Hii ~ I just wan't to give special thanks to you my lovely review givers. Thank you, thank you thank you! This time there will be some trouble in bath. Hope you like it

Bath time!

When little Italy has stopped eating with his hands he was full of messy spaghetti and he have a milk beard doing white circle around his mouth. Germany sighed and started to wipe out the mess away. For his bad luck Feliciano did not let him do that.

''No!'' Germany gave him 'are you serious'' look.

''Come on! I have to clean this mess out of you face'' He tried again.

''But it feews so hough! I don wannaa!'' Feliciano started to whimpering. Germany was in panic. He didn't know how to calm down kids. Believe me he has never do that ;) But then he remembered how he use to calm Italy down when he has trouble with something or when he was scared.

''Shh.. Everything is going to be okay. A real man does not cry'' Feliciano look at Germany. He bite his lips and shouted trying to sound manly.

''I'm a wheal man! I'm noh cryin, you buwwy!'' Germay laughed to him.

''I think we should give you a word spelling lesson'' Germany move his face close to Felicianos face.

''But first bath''

In the bathroom

Germany hold Feliciano. Because Germany was a shy person, he didn't take of Felicianos rose red boxers.

''Here we go to the tub'' Before Italy touched the water he screamed.

''Nooooo! Where is a mownster in he tub!'' He tight up his grip on Germany's neck. The little boy was shaking. He was pale of fear. Ludwig look at the tub, seeing nothing in there. He slap his hand on his forehead. He look at the brunette still shaking and gave him a sigh.

''There is no monster there. We can put you in there, good way or the bad way. Choose your self'' Little Feliciano gave him a small sneeze. He sniffed.

''Mmm..-sniff. He mownster will go away if u jell ath whim'' Italy look at Germany his fluffy eyes again. Germany stared at him making that 'YOU REALLY CAN'T BE SERIOUS' look. He sighed even deeper.

''Go away...huoh-'' He look at the little brunette.''You happy?'' Italy gave him 'not like that'' face.

''No..he mownster is lauhing tho u'' Germany rolled his eyes.

''Uhh..fine..*take a deep breath* GO AWAY!'' He yelled really loud. He look at the Italy again. This time there was no hoping face there was scared face.'Oh no' Germany thought.

Italy was looking at him with shocked face. Germany has yelled so loud that he even scared little Italy to death.

Italy struggle away from Germany's grip. He jumped to the floor, but fell to his put. He started to cry, in pain and in fear. Germany feel sorry. He lay down next to Feliciano and started to pet his head.

''Shush...there is nothing there. You don't have to be scared young man, now shush'' Germany's voice was warm and relaxing, he sound like dad.

Italy raise his head to Germany, he really understand what Germany mean. Little Italy started ti giggle.

''Ywu wheally scwared that tupid mownster away!'' Germany started to laugh too.

''Yeah he was so scared of me'' He pretend like monster to Italy and make the little brunette laugh even more. He lift Italy to his grip again and lay him in the tub. He take a sponge and started to rub Italy's back.

He was no looking for soap, but there was none.

''Hey I go look for soap to downstairs you stay here in the tub okay? Feliciano nodded to him.

When Germany went out the door, little Feliciano pulled a big soap bottle behind the bathtub and started to push the soap in the water. That make lot of soapsuds.


Germany was opening many closets and shells but didn't find any soap.'Uhh, how difficult it can be to fin just a soap bottle?''

His thinking moment was cut with yelling in upstairs. In bathroom.

Germany run the stairs up and opened the bathroom door. First he didn't see anything, but notice that was just the right problem. The whole bathroom was full of soapsuds.

Germany started to move forward in the suds. He tried to find Italy, but his knee hit to the edge of the bathtub. He started to swing his hands everywhere to find a little boy's body. Well he did and he grip his arms around it and pull away from the suds.

They were both out of the bathroom. Germany take deep breaths and the look at the giggling boy.

''Ahah..Tha was funny. Ihihhi snowh!'' Germany sighed.

''Yeah a soap snow''...

How did you like it? It was not that good, well I think it wasn't. Please more reviews and ideas please. Like what happened next and will Italy ever turn back? Next time Germany have to take little Italy to world meeting.. ouh excited what will happen. See you next time