlad wasn't around to force him. "…Go join them downstairs for breakfast."

"I will, but when I am ready. I still think you should stay home from school today."

"No," Danny said a little too quickly. "I mean, I need to check on Jazz and see how she's dealing with this…"

"Danny, don't worry, I won't leave you here to recover alone with Vlad, I don't trust him with my baby boy."

"But you trust him enough to marry him," Danny asked.

She sighed, "No, I don't know what happened but it was as if I couldn't say no to him," Maddie trailed off.

"I'm going to kill him," Danny muttered to himself.

"No, you can't, he's too strong," Maddie said in a rushed tone. Danny looked up at her confused.

"Mom, how…how much do you know," Danny asked with caution.

"I know that Vlad is the ghost Plasmus and I know that Davvid is your clone and not my son…"

"Is…Is that all you know…" Danny asked with caution.

"No," his mother said slowly. "I know that you are Danny Phantom…Vlad told me about it…"

"Oh," Danny replied rubbing the back of his neck, something he only did when he was nervous.

"Don't worry Danny, I'm not mad, and I am not going to rip you apart molecule by molecule."

"You're not mad at me," Danny asked confused.

"No honey, your father and I never really gave you a chance to tell us the truth without feel fearing us tearing you apart," Maddie said giving him a sad look.

"So…If you're okay with me being a halfa, and you don't love Vlad, why are you staying here with Vlad," Danny asked confused.

"Well…I'm not really sure, it's just a driving force of some sort, like I couldn't fight back even if I wanted to."

Danny frowned but before he could say anything his mother spoke again, "Come on Danny, lets head to breakfast so we can get you off to school, she said with a grim smile.

"Yes Daniel, we wouldn't want you to be late on your first day at school as a Masters and your first day with your brother," Vlad said with a smile as he stood at the door. Danny scowled at Vlad but Maddie gave him a nervous smile.

"You are not my father yet," Danny warned. "I may have to call you dad for now, but I am not going to be considered a Masters any time soon…And that…Davvid is NOT my brother, he's my clone," Danny fired.

"My, my, such a temper…maybe I should keep you at home till you can learn respect," Vlad replied frowning.

"No," Danny replied quickly.

"Very well Daniel, then you will have to follow the true story that Davvid is your brother and that you are happy to call me your father," Vlad smirked.

Danny transformed into his Phantom form and shot a plasma blast right at Vlad, but when it reached the doorway, it bounced back and hit Danny, sending him flying back to his bed. Maddie ran back over to his side and Vlad just chuckled.

"Dear boy, didn't I tell you that this room is ghost proof. Any time you use your powers in this room, the room sends the attack back at you. You also are not able to leave this room unless I give the command signal, and since you just tried to attack me, I think you should have to stay here. You don't seem to want to follow the rules," Vlad said in a mock form of sadness.

"Aww dad, don't ground him from school, I want my brother to go," Davvid complained.

"I'm sorry son, but what would you have me do? Daniel does not want to listen, so he most likely will blow our story."

"I have an idea," Davvid said brightly.

"And what's that little badger," Vlad asked raising an eyebrow. Davvid leaned over and whispered in Vlad's ear and Danny didn't like the smile that came across Vlad's face. "Why that's a brilliant idea Davvid, you truly are my son! Alright Daniel, your brother has spoken on your behalf and I have changed my mind, you may join us at the breakfast table."

Vlad pressed a button and a scanner came out of the side of the wall. Vlad scanned his hand and Danny was finally able to leave the room. They stopped in front of Danielle's room and Vlad did the same thing, allowing Danielle to leave her room as well.

Breakfast that morning was very quiet, except for Davvid explaining how excited he was for school. Danny rolled his eyes at this, but figured that after a few days of school, Davvid would hate it as much as the rest of them did. Danny just picked at his breakfast, not really in the mood for anything and looked up when Vlad began to speak.

"Since it's a long way to Amity Park from here by car, we sill be flying there, and since you can't fly, Maddie dear, I shall be carrying you. Danielle, I'm afraid I'm gong to have to look you back up here because I just can't risk you running off to tell Daniel family what is going on."

At this Danni looked mad and Vlad added, "Don't worry my dear, I will come back to visit you at lunch time, and we'll come back in time for dinner." Vlad smiled at her and she and Danny both frowned at him.

"Oh, I almost forgot about you Daniel," Vlad smiled at her and she and Danny both frowned at him and Davvid came up from behind.

"Me," Danny asked confused.

"Yes, since we can't trust you to stick to our story, and your brother really wants you to be at school today, we came up with a compromise," Vlad said with an evil grin.

"Compromise…What kind of…" At this point Davvid mad a copy pf himself and the copy went into Danny. "What are you doing! Get out of me!"

Danny's eyes grew wide and then his head bowed and when his head lifted again, his eyes were glowing green and "he" smirked.

"Vlad dear, is this really necessary," Maddie asked with a concerned look on her face.

"Maddie honey, you know I hate to punish our kids, but Daniel can not follow rules so he has to be punished," Vlad replied faking sadness again.

"Yeah mom, and it's not as if I'm hurting my brother, just controlling him. He'll be fine."

"I don't like it. I don't like Davvid controlling Danny," Maddie said with a frown.

"Maddie, let me set your mind at ease… We will meet up with Daniel and Davvid at lunch and if Daniel can be god, then we will let him go on himself without Davvid's influence," Vlad said with a smile.

Maddie was about to object but sighed and nodded slowly, "Alright."

"Good," Vlad said grabbing Danni and locking her back up in her room then coming bac. "Alright, lets get the kids to school," Vlad said changing into Plasmius and grabbing Maddie, taking off for Amity Park close in toe.