What had he ever done to deserve this, or rather why had the punishment been this of all things. He was never a big one for superstitions, but this had to be karma. He was expecting a loss, or perhaps some crippling accident if anything, not this slow agonising torture he had no ability to face or understand. Heart skipping beats in a most unhealthy way and thoughts not all his own invading his mind.

All it took was an offhand thought of that guy and his mind was thrown into disarray, all order and understandings of the world tossed out the window set alight and left to die.

When had it started…he couldn't quite remember when it had first come to his attention but he could remember that it hadn't been this strong. He could still function then and hide his thoughts behind his mask of indifference. Now that mask was cracked and things kept slipping out. Fear, worry, people could tell what he was feeling more often than not and it was unnerving.

Only because of him… That blasted Trouble Kelp.

Artemis sighed as he watched said issue order the officers around him, pointing with a growl and a shout one way or another and sending the officer he was speaking to scurrying off in that direction.

It was hard to keep his mind in line while he was so close, barely holding the cracks together and letting only the annoyance for being stuck here seem though.

"Hey Fowl!" The gruff growl of his name caught his ear and he glanced at the source. Pushing aside the mess gathering in his mind and the unsteady beat of his heart as his eyes met those of the commander.

"Yes?" he said, layering his voice with annoyance and venom. He didn't choose to be here in this room, no he'd been brought down to Haven by Holly.

Trouble glared at him for a moment, sharp violet eyes scrutinising and holding far more intelligence than people seemed to give him credit for. But then he looked away and waved his hand dismissively. "Just go do something useful."

Chucking Artemis smiled. "Very well. It shouldn't be hard seeing how you managed to find something to do. Of all the people here I bet you were the hardest to place somewhere useful."

He got up and quietly walked out of the now silent room, ignoring the harsh glare from the elf at the off-hand insult.

"Damn Mud-boy…" Trouble grumbled under his breath as he began ordering the stunned officers around again. "Of all the people why do you make me feel like this."

Grabbing a pillow off of the small bed in the room he'd been given, Artemis took a seat by the fairy level window and sighed. The room set up for his stay had a nice view of the city, and had been waiting for him since he'd returned, the moment he'd regained his memories they'd brought him down there. Holly said it was to help rebuild, but he felt there was something more to it than that. Not to mention the normally hard to contact council members made a point to track him down one by one and actually thank him for his help defeating Opal.

That was three weeks ago.

Three weeks of slowly suffering in a way he could not understand. The elf seemed to be everywhere and gave him no rest from his suffering until he retired to his room for rest but even then the thoughts plagued him.

"Kind of entertaining…I remember when you were still tall enough to look though that window comfortably."

Artemis growled quietly as he turned to look at Trouble, leaning on the door frame to his room with a seemingly smug smile.

"Yes…" he continued. "You were quite the arrogant brat then."

Leaning back against the window Artemis crossed his arms and glared at the elf. "Did you come here just to bug me about crimes I committed in a past life or do you have a reason for barging in unannounced?"

Trouble laughed as he walked into the room, still talking as he made his way to stand by Artemis.

"Go on then Mud-boy." He said. "Arguing with your quick-silver tongue is always tons of fun, and just what I need after a day like today."

Blinking in confusion, his mask of uncaring slipped and he could only mutter one word.


Trouble didn't reply and rather carefully watched the surprised expression Artemis was trying to reign in, grabbing the other pillow from Artemis's bed and sitting next to him.

"And here I thought you could tell, but I really shouldn't be too surprised." The elf ran a hand through his hair as he shook his head, "Am I really so hated."

"Tell what?" Artemis asked, but Trouble ignored him and continued muttering.

"It's not like I really wanted to act like I do." He muttered. "I have to act like I do for a reason."

"I asked what you thought I could tell." Artemis tried again to the same result.

"I know she said they tend to be a little dense but still."

With a sigh, Artemis tried to get up and move but there was a clink and he realised he'd been cuffed to the window frame while he'd been distracted by Trouble's muttering.

"Trying to escape?" Trouble said with a grin.

Trying to push down the growing chaos that was going on in his mind from the teasing tone Trouble had used, Artemis scowled.

"Unlock it."

"I don't know…I quite like how you look cuffed." He said with a laugh that sent a shiver down Artemis's spine. "I could get used to this."

The scowl deepening Artemis growled. "What do you want?"


The shock from the one word easily trumped that of surprise from earlier, once again reducing him to stuttering a single word, unable to say anything more.


The grin on his face turning into a wide smirk Trouble calmly repeated himself.

Eyes narrowing Artemis shook his head. "Well it seems I will have to get myself out because there is no way I will beg, especially to you. Anyways you can't keep me here forever."

He watched as Trouble took a moment to think, a dark grin spreading across his face as he reached a conclusion.

"Well then if you don't I will steal something of yours you will be hard pressed to get back."

Letting out a laugh Artemis shook his head. "I doubt you could keep it from me of all people. So I'm not worried."

The elf sighed as he reached over and unlocked the cuff, freeing Artemis's arm with a click.

"Now why-" Artemis started, but he was cut off as Troubles lips met his, the surprisingly heavy elf pressing him against the wall. He tried to get away, but after a moment found himself relaxing into the kiss. Almost enjoying the moment, before he realised what was happening and found the strength to pushed him away gasping at the air with a look of undisguised shock.

Getting up, Trouble gazed at the human and smiled, turning to walk out the door, but pausing to look over his shoulder he winked. "I did warn you." Before walking out the door as if nothing happened.

I swear you should've heard what my friends were saying as I wrote this….if they were writing this oh-dear-frond it would have to be boosted up a few ratings, Or not be allowed to be posted here at all.

The people I know…

Anyways hope this rewrite is okay, It's been a while since I wrote anything for this fandom.

Until next chapter!