A/N: Hi guys!
First, if you are new to this story, welcome! I hope you enjoy my ramblings.
However, if you are a returning reader, you might want to know that this is kind of a repost. I'm not reposting it as a different story. I've just deleted a bunch of old chapters and am updating this story directly. I've been in the process of a major edit/revision so that I can move on with the sequel I started writing. There are no major changes to the underlying plot but there are some substantial changes, including quite a few new chapters that will be coming.
For everyone, I have stuck with the story as JKR wrote it (so yes, unfortunately, Fred, Tonks, Remus, etc. are all dead) but I do fudge a bit with the epilogue of Deathly Hallows. Mainly, I've had to move the timeline up a bit and change a little of the ages/timing of the information JKR has given out since the books were published.
Let me know what you think!
Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own ideas. The characters and the world they live in are the sole property of J.K. Rowling. Her imagination has enabled this story, just as it has enabled my obsession through childhood and now beyond with the boy in the cupboard under the stairs.
September 1st
Harry Potter stood on Platform 9¾, waiting for the Hogwarts Express. Around him, people were craning their necks to catch a glimpse of Harry because Harry was no ordinary wizard. No, Harry was the Boy Who Lived, the Chosen One, a member of the Golden Trio, and the Savior of the Wizarding World. He had been the subject of attention since the day he had reentered the Wizarding World seven years ago and the attention had tripled over the past four months since Harry had fulfilled the prophecy made before his birth and defeated Lord Voldemort in the final battle at Hogwarts.
Despite this, Harry Potter didn't notice any of the attention coming from the crowded platform. Instead, he was focused on the people surrounding him. His family. The entire Weasley family had come to see Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny off to their final year of Hogwarts.
After a long debate, Harry and Ron had decided to join Ginny and Hermione to complete their final year at Hogwarts. For Hermione, it had always been determined that she would go back for her N.E.W.T.s after Voldemort was defeated. For Ron and Harry, it had been a bigger question. Kingsley had offered all three of them positions in the Auror Office at the Ministry of Magic but, so far, none of them had taken him up on it. Ron wasn't sure if he had it in him to keep fighting the Dark Arts after the year they had all just suffered through. Harry hadn't wanted special treatment just because he was The Chosen One and no matter how many times Kingsley explained that he was being offered the position because he had proven himself worthy of it, Harry wouldn't hear it. Harry wanted to be normal, at least for one year. He had spent his entire magical life battling Voldemort and, even though he still wanted to be an auror, he wanted to be a teen for a while. So, in the end, both Harry and Ron had decided to join their girlfriends at Hogwarts.
Ginny was happy Harry was returning. Hogwarts was planning an altered curriculum for the upcoming year, accounting for the disrupted education students had received while Voldemort controlled Hogwarts. Thus, Ginny would be in the same year as Harry, Ron and Hermione. And she was grateful for the company they would provide. The past year had been just as difficult for her as for them, as she led Dumbledore's Army and protected her fellow students all while worrying about where the trio was and if they had been captured or killed. Then there was the final battle, where she had lost a brother and some very good friends in Colin Creevy, Tonks, and Remus. Yes, she was glad it would be the four of them together in the castle that was now full of both good and terrible memories.
Despite their decision to return, they were hesitant to get on the train. With five minutes to go, the entire group was still huddled on the platform, oddly quiet. Mrs. Weasley stood subdued, tears dripping down her cheeks as Mr. Weasley held her close, neither ready to say goodbye to their children. The family had stuck close to the Burrow in the months since the battle, helping each other through their grief. Charlie had even taken a job at Hogwarts to remain closer to his family and would be getting on the Hogwarts Express with the four youngest.
When the warning whistle blew, the group finally moved to board the train. Bill, Fleur, George, and Percy hung back, allowing Mrs. Weasley to pull each of the departing children into a bone-crushing hug. After she released each of them, they exchanged quick hugs with the rest of the family before lugging their trunks onto the train. As they found a compartment and waved to their family on the platform, a promise to see each other at Christmas hung in the air.