Title: Waxed Floors and Fluffy Socks
Author: WonderUnderTheSkies
Rating: K
Disclaimer: Not mine, except Rosie and Josh.
Hey Guys, I'd apologise, but you guys know the drill. I recently read a OUAT fic of CS drabbles (yes i'm a CS shipper, and hey to any other OUAT fans!) and there was a list of drabble prompts on her page (FF author Katrina). This was one of them, and it really inspired me, so hopefully there will be more updates to ADITLORS. I also wanted to offer clarification for a reviewer on my last chapter. I can see how people would think that Sally shouldn't really care for Dr. Finklestein, but in my eyes, she really cared for him, and you can see that in her gestures towards him in the film. I also think that after so many years after the film, and away from him, she'd view him more as a father figure to her. Anyway, I hope that offered some insight into my thinking. On to this chapter!
Jack blinked, trying to focus on the blur that was his six-year old daughter before she came barreling into him. Laughing her head off, the little girl attempted to right herself only to fall to the ground yet again in a fit of giggles.
"Rosie? Are you okay? What is happening?" Jack asked, clearly confused at the current situation he'd come home to.
"Mum…waxed…the…floors," Attempted Rosie, barely managing to get the words out between giggles. Just at the moment arrived Sally, albeit more gracefully than Rosie, gliding to a perfect stop in front of the pair.
"Sally, my love, would you care to explain what is going on here?" Asked Jack, still wondering how having the floors waxed resulted in such activities.
"You grab your fluffiest socks, and see who can go the fastest and longest!" Interrupted Rosie, clearly still buzzing from her latest slide. Jacked nodded slowly, only now looking down to see the bright purple and orange fluffy socks that she has adorned on her feet. Sally has the same, with the exception that they are a deep maroon colour.
"Come on, Daddy, go get your socks!" Cried Rosie, sliding back into the starting position by the stairs. Jack follows her orders, and carefully makes his way upstairs to retrieve his fluffiest socks. He admits that he doesn't own many fluffy socks, but manages to find some simple gray ones that Sally must have made him ages ago.
"Ready or not, here I come!" Jack cries, sliding past Rosie when he gets back downstairs.
"That's not fair Daddy!" Squeals Rosie before getting a running start into her next slide.
The trio continues their game until Josh wakes up from his nap, clearly unhappy to have missed out on all the festivities. Sally then tells them to calm down, and that dinner will be ready soon.
"Mummy should wax the floors more often, shouldn't she?" Asks Jack, as he slumps down on the couch besides Rosie.
"Why, so I can beat you again?" Rosie counters back, a clear little smug grin on her face. Jack feigns shock, and hauls her into his lap.
"Why, you little!" He cries, before attacking her with the 'tickle monster'.
Sally laughs to herself in the kitchen when she hears her daughter's squeals of delight, and decides that she'll definitely wax the floor more often.