Very short one-shot.

Another hiccup came from Axel as he took another sip of his whiskey. His cheeks were about as red as his long flaming hair. He sat in front of an amused Roxas who stared at him-completely sober.

"You know, Roxy, you're my best friend," Axel slurred. This brought an annoyed expression to the teenager's face. His dirty-blonde hair that was spiked up ere ruffled by the man and his blue eyes glared at the man's green ones.

"I know, Axel," he sighed.

"You know what would be fun?" Axel asked, leaning towards his younger friend.

"Getting a tattoo," Roxas joked. Axel smiled.

"Yeah! Let's do it!" he exclaimed with joy. Roxas looked at his older friend with confusion. He could actually use this to his advantage.

"Alright," he gave a laugh. So with that, Roxas grabbed the permanent ink and began drawing little marks on the man's face.

"So, how did you get those marks, anyway?" Sora asked. He stared at the marks with curiosity.

"It was just Roxas trying to be funny," Axel smirked.

"Shut up. You're lucky I didn't put what I wanted to on you. 'Roxas` Property'." Roxas laughed.

"Very funny. If I didn't like you, I'd turn you into a dusk," Axel joked.

"Yeah, yeah," Roxas said, lightly punching Axel's arm.