AN : I am so sorry that this was posted really late! My computer got a virus and then died. Then I had to wait until I got a new computer, which was when school started. Now I'm busy with schoolwork and I had writer's block too! *Sigh* Anyways, here is the really, really, late chapter. Enjoy and I'll try to update faster, but since I've been so busy I need to go re-watch Black Butler again to remember what happened and it's going to be a while until I update again. Sorry if it's short. Tell me if there are any mistakes and other than that, enjoy reading!

Chapter Nine

It was unusually quiet in the Phantomhive office. Usually the two identical boys would talk to the other; whether it be about the company or other things but the unsolved Jack the Ripper case left them stumped, not that either of them would admit it as their prides prevented from even thinking about it. Artemis was hunched over his desk mumbling and scribbling on a piece of paper as he looked over the evidence wondering how on earth it was not Druitt and how it was the only logical explanation.

Ciel wasn't doing any better as he sat on the chair, arms crossed, glaring at the newspaper. 'I had Sebastian check every doctor in this place, the only logical explanation was Druitt. I also had Artemis check over everything. What are we missing?'

Soon it was nightfall, but both boys still continued to stay awake. A knock on the door was heard and Sebastian walked in.

"It is time for bed." Both boys stood from their seats. Without waiting Artemis grabbed a pile of papers from his desk for him to look over in the morning and walked off leaving the demon and earl behind.

Artemis walked to his room, changed clothes and crawled into bed. 'There must be something I am missing for this case, but what?' Artemis stared at the ceiling, his thoughts a chaotic mayhem in his mind. However he kept going back to that red strands of hair on Grell. Artemis frowned. 'What on earth does hair have to do with a murder? It could've been a trick of the light.' A part of him disagreed telling him that it is important, he just has to connect the dots. However other thoughts plagued his mind, especially finding a way to return back to his original time without changing anything in the time period drastically. 'The question is still how. What mythical creature brought me here and why?' He wondered. 'Sebastian's existence has proven there are much more magical beings than fairies...but how much?'

Artemis sighed and sat up on his bed and crossed his legs. 'I need to relax, over thinking will get me nowhere.' Artemis closed his eyes and slowed his breathing as he began to meditate. Slowly Artemis felt his thoughts calm and let out a deep sigh. Unwinding from his position Artemis laid back down on the bed and closed his eyes ready for sleep... only for bright light to shine against eyes. Artemis stared emotionlessly at the tall figure of Sebastian, waiting for an explanation as to why he would be waken at this ungodly hour, just as he was about to fall asleep too. As if he knew what the other was thinking, Sebastian smirked.

"My Master requests that you get dressed." Was all he said before closing the door. Artemis stared at the door for a few moments, wondering if what he heard was true. Mechanically he got out of bed, putting on the darkest and warmest clothes he could find.

'Ciel...this better be important...'

A few hours later Artemis found himself standing in the middle of the rain in a dark alleyway. He could hear Ciel talk and as he glanced up, he saw Sebastian stare at a black. Normally Artemis would listen to Ciel and give his thoughts and ideas but he was exhausted. Glancing at his watch, Artemis noted that it has been about two hours since they stood here and he felt himself grow cold. Quickly Artemis started to walk towards the ally that lead to the home of the next victim.

"Where are you going?" Ciel asked.

"To see if the attacker is here or not." Artemis replied.

"What!" Angry, Ciel grabbed Artemis's arm, stopping the boy.

"You can't do that! It would ruin the plan." Artemis scoffed.

"Well if you had checked first I would not have to go check myself. Besides, Sebastian is protecting you."

"What if the murderer is not there!"

"She deserves to know that her life is in danger." With that, Artemis yanked his arm out of Ciel's grip and walked into the dark.

Artemis would never admit it but the fact that everything was dark and quiet scared him a little. Artemis kept walking and soon he could see that outline of the door take shape. He was only a few meters away when a loud shriek filled the air. Shocked, Artemis ran and slammed the door open, running inside the dark house. Unlocked, he noted with dread. Artemis looked forward and froze. He saw him. Jack the Ripper. No...not him. Them. 'It was them after all...How-'

He felt blood splash across his face and the thick smell of iron made him gag. As he glanced to the right he widened his eyes in horror at what he saw. He could see the bloody girl and to the right of the girl he saw her innards laid out. Everything was stained with blood the wall, ceiling, the murderers, and...him. Artemis gagged and, against his will, vomited, dropping to his knees.

"Ah, the poor boy." He heard a voice drawl out.

"Yes, too young to see this horror. Grell, be a dear end his pain." A giggle.

"Gladly." Artemis heard something that sounded so familiar it stunned him for a second. 'A chainsaw...but they haven't been invented yet.'

