I do not own Fullmetal Alchemist.

Edward Elric woke up to discover a messenger at the door of his military dorm. He carried a note with an order for the Fullmetal Alchemist to report to Colonel Mustang in his office at 1100 hours.

Edward kicked open the door to Mustang's office (ignoring Alphonse's cry of "Brother!"), crossing his arms, "What is it this time, bastard? Another mission? I don't have time!"

Mustang was frowning. That wasn't a good sign. Usually, he'd reply with a comment on Edward's height, or just ignore Edward's ramblings and go on with what he was saying, but Mustang just sighed and ran his hand through his dark hair.

"Fullmetal, I know. We have an issue," Mustang gestured to the couch, "Take a seat."

Edward was startled by the Colonel's mood and did what he was told.

Mustang lifted up a thick folder and tossed it to Edward, "The Fuhrer passed a new law over the weekend. The Amestris Public Education Act. All children ages 6-17 must attend school to get an education. No exceptions."

"WHAT?" Edward caught the folder and dropped it onto the couch, "School? I have to go to school? I'm in the military! I should get excused! I have shit to do! I can't waste my time at school!"

Mustang glared at the boy, "Edward, I completely agree. But you have to go. You'll find all the information you need in the folder. I have been trying to find a loophole all morning, but there isn't one."

Edward abruptly stood up, picking up and waving the folder at Alphonse, "What about Alphonse! He can't go to school in his armor! This isn't fair!"

"I spoke with the headmaster about getting a private teacher for Alphonse because of his condition. You, however, have no excuse. I'm sorry, Fullmetal."

"No excuse?! I've got a good, solid lead here! I have to find May Chang! Take me to the Fuhrer. I need to talk to him."

"Brother, calm down!"

"Edward," Mustang growled, "Don't make this harder than it needs to be."

"Take me to him!"

"I can't do that, Edward."

Edward let out a frustrated shriek and turned on his heel, stomping out of Mustang's office with Alphonse following closely behind. He clutched the folder in his automail hand as he found his way to Fuhrer Bradley's office. He pushed the door open and went right past the secretary.

"Sir? Uh, sir, you don't have an appointm-," the secretary tried.

"Bradley, what is the meaning of this?" Edward threw the folder onto the Fuhrer's desk. The Fuhrer in question was standing, turned around, and facing the window behind his chair. Alphonse hesitantly stayed in the doorway.

"Ah, Fullmetal. It's a pleasure to see you this morning. And the meaning of what, might I ask?"

"You know damn well what I'm talking about. Me and Al having to attend school," Edward glowered at the man.

"It's nothing personal, Major. I just think that all young people should be able to have an education," Bradley nodded.

"Talk to my face, dammit! I should be omitted! I'm in the military! I don't have time for this!"

Bradley half turned to face Edward, showing his silhouetted profile and fixing his merciless eye on the blonde, "Oh, yes. I am well aware of your activities as of late. Perhaps going to school will give you a healthy break?"

Edward froze. He had almost forgotten that the man he was talking to was none other than Wrath. Of course Wrath would want to distract him from his missions. He had already taken away all of Mustang's men, holding Riza as hostage. Why wouldn't he want to hold Edward back also?

Steaming, Edward glared at Bradley, "This won't hold me back."

"I'm sure it won't," He chuckled, waving a hand dismissively at the boy, "Go along now, I have more important things to do. Good luck at school. If you have any questions or concerns, I suggest you take it up with your guardian."

Edward snatched back his folder from the desk and deliberately left without saluting; slowly dragging his feet back to Mustang's office. Alphonse whimpered at Ed's foul mood.


Guardian? Edward was never aware of anyone taking guardianship over Al and him. He couldn't think of anyone who would do it besides Teacher or Pinako, but they're all the way in Dublith and Risembool.

He entered Mustang's office less violently this time as he thought about who the guardian was, actually using the doorknob to open the door.

"Well?" The Colonel looked up from his paperwork, raising an eyebrow.

"The asshole did it to slow me down; to distract me," Edward grumbled, "But you already knew that. He told me to talk to my guardian if I had any problems. You know anything about that?"

Mustang looked uneasy as he considered Edward's question, "When you joined the military, you were under aged. It was required for you to have parental or guardian consent. I applied for your guardianship and got it. So, I suppose I would be your guardian."

Alphonse squeaked and Edward gaped.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Alphonse said exasperatingly.

Mustang shrugged, "It was irrelevant. It hasn't mattered until now. I suppose I'm stuck in this with you."

Edward glared at him, "I'm not calling you 'Dad'."

"I never expected you to," Mustang grumbled, "I suggest you read what's in the folder."

Edward huffed, slouching down in the couch. He opened the crinkled folder.

Apparently, he'll be attending Central High School. It will be required he take a placement exam and purchase a school uniform before school starts the next week. He'll need to purchase a number of books and school supplies depending on his schedule, which he'll get after his placement exam has been looked over.

Edward pulled out a thick booklet, "Student Code and Conduct," he read out loud, "Fuck." There were a lot of rules. He flipped through the pages, skimming them.

"Do I really have to do all this shit?"

Mustang nodded, "I already looked through it all. I'll be taking you to the school tomorrow to do the placement exam. Though, I don't know how we'll get a uniform small enough to fit you."

He didn't.

He did.


"Calm down, Fullmetal. I didn't say that," Mustang smirked, "I'll be by to pick you up at 0900 hours. Be awake and be presentable."

Edward fumed, snatching the folder and standing up.

"C'mon, Al, we needa get going."

"Yes, brother," Alphonse stood up.

Edward glared over his shoulder at Mustang as they left the room and started walking to the library, "I can't believe I actually have to go to school. We haven't been to public school since Teacher took us. This really is going to suck, isn't it?"

Alphonse was silent.

"Al?" Edward looked up at his brother.

"Ed, just be grateful you can actually go to school," Al said quietly, "I can't."

Edward swallowed as he felt a pang of guilt go through him, "Oh, Al, I didn't mean-"

"No, brother. It's okay, just promise you'll actually try? Make friends and do well, you know? For me?"

Fuck. "Yeah, Al. For you," Edward looked down as his feet as they kept walking, "It's not going to be easy, though."

"I know. I'll help you study if you ever need it though."

"Thanks, Al," Edward smiled, "Who knows if I'll even need it. I'm more concerned about the kids."

Alphonse giggled, "Ed, you're a kid too, you know. Maybe this will be good for you."

"I haven't been a kid since I took the state alchemy exam," Edward grumbled.

"You're 16 and you don't even know anyone your age."

"I don't need to know anyone my age, either," Ed snapped.

"Brother," Alphonse scorned.

"And I'm not going to follow any of their damned rules either."


"Whatever. Let's not talk about it right now. We needa focus on Alkahestry. There has to be a reason why they could use their alchemy when no one else could. Lets just get to the library, okay? We'll worry about school tomorrow."

Alphonse nodded as they picked up their pace.

A/N: Please leave a review! Thanks. :) And is there anything you guys would like to see happen in this fic? I'd love to hear your opinions and such. I'll try to update as much as I can with my two other stories.