Author's Note: This is what I believe could've happened in Kandahar. It's really far fetched, but this idea came to mind and eventually a full story came out of it. This takes place immediately after the episode, Behind the Blue line.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters in Flashpoint.

Warning: Not-betaed. There are probably a heap of spelling and grammar mistakes, so I apologise in advance.

George Worthington received a letter from Afghanistan, from a girl named, Alaleh. She knew his son. They were close. He was based in her town during his second tour. He saved her from a group of insurgents that were randomly shooting through the streets. She told him about his son, how she fell in love with him and that he made her a promise to get her out of the country and back home with him, but that wasn't the reason she wrote to him. She wrote to him because his son had left a letter with her and made her promise that she would try to get it to his father if she ever received news that he had died. It had taken her two years before she finally trusted someone in the Canadian Army to deliver this letter without opening it. The soldier did just that and now George Worthington is holding a letter that will destroy the careers of two very powerful people within the army. The only problem was how he could do it without mysteriously disappearing from the face of this earth.

Strategic Response Unit HQ

"Hey." Jules greeted her ex-boyfriend softly. She was coming out of her change room. The change room that use to be just hers, but she now shared with Leah. It was sad to see the "Jules" sign come down, replaced by a "Women" sign. Jules was very proud of her sign, and so was her team.

Yesterday was a hard day for Sam. He couldn't save Darren Kovacs, an unstable soldier trying to save the last good thing in his life. Sam had a strong connection with this man. He did everything right, but there was nothing Sam could've said or done to save the ex-soldier. Darren Kovacs knew what he was going to do the moment he woke up in the morning and Sam was just unlucky to be the guy to help him finish it.

Sam smiled at Jules. It was amazing how Jules could say so much in that one word. Hey…how are feeling? Hey…I'm here for you. Hey…I'm worried about you. Hey… "Hey." He returned, just as softly and with just as much meaning and maybe more. Hey…you are so beautiful. Hey…I love you. Sam had only just walked in. After yesterday, the boss, Greg Parker, told him to come in whenever he wanted to or else take the day off if he needed to. Sam's apartment is a place to sleep, eat, and clean up. It's place to stay if he wanted to be alone, but today Sam didn't want to be alone. He wanted to feel a part of the team. Just yesterday, he almost left it, thinking he didn't belong, didn't deserve to be a part of the team, because when it counted most, he couldn't save the subject, just like he couldn't save Ben. Team one showed him that he belonged and that they wouldn't let him go so easily and so here he is now, ready to tackle a new day head on.

Jules gave him a gentle pat on the arm, "See you in the gym!" She said before leaving him to get change. Sam nodded at her and headed to his locker. He was a little late so nobody was there. He opened his locker and got out his gym gear; a grey shirt, black sweat pants and sneakers. Sam got changed quickly and neatly hung up his blue, light zip jacket, his jeans and dark blue polo shirt. He paused before closing the door. He had neatly arranged pictures of his team in the army there. The most significant one is the one of the three of them; Matt, Ben and Sam. They were brothers and now, only he was left. There were other pictures of his past, one's that gave him happy memories of his time in the army. Sam frowned when he finally noticed another picture underneath the army ones. It was a picture of Team One on the day Jules returned to their fold. Sam pulled it off the locker door and turned it around. "We're more than a team, we're a family." Sam smiled, it wasn't signed but he recognised the handwriting. It was too neat and pretty to be any of the guys. Sam carefully placed the picture back in its place and closed the door.

"Hey, Sam!" Wordy, who was on the exercise bike, held out a hand to Spike on the treadmill. Spike handed over a twenty dollar bill. Sam shook his head.

"What was the bet this time?" Sam started stretching his legs and arms before moving onto the more strenuous exercises.

Wordy grinned, "Spike said you would take the day off, I told him you'd get right back into it today."

Sam chuckled, these guys could bet on anything. The same twenty dollar bill had been passed between them a number of times now. "Thanks for the confidence, Spike." Sam growled in good nature.

Spike put his hands up in the air, "Hey, it has nothing to do with my confidence in you. It's just that, if I had a chance to take the day off, I would!" then more seriously, "You know this team has full confidence in you."

Sam was taken by surprise by Spike's heartfelt comment. He paused his stretches midway and one by one took in each of his team members. Jules gave him a "I told you so," grin. Greg gave a fatherly smile. Wordy and Spike grinned at each other, congratulating themselves. Leah gave an understanding smile and Ed? Well, his team leader just shrugged, there was nothing left to say and he knew that Sam understood what this team meant to each other. Sam gave a smile that told the team that he understood and appreciated what they were saying. Then to break up the soppy moment, he chuckled, "You're such a girl, Spike!" Everyone but Spike cracked up laughing.

Spike's eyes were wide and incredulous. He turned to Wordy, "Next time it's your turn to say the sappy stuff!"

Wordy shrugged, "Next time I will…if I lose the bet." Everyone continued joking and doing their workouts. It was a new day and Sam couldn't have thought of a more fitting way to start it. He didn't know how quickly that could change.

It was almost 9.30 when the call came through. "Team One, hot call! Shots fired at 2605 Georgia Ave, West End!" Winnie announced in her urgent but professional voice.

"You heard the lady. Grab your gear!" Greg called out, unnecessarily because he knew his team were already geared up and ready. He led the team out.