Artemis stood and staggered back, but it was too late. The loud sound came closer and he felt a sharp pain flare across his chest. Artemis felt blood run down his body as he moved back clumsily, blood splattering on the ground as he did. As he backtracked out of the house he saw black spots dance in his eyes. 'Blood loss. I'm going to-'

Artemis fell against the cold, wet ground. Dully he noted the pool of blood that began to surround his still form. Loud footsteps run towards him and then a loud scream :


'Ciel...' Artemis noted dully as he finally blacked out.


Ciel ran over, holding the other tightly against his body. He could feel the warm blood soak into his clothes. 'I should have stopped him.' Ciel thought as he glanced at the open door, seeing a bit of the gore inside. 'Artemis was right.' Ciel felt hands grab both Artemis and himself and soon he found himself staring at the door a few meters away, still holding Artemis against him.

"Sebastian!" Ciel cried, turning his head to the demon. "Help me stop the bleeding he-!" Sebastian smiled, eyes full of mischief and interest.

"Look at the boy's wound, Master." Ciel grit his teeth and did so, eyes widening as he saw blue sparks run over the wound repeatedly. 'What on earth?' Ciel raised a hand to touch them.

"I wouldn't do that, Master. It might interfere with the healing." Ciel's hand dropped as he continued to watch. Soon the sparks stopped and Ciel ran a hand down where the wound was. 'Completely healed, not even a scar.'

"You can come out now, Jack the Ripper." Slowly the form of Grell came out, eyes wide.

"No, no I-I heard the scream and ran here to see what was-"

"Don't try to feign innocence while covered with blood. Though...I must admit, your helpless butler act fooled everyone splendidly." Grell stood in silence.

"Splendidly...?" Ciel widened his eyes as sharp teeth revealed themselves by Grell's smile.

"Of course...after all I am an actress." Ciel watched as Grell's brown hair was replaced by red and how the butler's attitude changed completely.

Ciel glanced back to Artemis, feeling the other starting to shift around. Ciel slowly moved Artemis's head so it could rest on his shoulder while an arm wrapped around his waist. Ciel felt Sebastian shiver and he turned his head back to Grell.

""This is the first time I've seen a demon act as a butler" Grell committed. Sebastian smirked.

"I have to say the same about you, after all your kind are suppose to be beings between God and humans : a Reaper."

"" Ciel turned his head towards the sound.

"Artemis." The boy's eyes were open, however they were unfocused and he was still limp like a doll. 'The effects of blood loss. It would be a while until he can start to think clearly.'

"Oh~! The boy is still alive?!" Grell exclaimed, a hand resting on his cheek, shock expressed clearly on his face. "The wound was very deep, he should've died!" Ciel glared at the red-haired Reaper.

"Grell, you couldn't even kill one little boy?" A female voice called out. The sound of heels hitting the floor echoed as Madam Red emerged from the house.

"Madam." She smirked and let out a small sigh.

"Well, well this was unexpected; I never expected anyone who could figure out what Grell is." Ciel frowned and gripped the semi-conscience boy tighter. Artemis let out a few confused mumbles before falling silent.

"You were on the preliminary suspect list from the beginning." Ciel stated. Madam Red let out a small sigh.

"You suspected your own aunt?" She mockingly asked, the smirk still on her face.

"If there was even the slightest chance that you could be Jack the Ripper, blood relations did not matter." Ciel retorted.

"Such a shame, Ciel. If you had not figured this out we could have played chess again, but now," she gripped his hands into fists and widened her eyes in anger, "you ruined everything!" She roared. Grell jumped at the trio, weapon roaring as he did so, but Sebastian easily stopped him.

"What is that!?" Ciel exclaimed.

"Reapers have a tool to reap human souls," Sebastian explained, arm held protectively in front of the boys, "the Reaper's Scythe."

"Do not give it a lame name like 'scythe'!" Grell yelled. "Not after I did so much effort to customize it!" The red-haired reaper grinned. "It can shred anything that gets in its way." He bragged before sighing. "Ah~! I've gone rusty, so how about you help sharpen my skills?" Gell asked looking at Sebastian with half-lidded eyes. Sebastian's eyebrow twitched.

"Please refrain from making such vulgar comments." The demon stated. Grell sighed.

"Ah~! I just love how stoic you are!" He smiled his shark smiled as he brandished his weapon. "You know...I love the color red. Red hair, red clothes, red lipstick, I love it all. So, Sebastian, how about I make you a better looking man then you already are." Grell winked. "With that lovely blood of yours." Sebastian turned his head away.

"Grim Reapers are suppose to work in the shadows," he started, unbuttoning his coat, "They silently take the souls of the dying," he continued as he put his coat over the two boys, "Butlers are suppose to aid their master." The black haired demon stood glaring at the red-haired Reaper.. "The way you work sickens me." Grell smirked.

"Oh Sebby, you wound me, but," he struck a pose, "I'll show you that I am a butler to die for." Ciel slowly raised a hand to his covered eye.

"In the name of the queen and my own rotten name, I order you to get rid of them!" He pulled away the bandage, his eye glowed purple. Sebastian smirked.

"Yes, My Lord."